Teaching and Learning Committee

Curriculum Sub-Committee



Minutes of the fourteenth meeting of the Sub-Committee held on Friday 15 January 1999.


Dr S A Austin (Chair), Dr P D Dine, Professor J P Feather,
Dr M C Harrison, Mr N Thompson, Dr P Willmot

By Invitation:

Mr J Costello (for Minute 7), Dr D R Green, Mr W P J Maunder,
Dr R B Wilcockson

In Attendance:

Dr J E M Elliott, Mr J S Wilcox

1. Secretary to the Committee

The Committee was informed that with a rearrangement of duties Dr J E M Elliott would now serve as Secretary to the Sub-Committee. On behalf of the Sub-Committee, the Chair thanked Mr Wilcox for his service to the Sub-Committee, which had benefited greatly from his experience.

2. Minutes


The minutes of the thirteenth meeting held on 13 October 1998 were confirmed and signed.

3. Matters Arising from the Minutes

It was confirmed that actions listed in the previous minutes had been dealt with.

4. B Sc Programmes in Logistics and Air Transport Management


.1 The Sub-Committee was reminded that it had been required to meet specially on 5 November 1998, immediately prior to Teaching and Learning Committee, to consider late proposals for a BSc in Logistics and BSc in Air Transport Management. The following Minute had resulted:

"The Sub-Committee AGREED to recommend Teaching and Learning Committee degree programme proposals for 'Air Transport Management' and 'Logistics' to allow UCAS/Prospectus entries.

However, the Sub-Committee had some concerns over the level of commonality of modules between these two new programmes and the existing Transport Management and Planning degree. Also, the move of the Transport Studies Group into the Department of Civil and Building Engineering for full integration by October 1999 gave a new perspective to the changes.

The Sub-Committee required that finalised details for at least Part A (and if possible Part B and C) be brought forward to the next meeting of Curriculum Sub-Committee following further discussions between the Transport Studies Group and the Department of Civil and Building Engineering, which should include dialogue with the newly appointed lecturer in Logistics (who will start in January 1999). These discussions should include:

  1. clear differentiation between the programmes (both by appropriate, detailed programme aims and objectives and by modular content.
  2. consideration of the Transport Studies programmes within the portfolio of those offered by Civil and Building Engineering
  3. clarification of the degree progression and award requirements.
  4. Transfer of appropriate TTA modules into CV portfolio (with concordant change to the Programme Regulations).

The Committee also AGREED to ask Teaching and Learning Committee Steering Group to consider giving guidance on minimum levels of difference in programme content that justify the award of different degree titles through separate degree programmes".

.2 It was noted that Teaching and Learning Committee had subsequently agreed that the two programmes be permitted to be included in the impending editions of the UCAS Handbook and Undergraduate Prospectus, but that the outstanding issues be resolved for formal approval by Curriculum Sub-Committee, TLC and Senate in the Spring round of meetings. The Committee had been clear that its action on this occasion was exceptional and should not be considered as setting a precedent.

.3 The Sub-Committee now received revised proposals for the two new programmes, including further tabled papers, for first intake in Autumn 1999. New Module Specifications were awaited, but these were not contained within Part A of the programmes and would subsequently be approved by Chair's action. There remained some concern that the title 'Logistics' did not reflect the programme's content and should be reconsidered.

.4 Following lengthy discussion, it was AGREED to recommend the establishment of the two new programmes to Teaching and Learning Committee, subject to the following:

  1. Approval of content related to Part A only for 1999/2000. Concern remained that the differentiation between the proposed programmes and the Transport Management and Planning programme remained limited at 20 credits per year. The choice of options in Part C should be restricted to ensure greater distinction between the programmes.
  2. Once Teaching and Learning Committee had defined minimum required differences in content between programmes, the Regulations for the 3 programmes would be required to comply.
  3. There should be written information identifying the distinction between the programmes to be provided for potential students on recruitment visits.
  4. The title of Module MAA205 required correction.


5. B Sc Programme in Commercial Management and Quantity Surveying


It was AGREED to recommend to Teaching and Learning Committee a proposal from Civil and Building Engineering to establish a three year full-time version of the BSc in Commercial Management and Quantity Surveying, the first intake to be in Autumn 1999.


6. M Sc Programmes in Polymer Technology and Materials Engineering


.1 The Sub-Committee received proposals from IPTME for revised versions of the MSc Programmes in Polymer Technology and in Materials Engineering to take effect in Autumn 1999, and noted that the AD(T) of Science had received a revised set of Module Specifications making objectives clearer and confirming 100 teaching hours per 10 credits. The Department was congratulated on the proposals as a response to consultations undertaken. Subject to clarification in Module Specifications of 'questionnaires' as a form of assessment, it was AGREED to recommend the proposals to Teaching and Learning Committee, to take effect in Autumn 1999.


.2 Attention was drawn to the absence of the AD(T)'s signature on the paperwork. It was AGREED that in future any form received without the necessary signatures should be returned to the Department. In exceptional urgent circumstances where an AD(T)'s signature could not be obtained before circulation of the papers, the Department should contact the AD(T) who would then report verbally to the Sub-Committee and a note would be circulated with the papers to this effect. The AD(T)'s signature did not signify approval of proposals, but indicated that the paperwork was in order for consideration by the Sub-Committee.

7. MA Programmes in Education Studies (three), School Effectiveness & School Improvement, Mathematical Education


.1 The Sub-Committee considered proposals from the Department of Education to create five postgraduate programmes in place of three existing programmes, one of which was presently in Mathematical Sciences. The Sub-Committee welcomed the rationalisation of the programmes, and AGREED to recommend these to Teaching and Learning Committee in principle, for entry in Autumn 1999, subject to the following:

  1. Amendments were required to Module Specifications to make clear programme objectives and to reflect workload and learning modes, and to para 2.1 of Programme Regulations to read 'obtain credit appropriate to the award sought'.

  3. There should be further consideration of the Module Specifications for the MSc in Mathematical Education to incorporate a more 'educational' angle and to make reference to contact hours. The revised Module Specifications should be considered by the Sub-Committee at its next meeting.


.2 It was AGREED to approve an immediate change to permit Module EDP459 to be available in the current generic MA programme in Education Studies as an interim measure for 1998/99 only.


8. Professional Certificate in Management - Sports Industries Federation


The Sub-Committee considered a proposal from LUBS for a new variant of the Professional Certificate in Management, for a first intake in March 1999. Module Specifications had been circulated separately. It was noted that Operations Sub-Committee had approved the resource implications of the programme, subject to clarification of the reasons for the exclusion of lecturing charges. It was AGREED to recommend the proposals to Teaching and Learning Committee subject to the following:

  1. the type of client industry (eg manufacturing) should be clearly stated.
  2. programme objectives should be explicitly stated.
  3. Regulation 2.2 should be clarified : there were currently insufficient options listed.
  4. Module specifications should indicate contact hours relating to learning modes, and times when coursework would be set and feedback given.


9. B Sc Programmes in Communications & Media Studies, Social Policy, Social Psychology and Sociology with a Minor Subject


.1 The Sub-Committee considered proposals from Social Sciences for revised versions of existing programmes, to take effect in Autumn 1999. A member expressed concern that such significant reweighting of modules would not simply be mechanical but would involve significant restructuring, and the proposals should have included reference in pedagogic terms to how this had been achieved. However, the Sub-Committee was satisfied in this case of the reasons behind the proposals, and that a dangerous precedent was not being set.

.2 It was AGREED to recommend the proposals to Teaching and Learning Committee noting that:

  1. Programme objectives and contact hours relating to learning modes should be stated in Module Specifications.
  2. The Module Specification for SSB601 required specification of the number of pieces of coursework and their relative weightings. A case would be required for the module to be SAP restricted, unless this had been successfully achieved for its predecessor module.


10. Teaching and Learning Committee


The Sub-Committee considered a minute of Teaching and Learning Committee and agreed the following actions:

  1. Aerosystems Engineering Programme : Action to be followed through.

  3. Year-long modules: Action to be undertaken in the next Annual Review.

  5. Phased introduction of programmes: Proposal form to be revised for approval by the Sub-Committee and adoption as soon as possible, and noted at the next meeting.

  7. Discontinuation of Timetabling field.

  9. Reading List: AD(T) of Science to co-ordinate re-wording of revised field and to discuss with Corporate Application Services (formerly AISU) the possibility of linking this field electronically with reading lists held by the Library. Departments would subsequently be informed of the change prior to the Annual Review of Modules. A draft circular to Departments should be available by 3 February for the next meeting of Teaching and Learning Committee.

  11. Model Module Specification : To be included within the action for (v) above.

  13. Use of Student Time: Draft guidance, with examples, to be included in the circular to be compiled under (v) above.


11. BSc Banking and Finance : Revised Title

(CSC99-P8, tabled)

The Sub-Committee received a proposal for a change in title of the BSc in Banking and Finance to BSc in Banking, Finance and Management, from the Autumn 2000 intake. Approval was requested only for the change in title at this stage: structural changes were to follow.

It was noted that a change in programme title was required to follow the strategic approval route. It was AGREED to recommend the proposal title change to Teaching and Learning Committee.


12. QAA Audit Report

.1 The Sub-Committee's attention was drawn to a comment in the QAA Audit Report that "Monitoring the availability of adequate computing facilities for new programmes and modules is less well developed (than Library resources) and invites further consideration, although the audit team was unaware of any consequential problems". This had been referred to the Sub-Committee to consider in the context of relevant procedures.

.2 It was suggested that proposal forms could include a question as to whether required computing facilities would be central, Departmental or at Faculty level.

It was AGREED that the AD(T) of Engineering talk with Computing Services, with Departments using Departmental and/or Faculty facilities, and with the PVC(T) and other AD(T)s, with a view to providing a short paper to the next meeting.


Date of Next Meeting

Thursday 22 April 1999 at 9.00 am (Please note the revised date).

Author - Dr J E M Elliott

Date - January 1999

Copyright (c) Loughborough University. All rights reserved.
