Learning and Teaching Committee

Curriculum Sub-Committee


Minutes of the Twenty-Sixth Meeting of the Sub-Committee held on Thursday
16 January 2003

Membership: Professor S A Austin (Chair), Dr C Christie, Mr S Gibson (ab), Dr J L Horner, Professor I C Morison (ab), Dr D R Worrall

By invitation: Mr J G Dickens, Dr D R Green, Mr J F Harper (for Minute 03/4), Dr S N B Hodgson (for Minute 03/4), Mr W P J Maunder, Dr S J Rothberg (for Minute 03/3), Dr P Willmot (for Minute 03/3)

In Attendance: Dr J E M Elliott                                                                                

Apologies for Absence were received from Professor Morison.                                  

03/1   Minutes


The minutes of the twenty-fifth meeting held on 10 October 2002 were confirmed and signed.

03/2   Matters Arising from the Minutes


.1         It was noted that all recommendations to Learning and Teaching Committee, and subsequently to Senate where appropriate, had been approved. The relevant minute of Senate was noted.

.2         Minute 02/38.5 – Matters Arising from the Minutes

            In the PVC(T)’s absence his report, further to Minute 02/24.2 of the meeting on 9 May 2002, would be deferred to the next meeting.

.3         Minute 02/47 – Withdrawal of Service Teaching

            It was reported than an amicable solution to the problem was in sight. A report would be presented to the next meeting.

03/3   MEng Innovative Manufacturing Technology:
New Programme Proposals


.1         Further to Minute 02/42 of the previous meeting, the Sub-Committee considered proposals for October 2003 entry. The proposal was for a 4-year MEng programme with integrated industrial experience and sponsorships through partnerships involving a consortium initially of ten companies. The Sub-Committee congratulated the proposers on this innovative approach.

It was noted in discussion that text under the bar chart for the basic structure of the programme required updating to coincide with the revised chart. The progression requirement in paragraph 3.1.1 of the Programme Regulations was suggested to be low for an MEng programme, but it was understood that the IMechE had not expressed concern at this. Implications identified by the Head of Mathematical Sciences for students on the Sports Technology programme of proposed changes to MAA306 were to be resolved by developing alternative modules specific to that programme.

.2         It was AGREED to recommend the proposals to Learning and Teaching Committee, subject to the following matters being resolved to the satisfaction of the AD(T) and the Chair of the Sub-Committee prior to the meeting of Learning and Teaching Committee:

(i)                 The receipt of completed consultation forms as listed on the proposal form

(ii)                Programme Regulations paragraphs 2.3 and 2.4: revisions to be made to the wording to avoid the use of ‘level’, which was inappropriate in this context.

(iii)               Programme Regulations paragraph 2.4.1: steps to be take to avoid the inclusion of a ‘B’ module in Part D of the programme.

(iv)              Programme Regulations paragraph 3.3: to be reworded to allow transfer to alternative BEng or MEng programmes in the Department, rather than just the BEng Manufacturing Engineering and Management, with appropriate pathways made clear in the Programme Specification

(v)                Module Specifications: All Module Specifications to include some indicative reading.

MMA506 required reflection on the number of items of coursework and the weighting for each identified. MMC507 required revision of the content field to make clearer the personal and professional development intended and provide clear links to the intended learning outcomes, and revision of the MTLA field to align this with intended learning outcomes and clarify the student effort required. Also within the MTLA field, students ‘will attend’ the workshop rather than be ‘invited’ and reference to company staff in the assessment of day-to-day performance should be deleted, since both company and University staff should be involved in that assessment.




03/4   BSc Applied Design (Product Performance and Safety):
New Programme Proposals


.1         The Sub-Committee considered proposals for September 2003 entry. The skills matrix presented in the Programme Specification was commended as an exemplar. The Sub-Committee noted that Operations Sub-Committee had raised concern over workshop facilities required for students, the contribution of ESRI staff to the programme, the ability of students to cope with the programme without Physics or Mathematics at A level, and the demand data for the proposed programme. The Sub-Committee was content that the operational proposals had satisfactorily addressed these issues.

.2         Difficulties with the proposed title of the programme had been raised by the Heads of Design and Technology and Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering at an early stage in the proposals. The title had since been changed from Applied Design to Applied Design (Product Performance and Safety). Members acknowledged IPTME’s reluctance to include ‘Materials’ in the title and that achieving a title that would be fully acceptable to everyone did not appear likely. It was felt that the revision to the title had gone some way to addressing concerns and that the proposal should go forward with the revised title subject to the Heads of Design and Technology and Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering being made aware of the proposed revised title.


.3         It was AGREED to recommend the proposals to Learning and Teaching Committee, subject to the following matters being resolved to the satisfaction of the AD(T) and the Chair of the Sub-Committee prior to the meeting of Learning and Teaching Committee:


(i)                  The Heads of Department of Design and Technology and Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering to be informed by IPTME of the proposed revised title of the programme

(ii)                MPC018: Weightings for coursework to be clarified in the MTLA field

(iii)               The Mathematics Education Centre to be consulted to ensure that the mathematics provision on the programme was appropriate for the intended intake.




03/5   MSc Globalization and World Cities: New Programme Proposals
MSc Globalization, Development and Difference:
New Programme Proposals
MSc Financial Globalization: New Programme Proposals


.1         The Sub-Committee considered proposals for September 2003 entry, noting that the three proposals were variations of the existing MSc in Global Transformations. The Committee was concerned that only one 30-credit module differentiated the 3 programmes in the taught element and that it would be possible for students on these programmes and the existing programme to take all the same modules. Differentiation would therefore only be possible via the subject material of the dissertation project, and the present configuration of GYP400 did not legislate for this.

.2         It was AGREED to recommend the proposals to Learning and Teaching Committee, subject to the following matters being resolved to the satisfaction of the AD(T) and the Chair of the Sub-Committee prior to the meeting of Learning and Teaching Committee:

(i)                  The removal of GYP006 from the optional modules listed for the 3 new proposals, making all taught modules thereby compulsory, as for the existing programme. Also, either the creation of a new dissertation module for each programme to ensure that the project was appropriate to the programme title and differentiated the programmes, or the provision in GYP400 for the subject of the dissertation to align with the title of the programme. The above measures would ensure that the 3 proposed programmes and the existing programme were differentiated by one 30-credit taught module appropriate to the title of the programme and a 60-credit dissertation module.

(ii)                The removal of examination weightings from Programme Regulations

(iii)               Clarification of the requirements for awards, which in Programme Regulations paragraph 3.2 and Programme Specifications paragraph 6 were conflicting, and in Programme Regulations were not in accordance with GRMPA as stated.


03/6   MSc Digital Communication Systems: Partial DL Version


.1         The Sub-Committee considered proposals for a partial distance learning version of the existing MSc in Digital Communications Systems for October 2003 entry, noting that a full DL version would be submitted as a strategic proposal at a later stage. The Sub-Committee was unclear as to whether the preferred web-based support structure for the 3 DL modules proposed would be in place for October 2003 entry, or whether the DL resources available at that stage would be PDF conversions on CD ROM.

.2         It was AGREED to recommend the proposals to Learning and Teaching Committee, subject to the following matters being resolved to the satisfaction of the AD(T) and the Chair of the Sub-Committee prior to the meeting of Learning and Teaching Committee:

(i)                  Confirmation that the web-based support structure would be available for October 2003 entry. Failing this, confirmation from the Engineering DL Co-ordinator of her approval of the DL material that would be available for October 2003.

(ii)                A review of the MTLA field in the 3 proposed DL modules to clarify what was expected from students in the hours remaining after the 36 hours of individual study of DL materials.

(iii)               Clarification in module specifications of how laboratory work and tutorials would be undertaken, and an explanation in ELP115 and ELP117 of the coursework assignment.


03/7   BSc Mathematics: Major Changes


It was AGREED to recommend major changes to Learning and Teaching Committee, with effect from 2003/2004. It was noted that though the completed Quality Assurance Statement for a collaborative proposal circulated prior to the meeting referred to both BSc and MMath Mathematics programmes, at the present stage the proposal related to the BSc programme only.

03/8   BA International Business: Major Changes


It was AGREED to recommend major changes to Learning and Teaching Committee, with effect from 2003/04.

03/9   Discontinuation of Programmes


It was AGREED to recommend to Learning and Teaching Committee discontinuation of the following programme (proposed date of last intake shown in brackets): -

              MBA Sport and Leisure Management (September 1999)

03/10 Modular Structure of Taught Programmes


The Sub-Committee noted proposals agreed by Senate on 27 November 2002 for the relaxation of current guidelines on the modular structure of undergraduate programmes which would be implemented from 2003/04. Programme restructuring proposals that fell within the revised framework, accompanied when appropriate by an assessment strategy, would be considered during the Annual Update process over the Summer.

03/11 Date of Next Meeting

Thursday 8 May 2003 (am)

Author - Jennie Elliott
Date - January 2003
Copyright  (c) Loughborough University.  All rights reserved.