Learning and Teaching Committee

Curriculum Sub-Committee


Minutes of the Twenty-Seventh Meeting of the Sub-Committee held on Thursday
8 May 2003

Membership: Professor S A Austin (Chair), Professor M Bell (ab), Dr C Christie, Mr S Gibson (ab), 
Dr J L Horner, Dr D R Worrall

By invitation: Mr R A Bowyer (for Minute 03/24), Dr M D Crapper (for Minute 03/20),
Mr J G Dickens, Dr D R Green, Mr W P J Maunder, Dr G M Swallowe (for Minute 03/20)

In Attendance: Dr J E M Elliott                                                                                

Apologies for Absence were received from Professor Bell.                                         

03/12 Minutes


The minutes of the twenty-sixth meeting held on 16 January 2003 were confirmed and signed.

03/13 Matters Arising from the Minutes


.1         It was noted that all recommendations to Learning and Teaching Committee, and subsequently to Senate where appropriate, had been approved. The relevant minute of Senate was noted.

.2         Minute 03/2.2 – Matters Arising from the Minutes

Further to Minute 02/24.2 of the meeting on 9 May 2002 concerning comments on consultation forms from the Director of the Careers Service that the service would have difficulty in dealing with extra demand from increased student numbers, it was noted that the former PVC(T) had approached the Director of the Careers Service to determine whether this was more appropriately a matter for Student Services Committee. It was reported that no conclusion had been reached and AGREED that the new PVC(T) be asked to approach the Director for this purpose.

ACTION:        PVC(T)

.3         Minute 03/2.3 – Withdrawal of Service Teaching

            CSC03-P10(a) (tabled)

Further to Minute 02/47 of the meeting on 10 October 2002, it was reported that the matter had been resolved and a paper summarising module changes to the Automotive Materials Programme was tabled.

03/14 BA Drama with a Minor in Management: New Programme Proposals


The Sub-Committee considered proposals for October 2004 entry. The paperwork was minimal and consideration of the proposals was therefore deferred until the next meeting when it was hoped that all operational papers would be available. It was requested that in the interim the Department of English and Drama take the opportunity to convert 15-credit proposed/existing undergraduate modules to modules with a 10 or multiple of 10 weighting.


03/15 MSc Dynamics and Mathematical Finance/ MSc Dynamics and Mathematical Biology/MSc Dynamics and the Environment:
New Programme Proposals
MSc Industrial Mathematical Modelling: Revision
MMath Mathematics: Revision

            CSC03-P12, CSC03-P13, CSC03-P14

.1         The Sub-Committee considered proposals for:

            (i)         three new MSc programmes for October 2003 entry;
(ii)        revisions to the MSc in Industrial Mathematical Modelling, from 2003/04;
(iii)       revisions to the MMath in Mathematics, from 2003/04

.2         In regard to the three new MSc programmes, members discussed reservations expressed by Operations Sub-Committee about the precise meaning of ‘Dynamics’ in this context and the Sub-Committee’s recommendation that the programme titles be reconsidered in order to avoid misunderstanding or confusion with ‘Dynamics’ as understood in the Engineering community. Members concurred with the reservation and commented that ‘Dynamics and …’ was anyway inappropriate as the dynamics element represented <50% of the programmes.

.3         The Sub-Committee requested that the Director of the Quality Enhancement Unit be asked to consider the list of benchmark statements provided under section 2 of the Programme Specification to determine those which were/were not appropriate, and subsequently provide appropriate advice to all departments. It was commented that Programme Specifications generally should be reviewed by a group to ensure appropriateness and consistency across the University. It was AGREED that the AD(T)s provide a paper with this request to Learning and Teaching Committee.

ACTION:        AD(T)s, JEME (DB)

.4         It was AGREED to recommend the three new programme proposals to Learning and Teaching Committee subject to the following matters being resolved to the satisfaction of the AD(T) and Chair of the Sub-Committee prior to the meeting of Learning and Teaching Committee:

(i)                  That the programme titles be revised to better convey the context and balance of the programmes. If ‘Dynamics’ in the title was still felt to be required, evidence was needed of this being used in other institutions in the same context.

(ii)                That the External Examiner for the existing MSc in Industrial Mathematical Modelling be asked to comment on the proposals and that the information provided to the Industrial Steering Committee be outlined together with any comments raised by that Committee on the proposed programme titles.

            ACTION:         DRG, JEME, SAA

.5         In regard to the revisions to the MSc in Industrial Mathematical Modelling, it was AGREED to recommend the proposals to Learning and Teaching Committee subject to the following matters being resolved to the satisfaction of the AD(T) and Chair of the Sub-Committee prior to the meeting of Learning and Teaching Committee:

(i)                  With 50% of modules having no coursework element, that a statement be provided as to whether formative assessment would be provided in such modules and whether the assessment strategy fully assessed Intended Learning Outcomes.

(ii)                 That module specifications indicate coursework elements and include Internal Examiners.

(iii)               That modules provided by Systems Engineering be listed as ‘SE’ modules.


.6         In regard to the revisions to the MMath programme the Sub-Committee was informed that whilst current Part C students were now happy with the proposed revisions to Part D, current Part B students were not. Their concerns related to assessment by presentations and group work in the 30-credit module, the lack of options in Semester 2, and the change in format to a majority of block-taught modules. The Sub-Committee suggested that the Department should continue discussion with the students in an effort to gain their support for the proposals, emphasising that movement toward block-teaching in this context was occurring elsewhere in the University and nationally and was popular with students. The Department should also consider whether presentations and group work could be assessed individually, and consider the introduction of additional module option choice to reduce compulsory linked modules between parts C and D. It was AGREED to recommend the proposals to Learning and Teaching Committee.


03/16 MSc Back Care Management: New Programme Proposals


The Sub-Committee considered proposals for October 2003 entry. The Sub-Committee was informed of the reservation expressed by Operations Sub-Committee of introducing a programme at Master’s level given that no undergraduate programme was offered in the subject. Members did not share that concern, provided that the programme conformed with the National Qualifications Framework for a Master’s level programme. It was AGREED to recommend the proposals to Learning and Teaching Committee subject to the following matters being resolved to the satisfaction of the AD(T) and the Chair of the Sub-Committee prior to the meeting of Learning and Teaching Committee:

(i)                  Provision of the Programme Specification which would need to demonstrate clearly that a Master’s qualification was appropriate.

(ii)                 Clarification of any Distance Learning module(s) as indicated in section 6 of the proposal form, and the provision of the appropriate consultation form as necessary.

(iii)               Reference in module BSP528 to an un-numbered module on Research Methodology should be deleted. If such a module was required it should be established as a numbered module within the Programme Regulations, with research methods teaching described in the MTLA field.


03/17 MA Art and Design (Studio Practice): New Programme Proposals


.1         The Sub-Committee considered proposals for October 2003 entry. Members were informed that the proposals had received strategic approval from Operations Sub-Committee two years previously. It was questioned whether there should be a time limit between strategic and operational approval beyond which a strategic proposal would be required to be re-submitted.

 .2        The Sub-Committee was concerned that superficially there could be significant overlap between some modules where the differences seemed small (to non-experts). There was a need to clearly differentiate module content and purpose, possibly also in their titles, and show how they came together to form a pathway to an MA. The Sub-Committee identified the following shortfalls in the submission:

(i)                  Programme Regulations required further revision to remove reference to Semester 3.

(ii)                 Within the Programme Specification, TLA strategies should be presented for each sub-set of Intended Learning Outcomes. It would need to be made clear that assessment strategies were appropriate for ILOs. A table matching ILOs against different forms of assessment would be valuable (an example to be provided). Clarification was required as to whether an examination element might be appropriate for some aspects of the programme.

(iii)               Module specifications required revision as follows:

- present ILOs in the correct format
- provide more precise assessment criteria
- list up to 3 items of indicative reading
- include the name of the Internal Examiner
- provide weightings for multiple coursework components
- student effort for SAP007 should be 200 hours
- assessment for SAP003 was light and assignments would be expected
- module content was generally thin and appeared very similar across the modules.                     Clear distinction between modules was required.       

(iv)               There was an apparent conflict concerning Library provision between the comments on the proposal form and those of the Librarian.

.3         The Sub-Committee appreciated that the proposal represented the first taught Master’s programme for LUSAD, and as such the Department was facing a steep learning curve. The Sub-Committee AGREED, however, that it could not consider the proposals as presented and would require these to be revised and resubmitted to the Sub-Committee’s October meeting, which a representative of LUSAD might be asked to attend. The Department was asked also to provide examples of similar programmes elsewhere in the UK, indicating similarities/differences with the proposed programme.

ACTION:          WPM, JEME

.4         It was AGREED that the proposal form for new programmes be revised to leave space for comment from the AD(T) and also to remove reference to a proposal being ‘approved’ for submission to Curriculum Sub-Committee.

ACTION:          JEME

03/18 MSc Human Geography Research: New Programme Proposals


The Sub-Committee considered proposals for October 2003 entry. Attention was drawn to the comment from Social Sciences of the need for the University to address the issue of the transfer of credit to the teaching department for registered research students who attend taught modules as a required part of their research training. The Sub-Committee appreciated the issues involved, but considered that they were a matter for the Directorate to discuss in the first instance and that although highlighted in the programme proposal were not likely to be related exclusively to the programme under consideration and should not affect the approval of the programme. It was RESOLVED to recommend the proposals to Learning and Teaching Committee.


03/19 MSc Environmental Dynamics: Monitoring, Evaluation and Management: New Programme Proposals


The Sub-Committee considered proposals for October 2004 entry. It was AGREED to recommend the proposals to Learning and Teaching Committee subject to the following matters being resolved to the satisfaction of the AD(T) and the Chair of the Sub-Committee prior to the meeting of Learning and Teaching Committee:

(i)         A statement as to whether the need identified for an additional lecturer would be met, and if not how this would be dealt with.

(ii)        The MTLA field of module specifications to include a greater breakdown of contact time. GYP020/021 to be more explicit regarding the nature and elements of coursework and their weighting. Reconsideration of the dissertation word limit for GYP500: the Sub-Committee would expect 16-20,000 words for a 60-credit module.

(iii)       CVC020 required conversion to a ‘P’ or ‘D’ module


03/20 MSc Modern Research: New Programme Proposals


The Sub-Committee considered proposals for October 2003 entry. The proposals represented a research-driven taught MSc and with the proposed suffixes in the title of the award according to module topics effectively represented eleven new programme titles. The Sub-Committee was very supportive of the proposals and it was AGREED to recommend them to Learning and Teaching Committee subject to the following matters being resolved to the satisfaction of the AD(T) and Chair of the Sub-Committee prior to the meeting of Learning and Teaching Committee:

(i)         Consideration of a revised generic title to indicate the subject area, e.g. Research Methods (in Physics), where the text in parentheses could be dropped once the title suffix was added.

(ii)        Revision of Programme Regulations to refer to Programmes and to make clear in paragraph 4.2 that a title suffix was not optional.

(iii)       Revision of the Programme Specification to include appropriate benchmark statement and reference points.

(iv)       Revision of module specifications as follows:

            - PHD201: ILOs required expansion regarding Knowledge and Understanding; some                   coursework/seminar element should be considered
- PHP380/381: a maximum number of words for the project report should be stated, rather                   than such a large range, indicating that quality rather than volume was the important                                   criterion; MTLA field to make clear what was meant by the quality of final reports and to                         split the weighting for the interim report and poster presentation.
- PHP181: Contents field to refer to ‘oral’ rather than ‘viva-voce’ examination.


03/21 MSc Sport and Exercise Nutrition: New Programme Proposals


.1         The Sub-Committee considered proposals for October 2003 entry. It was noted that a Distance Learning version of the programme could be expected in due course. It was AGREED to recommend the proposals to Learning and Teaching Committee subject to the following matters being resolved to the satisfaction of the AD(T) and the Chair of the Sub-Committee prior to the meeting of Learning and Teaching Committee:

(i)                  Reassurance that laboratory space would be made available within the Department/ Faculty, and clarification as to whether a dedicated lecture room was being requested.

(ii)                Provision of completed and satisfactory consultation forms, particularly from Media Services in relation to (i) above.

(iii)               Deletion of reference to the Programme Leader in paragraph 1.1 of the Programme Regulations


.2         The Sub-Committee discussed the problems of space in relation to the growth in Masters programmes, arising from the increase in block teaching, sheer increase in student numbers and the perceived need for high quality space. It was suggested that Operations Sub-Committee should monitor potential student numbers as it received strategic programme proposals and with a measure of maximum capacity it would become clear when demand was reaching a critical level. It was suggested that where this matter was raised in Annual/Periodic Programme Reviews it should be clearly flagged up in the report to Learning and Teaching Committee.

ACTION:        ADTs

03/22 MSc Urban Environmental Engineering: New Programme Proposals


The Sub-Committee considered proposals for October 2003 entry. It was noted that the proposals had been received late and therefore not seen or signed by the AD(T), and that the documentation would require some amendment. It was AGREED to recommend the proposals to Learning and Teaching Committee subject to the following matters being resolved to the satisfaction of the AD(T) and the Chair of the Sub-Committee prior to the meeting of Learning and Teaching Committee:

(i)         All module specifications should be input on the CIS database and expanded to further define contact hours, coursework and the nature of assessment.

(ii)        The Programme Specification required completion of sections 7 and 8, clarification of SAP-barring of re-assessment, and confirmation of the required TOEFL score.

(iii)       Revision of Programme Regulations to:

            - Identify the FT/PT nature of the programme and the programme award
            - Make reference to GRMPA, and thereby delete those requirements explicit in GRMPA
            - Remove module numbers 1-16 which were unnecessary
            - Remove reference to grade D, which was now obsolete
            - Make clear the number of optional modules required
            - Replace ‘A’ and ‘C’ modules with ‘D’ or ‘P’ modules

(iv)       The provision of outstanding consultation forms


03/23 MSc Water and Waste Engineering/ MSc Water and Environmental Health: Distance Learning Versions


The Sub-Committee considered proposals for full distance-learning versions of these existing programmes with immediate effect. It was noted that the proposals had been received late and therefore not seen or signed by the AD(T), and that the documentation would require some amendment. Attention was drawn to the fact that all DL modules currently available for the programme would be compulsory and as such both programmes were identical in content. This was not considered to be acceptable, though it was noted that further options would become available in due course to differentiate the programmes. It was AGREED to recommend the proposals to Learning and Teaching Committee subject to the following matters being resolved to the satisfaction of the AD(T) and the Chair of the Sub-Committee prior to the meeting of Learning and Teaching Committee:

(i)         Either introduce at least one new module to differentiate the programmes or introduce only one of the two DL programmes until such a module became available. Once the programmes were differentiated, distinct Programme Specifications would be required.

(ii)        Revision of Programme Regulations to:

            - Identify the programme award
            - Make reference to GRMPA, and thereby delete those requirements explicit in GRMPA
            - Remove module numbers which were unnecessary
            - Remove reference to grade D, which was now obsolete

(iii)       The Engineering Faculty DL Co-ordinator to be consulted as to the appropriateness of assessment methods and teaching and learning methods and strategies as presented in the Programme Specification, which would then require revision accordingly.

(iv)       Section 7 of the Programme Specification required further development.


03/24 MA Islamic Studies/MA Islamic Management, Banking and Finance/
MA Muslim Community Studies: New Programme Proposals for Validation


.1         The Sub-Committee considered proposals from Markfield Institute of Higher Education, for September 2003 entry. It was noted that Senate had already agreed in principle to validate the MA in Islamic Studies from September 2003 and had agreed to the possibility of further pathways. The Sub-Committee was reminded that Senate had subsequently approved two additional precepts for the University’s validation activities as follows:

·                    That the active and willing engagement of a University department in a cognate subject area be a normal prerequisite for every programme validation

·                    That staff in a partner institution teaching on a validated programme should be engaged in scholarship and up-to-date with developments in their subject; and that there should be procedures in place to ensure that this was the case at the outset and as staff changes took place over time.

.2                                                                                                                               It was noted that eight new modules had been introduced since Senate’s consideration of the proposal in June 2002. Members commented on the extensive choice of modules, acknowledging that this was restricted in part by the programme pathway followed. It was considered that whilst the extent of choice was to be commended, the Institute might wish to reflect on this after a year of operation and consider a reduction in the number of modules whilst retaining the distinctiveness of the programmes. Programme content was very different between the pathways but this was not reflected in the Programme Specification.

.3         It was AGREED to recommend the proposals to Learning and Teaching Committee subject to the following matters being resolved to the satisfaction of the AD(T) and the Chair of the Sub-Committee, as far as possible prior to the meeting of Learning and Teaching Committee, at which the item would be unstarred:

            (i)         The Dean of SSH to be asked by the AD(T) to assist in the identification of an appropriate link with a University department in accordance with the University’s new validation requirements.

(ii)        The Programme Specification to be revised as follows:

·        To reflect the variation in content between the pathways (separate Specifications would be acceptable but not a requirement)

·        To identify relevant benchmark statements such as Banking and Finance or Religious Studies

·        Section 7 to be completed

·        Section 8 to be more precise and acknowledge the formal interchange with a University department as identified in (i) above.

·        Text in parentheses in section 4(c) to be deleted

·        Make reference to transferable skills


(iii)               Module specifications to be revised to:

·        Identify those three items of indicative reading most appropriate to students for selecting modules (an asterisk would be sufficient)

·        Make reference to transferable skills

·        Identify the exact number of assignments required and where greater than one indicate weightings.


            ACTION:         WPM, JEME, SAA


03/25 BSc Sociology with a Minor Subject: Title Change to BSc Sociology


It was AGREED to recommend to Learning and Teaching Committee the title change with effect from October 2003 entry.

03/26 Discontinuation of Programmes


It was AGREED to recommend to Learning and Teaching Committee the discontinuation of the following programme (proposed date of last intake shown in brackets): -

MBA Business Administration (Peterborough version) (September 2002)

03/27 Major Changes to Programme Regulations

It was AGREED to approve the following procedure for the approval of major changes to Programme Regulations for the period to October 2003. Proposals should receive CSC consideration by post at the discretion of the Chair. Where concerns were raised a second circulation would summarise these and invite a formal decision. The Chair would be empowered to determine whether the replies constituted a consensus.

03/28 Proposal form for changes to Programme Titles


It was AGREED to approve a proposal form for changes to programme titles where no other major programme changes were proposed.

03/29 Annual Update of Module Specifications and Programme Regulations/Specifications

CSC03-P27, CSC03-P28

The Sub-Committee noted:

(i)         The memorandum circulated to departments on 12 March 2003 (without Annexes)

(ii)        The proposal forms for Module Specification (revised version) and Programme Regulation/Specification changes for 2003/04.

03/30 Date of Meetings in 2003/2004

Thursday 9 October 2003 (am)
Thursday 15 January 2004 (am)
Thursday 6 May 2003 (am)

Author - Jennie Elliott
Date – May 2003
Copyright  (c) Loughborough University.  All rights reserved.