Learning and Teaching Committee

Curriculum Sub-Committee



Minutes of the Twenty-Fourth Meeting of the Sub-Committee held on Thursday 9 May 2002


Membership:  Professor S A Austin (Chair), Dr J L Horner, Professor I C Morison (ab),

Dr S P Rice (ab), Mr J Staples and Professor P Warwick


By Invitation: Dr H G Denton, Mr J G Dickens, Dr R Frampton (for Minute 02/27), Ms M Galley (for Minute 02/27), Dr D R Green, Dr K Gregory (for Minute 02/26), Mr W P J Maunder


In Attendance: Dr J E M Elliott


Apologies for Absence were received from Professor Morison.

Dr Denton was welcomed to the Meeting as alternate to Dr Rice, who was absent on Study Leave.




02/17 Minutes




The Minutes of the twenty-third meeting held on 17 January 2002 were confirmed and signed.


02/18 Matters Arising from the Minutes



.1         The Sub-Committee noted that all recommendations to Learning and Teaching Committee, and subsequently to Senate where appropriate, had been approved, and noted relevant minutes of Learning and Teaching Committee.




.2         Minute 02/3 – Module Registration on Postgraduate Programmes


            The Minute of Learning and Teaching Committee on 14 February 2002 was noted.


.3         Minute 02/7 – Graduate Apprenticeships: Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programme Proposals


            It was noted that the e-skills National Training Organisation, co-designer of the programmes, had changed the name of its part of the award from ‘Graduate Apprenticeship’ to ‘Graduate Professional Development Award’.


CSC02-P17(a) (tabled)


.4         Minute 02/2.2: Matters Arising from the Minutes


            In regard to the pro-forma for new programme proposals, the Sub-Committee received a tabled paper of comments from the Director of Media Services suggesting that there should be consultation with Media Services with regard to pool room availability and suitability when new programmes were proposed. It was AGREED that such a requirement be incorporated into the pro-forma, thus providing a prior warning of possible requirements to Media Services and encouragement to departments to consider the issues involved, but acknowledged that Media Services would be unlikely to be able to make commitments on this basis.




02/19 BSc Business Information Systems: New Programme Proposals



.1         The Sub-Committee considered proposals for a one-year full-time ‘top-up’ from a Diploma of Higher Education, from October 2002. It was noted that an outdated pro-forma had been used and AD(T)s were asked to ensure whenever possible that the current pro-forma was used.  The Sub-Committee questioned again (see Minute 01/42 of 11 October 2001) whether degree classification based on Part C alone was reasonable.  It was considered that this principle should be reconsidered when experience of the running of the ‘top-up’ programmes had amassed.


.2         The table in the Programme Specification surveying learning, teaching and assessment strategies was considered an exemplar.  It was questioned how group projects would be assessed and AGREED that the instructions for the update of Module Specifications for 2003-04 would require stipulation of group coursework and an indication of its method of assessment.


.3         It was AGREED to recommend the proposals to Learning and Teaching Committee, subject to the following matter being resolved to the satisfaction of the AD(T) prior to the meeting of Learning and Teaching Committee:


(i)                  Reassurance via John Costello that all University quality assurance procedures were in place to prevent a possible divergence of standards over time between Loughborough University at Peterborough and Loughborough campus programmes.




02/20 Language Teaching



The Sub-Committee considered proposals from the Department of European Studies (to become European and International Studies from 1 August 2002) on the future of language teaching at Loughborough, noting that Learning and Teaching Committee had supported outline proposals at its meeting on 14 February 2002. The Sub-Committee welcomed the new clarity of the levels of language teaching and the possibility of the additional languages.  It was AGREED to recommend the proposals to Learning and Teaching Committee, subject to the following matters being resolved to the satisfaction of the AD(T) prior to the meeting of Learning and Teaching Committee:


(i)                  Reassurance of the full availability of the proposed modules

(ii)                Weightings of individual assessed coursework assignments to be presented in Module Specifications




02/21 BA European and International Studies/BA Politics with a Minor:
New Programme Proposals



.1         The Sub-Committee considered proposals for October 2003 entry. Members were informed that the Programme Regulations as presented identified the award of DPS on the four-year programme for the year abroad on an approved course of study, when currently such study in the Department’s programmes was awarded a mark contributing 15% towards the final degree mark. A proposal was likely to come forward to the next Learning and Teaching Committee for a new award for the year abroad, the Diploma in International Study. Should this be accepted, the new Diploma would be the award for the four-year programme.


.2         It was AGREED to recommend the proposals to Learning and Teaching Committee, subject to the following matters being resolved to the satisfaction of the AD(T)prior to the meeting of Learning and Teaching Committee:


(i)                  Clarification of the greater scope for team teaching on modules and reassurance that individual ‘ownership’ of modules would not be lost, leading to lack of cohesion.

(ii)                Strengthening of assessment methods in Section 3 of the Programme Specifications, which were currently vague, and also of the knowledge and understanding section of Internal Learning Outcomes in line with the external consultant’s comments.

(iii)               Reassurance of an understanding between the Department and the Library on the additional allocation needed to meet Library requirements.




02/22 Masters Programmes in European and International Studies:
          New Programme Proposals



.1         The Sub-Committee considered proposals for October 2002 entry, which included the following new programmes:


                        MSc European and International Studies

                        MSc European Politics and Society


It was AGREED to recommend the proposals to Learning and Teaching Committee, subject to the following matter being resolved to the satisfaction of the AD(T) prior to the meeting of Learning and Teaching Committee:


(i)                  Media Services to be consulted if there were any departmental concerns about lecture room space requirements, including the dedicated MSc work room if this was not to be made available within the Department.




.2         The imbalance in the level of assessment of the proposed modules with some others included on the agenda (see Minutes 02/23 and 02/25) was highlighted.  There were no University guidelines on this and there was a reliance on External Examiners to monitor that assessment properly evaluated performance.  It was suggested that with the development of Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategies which were becoming explicit in Programme Specifications, matters were in train to deal with this issue, though concern was expressed that this might not be sufficient.  It was AGREED that Learning and Teaching Committee be asked to consider whether more detailed discussion on this matter was timely.




02/23 MA/MSc/LPD Information and Library Management:
New Programme Proposals



.1         The Sub-Committee considered proposals for October 2002 entry. The wide variety in levels of assessment between modules was noted, together with the absence of examinations across the programme and the absence of a clear distinction in the pathway to an MA or MSc award.


.2         It was AGREED to recommend the proposals to Learning and Teaching Committee, subject to the following matters being resolved to the satisfaction of the AD(T) prior to the meeting of Learning and Teaching Committee:


(i)                  Justification for the wide variety in levels of assessment

(ii)                Re-titling of modules ISP304 and 312 to better describe content i.e. Electronic Products to become Electronic Publishing

(iii)               Keywords to be included in all Module Specifications




02/24 BSc Criminology and Social Policy: New Programme Proposals



.1         The Sub-Committee considered proposals for October 2003 entry. It was AGREED to recommend the proposals to Learning and Teaching Committee.


.2         The comment on the consultation form from the Director of the Careers Service for this and some other proposals that the service would have difficulty in dealing with the extra demand from increased numbers was highlighted. It was AGREED that the Secretary explore with the Director whether a serious issue was emerging and, if so, forward the Director’s concerns to Learning and Teaching Committee for comment.




02/25 MSc Criminology and Criminal Justice: Major Changes



.1         The Sub-Committee considered major changes for October 2002 entry. It was observed that assessment of virtually all modules was by one coursework assignment only, and questioned whether there might be other ways to demonstrate learning.


.2         It was AGREED to recommend the proposals to Learning and Teaching Committee, subject to the following matter being resolved to the satisfaction of the AD(T) prior to the meeting of Learning and Teaching Committee:


(i)                  Justification for the halving of coursework requirements to one 3000-word essay for those modules in the part-time programme.




02/26 European Masters in Renewable Energy: New Programme Proposals



.1         The Sub-Committee considered proposals for October 2002 entry. Dr Gregory informed members that the proposal arose from a European Commission initiative which involved students undertaking core material in Semester 1 at a University which would ultimately award their degree, and in that country’s language, a specialist subject in Semester 2 in English at one of the listed universities in another country, and a project related to the specialist subject, preferably in industry, supervised by the ‘core’ university. Socrates agreements were in hand with the other listed universities in Europe and the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering had no concerns about the standards of provision at those institutions which would be providing 60 credits towards a Loughborough award.  There were concerns, however, about supervision of the project.


.2         The Sub-Committee questioned whether an October 2002 start for the programme was credible, and was informed that the University was virtually committed to its provision. Resource issues had been identified, including the distribution of fees and payment of bench fees, but the proposals were yet to be considered by Operations Sub-Committee.


.3         The Sub-Committee requested that the proposals be submitted to Learning and Teaching Committee for further consideration and that Professor Infield be invited to attend for that item.  The following matters would need to be resolved to the satisfaction of the ADT prior to the meeting of Learning and Teaching Committee:


(i)                  Provision of a framework document for the European Commission programme within which the University’s programme was required to fit, for circulation with the Learning and Teaching Committee agenda.

(ii)                Clarification of how the project would be managed and supervised and whether the University could stipulate that the project for a Loughborough award be conducted in this country.

(iii)               Clarification of how the award of distinction would be determined with the transfer of credit.

(iv)              Clarification on the level of foundation study, its extent, how provided and resourced and when undertaken, and reassurance that students would not be overloaded when already undertaking 60 credits.  The foundation work, for which reassurance was requested that this had already been developed, should be approved in the normal way.




02/27 LPC in Vehicle Safety Engineering: New Programme Proposals



.1         The Sub-Committee considered proposals for October 2002 entry. Dr Frampton informed members that the intention was now for an award of Postgraduate Certificate rather than Professional Certificate as presented in the proposals.  The programme would be unlikely to commence before January 2003.  He reassured members that a dialogue was underway between Jaguar and the Ford Design Institute which should cover the commercial sensitivities identified by the Head of the Department of Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering.  In response to specific queries concerning the completed pro-forma, the Sub-Committee was informed that teaching on a ‘paid basis’ referred to independent consultants and not University staff, that course set-up by the School’s academic staff involved the development of material, and that there was no immediate plan to involve distance learning provision.


.2         The Sub-Committee considered that the programme should be the responsibility of a Department or Faculty, which could provide the necessary infrastructure for running a taught programme and be locked into all quality assurance mechanisms.


.3         It was AGREED to recommend the proposals to Learning and Teaching Committee, subject to the following matter being resolved to the satisfaction of the AD(T) prior to the meeting of the Learning and Teaching Committee, at which the item would be unstarred:


(i)                  Professor Eason to discuss ownership of the programme with the Dean of Science

(ii)                A breakdown against modules of the involvement of external consultants, with names where possible together with some background information and confirmation that bought-in teaching procedures would be adopted

(iii)               Strengthening of Teaching, Learning and Assessment Strategies in the Programme Specification, consistent with Module Specifications.

(iv)              Programme Regulations paragraph 4.1: delete ‘comprising … modules in 2.2.1’




02/28 LPD Integrated Research Studies: New Programme Proposals



The Sub-Committee considered proposals from the Department of English and Drama with respect to the New Route PhD, for October 2002 entry. The documents were substantially incomplete and unsigned and the Sub-Committee was not prepared to make a recommendation to Learning and Teaching Committee on such a basis.  It was AGREED that the Department be given the opportunity to submit full paperwork to the Chair of the Sub-Committee, who would be empowered to make a recommendation to Learning and Teaching Committee on the Sub-Committee’s behalf.  Should the proposals go forward to Learning and Teaching Committee, the item would be unstarred.




02/29 Professional Certificate in Management (BPIF):
New Programme Proposals



The Sub-Committee considered proposals for September 2002 entry. It was AGREED to recommend the proposals to Learning and Teaching Committee, subject to the following matters being resolved to the satisfaction of the AD(T) prior to the meeting of Learning and Teaching Committee:


(i)                  Extension of the Teaching, Learning and Assessment Strategies in the Intended Learning Outcomes section of the Programme Specification

(ii)                Reassurance that staff and independent consultants teaching the programme had been identified and would be available, and clarification of section 9 on the form that the ‘voluntary but paid basis’ referred only to independent consultants and not to University staff.




02/30 PG Training in Joining Technologies

CSC02-P29 (deferred)


Further to Minute 02/8 of the previous meeting, it was noted that the proposals had been deferred to the next meeting.


02/31 BA Multi-Media Textiles/ Furniture/ Silversmithing and Jewellery/ Woven Textiles: Introduction of DPD and DPS.



It was AGREED to recommend the proposals to Learning and Teaching Committee with effect from October 2002.

02/32 Major Changes to Programme Regulations

It was AGREED to approve the following procedure for the approval of major changes to Programme Regulations for the period to October 2002. Proposals should receive CSC consideration by post at the discretion of the Chair. Where concerns were raised a second circulation would summarise these and invite a formal decision. The Chair would be empowered to determine whether the replies constituted a consensus.

02/33 Discontinuation of Programmes



It was AGREED to recommend to Learning and Teaching Committee discontinuation of the following programmes (proposed date of last intake shown in brackets):-

BA Modern European Studies (October 2002)
BA French & German Studies (October 2001)
BA French & Politics (October 2001)
BA German & Politics (October 2001)
BA Politics with Economics (October 2002)
BA Politics with English (October 2002)
BA Politics with Geography (October 2002)
BA Politics with Communication & Media Studies/ Social Policy/
Social Psychology/Sociology/Computing/French/German/Spanish (October 2002)
MA Contemporary European Studies (October 2001)
MSc Banking and Management (no intake)
MA/MSc Information and Library Studies (October 2001)

02/34.Annual Update of Module Specifications and Programme Regulations/ Specifications


The Sub-Committee noted:




(i)                  The memorandum circulated to departments on 8 February 2002 (without Annexes)




(ii)                The proposal forms for Module Specification and Programme Regulation/Specification changes for 2002/03.




(iii)               Validated Programmes: the procedure and timetable for revision and approval of Module Specifications and Programme Regulations/Specifications for 2002/03.

02/35 Dates of Meetings in 2002/2003

Thursday 10 October 2002 (am)
Thursday 16 January 2003 (am)
Thursday 8 May 2003 (am)

Author – Jennie Elliott
Date – May 2002
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