Teaching and Learning Committee

Curriculum Sub-Committee


Minutes of the reconvened Fifteenth meeting of the Sub-Committee held on Thursday 6 May 1999.


Professor S A Austin (ab), Dr P D Dine, Professor J P Feather (Chair),
Dr M C Harrison, Mr N Thompson, Dr P Willmot

By Invitation:

Dr D R Green, Mr W P J Maunder, Dr R B Wilcockson

In Attendance:

Dr J E M Elliott

Apologies for absence were received from Professor Austin.

99/39. Undergraduate Programmes in European Studies: Introduction of DPS


It was AGREED to recommend to Teaching and Learning Committee the introduction of the Diploma in Professional Studies to ten undergraduate programmes in European Studies, with effect from 2000/01.


99/40. LUSAD FE Provision: Programme Regulations 1998/99 (and 1999/2000)


The Sub-Committee considered Programme Regulations for 1998/99 (and 1999/2000) for Further Education provision by LUSAD. It was noted that the modules included within those programmes were externally validated by EdExcel and the Sub-Committee's role was to approve the combination of those modules into the named programmes. It was AGREED to recommend the Programme Regulations to Teaching and Learning Committee, subject to the amendment of the rubric under the headings to read General Regulations for Introductory Studies rather than General Regulations for Further Education Programmes.


99/41. BEng Materials Engineering/Materials with Management Studies: Major Programme Changes


It was noted that the programme changes were intended to address issues raised through accreditation and ESR reviews and the Department was commended for its response to those reviews. It was AGREED to recommend the proposals to Teaching and Learning Committee.


99/42. Undergraduate Programmes in Chemical Engineering: Major Programme Changes


.1 It was noted that the proposals were intended to bring the programmes in line with SARTOR guidelines. Fully revised Programme Regulations were presented for 2000/01 and transitional Programme Regulations for 1999/2000. It was AGREED to recommend the proposals to Teaching and Learning Committee subject to the following matter being resolved to the satisfaction of the AD(T) prior to the meeting of Teaching and Learning Committee:

  1. A clause to be included in MEng Programme Regulations to allow a student to transfer to the appropriate BEng programme and to allow the MEng Programme Board to award the degree of BEng where a candidate has met BEng but not MEng requirements.


.2 It was AGREED that the AD(T)s of Science and Engineering should determine whether such a clause was required in Programme Regulations for any other extended programmes.


99/43. Undergraduate Programmes in Electronic and Electrical Engineering: Major Programme Changes


It was noted that the proposals represented the first step in the implementation of the Department's programme rationalisation and compliance with SARTOR. It was AGREED to recommend the proposals to Teaching and Learning Committee.


99/44. MSc Mathematical Education: Revised Module Specifications


Further to Minute 7.1 (ii) of the fourteenth meeting, revised Module Specifications from the Department of Education for the revised MSc programme in Mathematical Education were APPROVED.


99/45. Module Specifications: Availability

.1 The Sub-Committee was asked to consider whether a limit on the number of students who can be registered on a module should be included in Module Specifications, with automatic notification when that limit was reached. The limit could be advisory or binding. The Sub-Committee was informed that the recently circulated guidelines on Module Specifications had stated that students choosing between options listed in their Programme Regulations were not bound by the Availability Code. Particular problems were posed when equipment limitations forced limits on the number of students on a module and that module was listed as an option in other Departments' programmes with those other Departments registering students onto the module independently.

.2 The Sub-Committee acknowledged the problem but could provide no workable solution to be in place for 1999/2000. It was AGREED that AD(T)s should raise the issue with Directorates and that the matter should be considered further by the Programme Development and Quality Team, which would then make a recommendation to Teaching and Learning Committee. Matters to consider were: Precedence for registration onto a module, the highest precedence to rest with students for whom the module was compulsory; consultation between providing and receiving departments at the registration stage; and the setting of minimum as well as maximum limits for optional modules.


99/46. BSc Business Studies (Singapore): Revised Proposals


.1 Further to Minute 99/18 of the Sub-Committee's meeting on 22 April 1999, revised proposals for 1 April 2000 entry were considered. The Sub-Committee was informed that the revised proposals raised several resource matters which would be discussed by Operations Sub-Committee. It was noted that the revisions related to mode of delivery rather than content, with the distance learning components being reduced to a nominal amount due to financial restraints.

2. It was AGREED to recommend the revised proposals to Teaching and Learning Committee, subject to the following matters being resolved to the satisfaction of the AD(T) prior to the meeting of Teaching and Learning Committee:

  1. Reassurance that locally-appointed teachers would be subject to the University's procedures for bought-in teachers.
  2. Reassurance that the significant change from distance learning to conventional delivery would be adequately supported by the resources and facilities at PSB-IPT in Singapore.
  3. The understanding that there was no validation or franchising involved: the programme would be delivered by Loughborough University.
  4. Internal and External Examiners should correspond to those for the undergraduate programme delivered at Loughborough in line with the requirements for the Peterborough programme.


99/47. MSc Industrial Sales and Marketing


The Sub-Committee considered late proposals, for entry in October 1999, noting the difficulty faced by departments negotiating programmes with industry in meeting Committee deadlines. It was AGREED to recommend the proposals to Teaching and Learning Committee subject to the following matter being resolved to the satisfaction of the AD(T) prior to the meeting of Teaching and Learning Committee:

  1. Reassurance that company staff teaching on the programme would be subject to the University's procedures for bought-in teachers.


99/48. Professional Certificate/Diploma in Automotive Retailing (Ford)

CSC99-P40 (and tabled papers)

.1 The Sub-Committee considered late proposals, for entry in July 1999, and tabled revisions to the Programme Regulations and Module Specifications. The proposals represented the final programme in the suite being offered by the Business School in conjunction with Ford.

.2 It was noted that student effort in the revised Module Specifications was 40 hours per 10 credit module. Compliance with the requirements for student effort of 100 hours per 10 credit module was not enforceable, as the Professional Certificates/Diplomas in Management were governed by their own General Regulations. There were implications of this for the Sub-Committee's comments on the Professional Diploma in Management (FKI) at the meeting on 22 April 1999.

.3 It was AGREED to recommend the proposals to Teaching and Learning Committee, to be considered as an unstarred item, subject to the following matters being resolved to the satisfaction of the AD(T) prior to the meeting of the Teaching and Learning Committee:

  1. Reassurance that the Ford Faculty of visiting lecturers teaching on the programme would be subject to the University's procedures for bought-in teachers
  2. As the Programme Regulations were governed by the General Regulations for the Professional Certificate and Diploma in Management, revision of the programme title to Professional Certificate/Diploma in Management in Automotive Retailing (Ford).
  3. Confirmation of consistency of student effort required in modules for the various Professional Diploma/Certificate in Management variants.


99/49. Date of Next Meeting

To be arranged.


Author - Dr J E M Elliott

Date - May 1999

Copyright (c) Loughborough University. All rights reserved.
