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General Assembly 1996

The Fifty-fourth Meeting of General Assembly will take place on Thursday 16 May 1996 at 4.00 pm in Room CC.0.11, James France Building


  1. Minutes
    1. GA 95-M1 refers, previously circulated.
    2. To confirm, subject to any correction, the Minutes of the Fifty-second Meetingof General Assembly held on 20 June 1995 and to sign them.

    3. GA 95-M2 refers, previously circulated.

    To confirm, subject to any correction, the Minutes of the Fifty-third Meetingof General Assembly held on 17 October 1995 and to sign them.

  2. Matters arising from the Minutes not appearing elsewhere on theAgenda
  3. Vice-Chancellor's Report GA 96-P1

To receive a report from the Vice-Chancellor on current matters, to include:

  1. Faculty Boards GA 96-P2
  2. Membership of Faculty Boards.

  3. Any Other Business
  4. Any other business should be notified to the Secretary not later thanmid-day on Wednesday 15 May 1996.

  5. Date of Next Meeting

To be arranged.

Hard copies of papers, Minutes GA 95 - M1 and GA 95 - M2, and Standing Ordersfor General Assembly are available from Helen Butcher, Ext 2228;EMail: H.L.Butcher@lboro.ac.uk.

Mr N A McHard

9 May 1996


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May 1996