Learning and Teaching Committee

Curriculum Sub-Committee


Minutes of the Twenty-Second Meeting of the Sub-Committee held on Thursday 11 October 2001

Membership: Professor S A Austin (Chair), Dr J L Horner, Professor I C Morison, Dr S P Rice, Mr J Staples and Professor P Warwick

By Invitation: Mr J G Dickens, Dr D R Green, Mr W P J Maunder

In Attendance: Dr J E M Elliott

01/39 Minutes


The minutes of the twenty-first meeting held on 10 May 2001 were confirmed and signed.

01/40 Matters Arising from the Minutes


.1 It was noted that all recommendations to Learning and Teaching Committee, and subsequently to Senate where appropriate, had been approved. The relevant minutes of Learning and Teaching Committee were noted.

.2 Minute 00/20.2 - MA Investigations Management (Distance Learning)

It was noted that revised proposals were not yet available.

.3 Minute 01/21.2 - New Modules 01CGA011, 01CGA012


  1. The Principles and Procedures on Service Teaching approved by Senate on 27 June 2001 were noted.
  2. CSC01-P39

  3. A revision to the proposal form for new modules was noted.
  4. CSC01-P40

  5. The minutes of Senate concerning the teaching of Mathematics to Chemical Engineering students was noted.

.4 Minute 01/29 - Enhanced PhD

The revision of the Enhanced PhD title to 'New Route PhD' was noted.

01/41 BSc (& DPS) Geography and Management : New Programme Proposals


The Sub-Committee considered proposals for October 2002 entry. It was AGREED to recommend the proposals to Learning and Teaching Committee, subject to the following matters being resolved to the satisfaction of the AD(T) prior to the meeting of Learning and Teaching Committee:

  1. An explanation was required from the Department of how it would seek additional student numbers.
  2. Programme Objectives required expansion. Examples from current agenda papers would be provided.
  3. Programme Regulations should include titles for all modules.


01/42 BSc Business and Law : New Programme Proposals


.1 The Sub-Committee considered proposals from Loughborough University at Peterborough for a one-year full-time 'top-up' from a Diploma of Higher Education, for October 2002 entry. It was noted that the programme might need to return to the Sub-Committee at a later date as the Law Society was changing its views on programme content for qualified legal status.

.2 It was questioned whether the proposal that degree classification be based on Part C alone was reasonable. The Sub-Committee considered that the precedent had already been set with the BSc in Information Technology and that the proposal should stand, but the principle should be reconsidered in the future.

.3 It was AGREED to recommend the proposals to Learning and Teaching Committee, subject to the following matters being resolved to the satisfaction of the AD(T) prior to the meeting of Learning and Teaching Committee:

(i) Satisfactory module specifications for the Law modules being provided to the ADT.

(ii) Clarification of the intention in para 1.3 of the Programme Regulations. Were 240 credits (120 at degree level) required for admission, which was above the University's minimum requirements, or was the entrance requirement a Diploma of Higher Education?

(iii) Greater consistency between Intended Learning Outcomes for the Programme and for constituent Modules, particularly in relation to the emphasis on law.


01/43 BA Business & Social Studies/Law & Social Studies/English & History* : New Programme Proposals


.1 The Sub-Committee considered proposals from Loughborough University at Peterborough for a one-year full-time 'top-up' from a Diploma of Higher Education, for October 2002 entry. (*English & History was for October 2003 entry and was not considered at this stage). It was noted that a second Social Psychology module was now proposed in place of the Social Policy module.

.2 It was AGREED to recommend the proposals to Learning and Teaching Committee, subject to the following matters being resolved to the satisfaction of the AD(T) prior to the meeting of Learning and Teaching Committee:

  1. Clarification of the intention in para 1.3 of the Programme Regulations. Were 240 credits (120 at degree level) required for admission, which was above the University's minimum requirements, or was the entrance requirement a Diploma of Higher Education?
  2. Greater consistency between Intended Learning Outcomes for the Programme and for constituent Modules, particularly in relation to the emphasis on law.
  3. The receipt of a completed consultation form from the Business School.


01/44 MSc Sports Biomechanics : New Programme Proposals - CSC01-P44;

MSc Sport & Exercise Psychology : New Programme Proposals - CSC01-P45;

MSc Physical Activity and Health : New Programme Proposals - CSC01-P46

.1 The Sub-Committee considered proposals for September/October 2002 entry. Members considered the Programme Specifications provided to be creditable given the guidance currently available, and noted that possible refinements to the guidance were under discussion elsewhere. The repetition of some information on the pro-forma and in Programme Specifications was noted and the need to revise the pro-forma identified. In the meantime proposers should be advised to refer to the Programme Specification at relevant points on the pro-forma, rather than duplicate text.

.2 It was AGREED to recommend the proposals to Learning and Teaching Committee, subject to the following matters being resolved to the satisfaction of the AD(T) prior to the meeting of Learning and Teaching Committee:

    1. The receipt of outstanding consultation forms and letters of external support, to the satisfaction of the AD(T) and Chair.
    2. Inclusion of the minimum period of part-time study in para 1.4 of the Programme Regulations.
    3. Deletion of the Programme Leader's name in para 1.1 of the Programme Regulations.
    4. Clarification of para 2.2 of the Programme Regulations, which currently could permit modules worth 120 credits to be studied in one semester.
    5. Module Specifications to be checked for inconsistencies in exam weightings and semesters (eg PEP310), and to include weightings on individual coursework assignments.

.3 The Sub-Committee recognised the need for a definitive ruling on modular weights to be permitted for postgraduate programmes, noting that the current situation of 15 credit modules and other variables led to the possibility of students being unable to select for study precisely 180 module weights.


01/45 MSc Policy-making in the European Union : New Programme Proposals


.1 The Sub-Committee considered proposals for October 2002 entry. The Department's aspiration of a dedicated MSc work room as a base for students was noted.

.2 It was AGREED to recommend the proposals to Learning and Teaching Committee, subject to the following matters being resolved to the satisfaction of the AD(T) prior to the meeting of Learning and Teaching Committee:

    1. Removal of assessment information against module listings in the Programme Regulations.
    2. Identification of an appropriate pathway for part-time students.
    3. The MTLA field of module specifications to include the nature and weighting of coursework elements.


01/46 MSc Social Research (Social Science): New Programme Proposals


.1 The Sub-Committee considered proposals for September 2002 entry. It was not content to recommend the proposals to Learning and Teaching Committee at this time and requested that the following matters be resolved prior to resubmission of the proposals to the next meeting of the Sub-Committee:

  1. Consideration of whether the title should be MSc in Social Science Research.
  2. Continuation of the dialogue with Computing Services and with other SSH Departments as appropriate, and subsequent reassurance that the necessary software and hardware requirements could be provided, outlining the facilities already available to postgraduate students.
  3. Reconsideration of the light and sometimes vague assessment requirements for modules, to bring these more in line with other modules in the department, and with intended learning outcomes.

.2 It was suggested that parties involved in like developments, such as the New Route PhD and Engineering Doctorate, could usefully share their experiences with the programme's proposers, and requested that Robert Bowyer be asked to bring together the parties and report any emerging issues to the Sub-Committee and/or Learning and Teaching Committee.


01/47 MA Media & Cultural Analysis : New Programme Proposals


The Sub-Committee considered proposals for October 2002 entry. It was AGREED to recommend the proposals to Learning and Teaching Committee, subject to the following matters being resolved to the satisfaction of the AD(T) and Chair prior to the meeting of Learning and Teaching Committee:

Reassurance that required departmental resources and equipment needs could be met, following consultation with the Director of AVS if pool rooms were involved.

01/48 MSc in Management (Professional)


.1 The Sub-Committee considered proposals for the extension of the programme regulations for the Professional Certificate/Diploma in Management/Management (Thomas Cook)/Management (FKI) and for the Professional Diploma in Management (HEA) to include the award of MSc, for Spring 2002 entry. It was noted that the Programme Regulations were to be read in conjunction with both the General Regulations for the Professional Certificate and Diploma in Management and GRUA/ARUA, and that it was being considered in the Academic Registry whether it was now appropriate to incorporate the former within GRUA/ARUA.

.2 It was AGREED to recommend the proposals to Learning and Teaching Committee, subject to the following matters being resolved to the satisfaction of the AD(T) prior to the meeting of Learning and Teaching Committee:

  1. Removal of the 'entry requirements' to the Diploma or MSc in para 1.4 of Programme Regulations, as the upgrading of the Professional Certificate/Diploma in Management represented progression on these integrated programmes, allowable within General Regulations.
  2. Removal of the reference to GRMPA in para 4 of the Programme Regulations, which was relevant to the MSc award only.
  3. Clarification as to the intention to incorporate in Programme Regulations the award of Professional Certificate in Management (HEA).

.3 The Sub-Committee considered that it was timely to consider a more standard format for Programme Regulations.


0/49 MSc Information & Knowledge Management : New Programme Proposals


.1 The Sub-Committee considered proposals for October 2002 entry. It commended the annotation of action against one of the external reviewer's comments, which had proved most helpful.

.2 It was AGREED to recommend the proposals to Learning and Teaching Committee, subject to the following matters being resolved to the satisfaction of the AD(T) prior to the meeting of Learning and Teaching Committee, at which the item would be unstarred:

Computer Studies should be asked to complete a consultation form stating clearly its concerns and whether they were at the programme or module level. If the latter, the relevant CO module specifications should be attached.

.3 It was AGREED that a question on the availability of existing modules, similar to that referred to in paper CSC01-P39, should be introduced to the New Programme Proposal form.


01/50 BSc Physics with Computing : Major Changes including Change of Title


.1 The Sub-Committee considered proposals for major changes to Programme Regulations, including change of title to Physics and Computing, for October 2002 entry. It was noted that the Department's wish to change the title to Computing and Physics had not met favour with the Department of Computer Science.

.2 It was AGREED to recommend the proposals to Learning and Teaching Committee, subject to the following matters being resolved to the satisfaction of the AD(T) prior to the meeting of Learning and Teaching Committee:

  1. Clarification of the requirement in para 3.1 of the Programme Regulations for a mark 30% in all PH and MA modules for progression from Part A to B, but no equivalent requirement for CO modules.
  2. Improvement of the programme objectives in item 7 on the proposal form. Examples would be provided.

.3 The Sub-Committee was informed that the proliferation of combined and joint programmes, some involving only small cohorts, was creating timetabling problems. This was under consideration at University level as a policy issue.


01/51 MSc Risk & Reliability Methods (Rolls Royce) : New Programme Proposals


It was AGREED to ratify the action of the Chair, following consultation with members, in recommending to the Chair of Learning and Teaching Committee approval of the programme for October 2001 entry.

01/52 MSc Innovative Construction : Change of Title

It was AGREED to ratify the action of the Chair in recommending to the Chair of Learning and Teaching Committee the change of title to Construction Innovation and Management.

01/53 BSc Geography & Recreation Management : Change of Title

It was AGREED to ratify the action of the Chair in recommending to the Chair of Learning and Teaching Committee the change of title to Geography & Leisure Management.

01/54 BSc Geography : Award of DPS

It was AGREED to ratify the action of the Chair in recommending to the Chair of Learning and Teaching Committee the availability of the award of Diploma in Professional Studies, from October 2001.

01/55 Discontinuation of Programmes


It was AGREED to recommend to Learning and Teaching Committee discontinuation of the following programmes (proposed date of last intake shown in brackets):-

BA Spanish and French Studies (October 1999)
BA Spanish and German Studies (no recruitment)
BA Spanish and Politics (October 1999)

01/56 Membership and Terms of Reference


The membership and Terms of Reference of the Sub-Committee were noted. It was commented that members' teaching commitments meant that they were often unable to attend meetings of the Sub-Committee throughout. With consistently heavy agendas, it was suggested that the Sub-Committee's membership might be increased to two representatives per Faculty, to allow some overlap and to spread the heavy burden. Members considered that whilst this might prove advantageous in some ways, there was benefit in retaining only a relatively small sub-committee. It was AGREED to reflect on this issue at the next meeting. As a measure to help members meet teaching commitments, it was AGREED to start the next meeting at 8.30 am as a trial.

01/57 MBA (Engineering Management)

The Sub-Committee noted the transfer of responsibility for the MBA (Engineering Management) programme from the Wolfson School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering to the Business School, to permit submission for accreditation by the Association of MBAs.

01/58 Academic Structure and Management for Loughborough University at Peterborough


The Sub-Committee noted proposals from the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching), approved by Senate on 27 June 2001, to establish Loughborough University at Peterborough as a quasi-Department of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities.

01/59 Programme Specifications


The Sub-Committee noted guidance issued to departments on the preparation of Programme Specifications.

01/60 Dates of Future Meetings in 2001/2002

Thursday 17 January 2002 at 8.30 am

Thursday 9 May 2002 at 8.30 am

01/61 Any Other Business

Author - Jennie Elliott

Date - October 2001

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