The Council


Minutes of the 315th (Special) meeting of the University Council held on Friday 1 April 2005.


Sir Bryan Carsberg (Chair); Dr Memis Acar; Phil Blake; Jim Blood; Dr Roger Boissier;
Professor Russ Bowman; Peter Davenport; Venu Dhupa (ab); Professor Marianne Gilbert;
Professor Peter Golding (ab); John Harper (ab); Peter Haslehurst; Norma Honey; Sir John Jennings; Rob Kirkwood (ab); Dr Marsha Meskimmon; Mansoor Moghal; Bill Moss; Jim Mutton;
Professor Richard Parry-Jones; Simon Proffitt; Professor Phil Roberts; Jackie Strong (ab);
Margaret Tomlinson; Professor Sir David Wallace; Bob Wilson; Dr Cyril Woodruff; Dr Alan A Woods


In attendance:

Professor Chris Backhouse; Professor Morag Bell; Professor Neil Halliwell;
Professor Terry Kavanagh; Michael Pearson; John Town; Jon Walker; Miranda Whyte


Apologies for absence were received from:

Professor Peter Golding and John Harper

05/25     Business of the Agenda

Item 05/38 was unstarred by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (see below).

05/26     Minutes

It was RESOLVED to CONFIRM the Minutes of the (Special) Meeting of the Council held on 21 December 2004 [COUN04-M10].

05/27     Structural Deficits


The Deputy Vice-Chancellor presented the agenda paper and alerted Council to the following additional information:

·         With regard to Chemistry, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor had arranged a meeting with the Vice-Chancellor of Leicester University to discuss collaboration/regional presence, mapping the resources of both institutions to teaching and research requirements and timescales for achieving the above objectives.

·         Whilst it was disappointing that, despite significant improvements, PIRES had not yet been removed from the list of structural deficit departments, it was expected that it would be removed in the next academic year.

05/28     Honorary Degrees


Pursuant to Statute XVIII, on the recommendation of Senate and with the advice of the Honorary Degrees Committee, Council APPROVED the issuing of invitations to persons to receive Honorary Degrees at Graduation Ceremonies in 2005.

The Honorary Degrees Committee had also identified reserve choices for the ceremony in China and Council AGREED to delegate authority to the Chair to approve the nominations if necessary.  If the situation did arise, Senate approval would be sought by email.

05/29     University Medal


Council APPROVED the issue of invitations to receive University Medals at Graduation Ceremonies in 2005.

05/30     Appointment of the next Vice-Chancellor

The Vice-Chancellor left the meeting for this item

Tabled Paper

Council RECEIVED a report from the Appointments Committee established to conduct the short-listing and final interviews for the next Vice-Chancellor.  Council APPROVED the appointment of Professor Shirley Pearce as the next Vice-Chancellor and AGREED to delegate authority to the Chair of Council to negotiate a suitable start date and transfer arrangements.

The Chair of Council would send a personal message to all members of staff informing them of Council’s decision.  ACTION: Chair of Council

05/31     Appointment of the Director of Business Partnerships, Innovation and Knowledge Transfer

Council NOTED that Senate and the Deputy Chair of Council (on behalf of the Chair of Council) had agreed the membership of the Joint Committee for the appointment of the next Director of Business Partnerships, Innovation and Knowledge Transfer as follows:

One lay member of Council: Simon Proffitt

Three members of Senate:    Prof David Allen, Dr Fytton Rowland and Prof Bryan Woodward

05/32     Dean of Social Sciences and Humanities

Council NOTED that Senate and the Deputy Chair of Council (on behalf of the Chair of Council) had approved the re-appointment of Professor Terry Kavanagh as Dean of Social Sciences and Humanities for a second period of three years, from 1 August 2005 to 31 July 2008.

05/33     Associate Deans - Engineering

(i)             Council NOTED that the Vice-Chancellor, on behalf of Senate, and the Chair of Council, on behalf of Council, had approved the appointment of Dr Kathryn Walsh as Acting Associate Dean (Research) for Engineering during February and March 2005 (to cover Professor Dickens’ study leave).

(ii)           On the recommendation of Senate, Council APPROVED the re-appointment of John Dickens, exceptionally for a period of three years, from 1 August 2005 to 31 July 2008.

05/34     Associate Dean (Research) of Social Sciences and Humanities

On the recommendation of Senate, Council APPROVED the re-appointment of Barbara Bagilhole, for a second period of three years, from 1 August 2005 to 31 July 2008.

05/35     Heads of Departments

(i)      Council NOTED that Senate and the Deputy Chair of Council (on behalf of the Chair of Council) had approved the following appointments:

     Design & Technology: The extension of Tony Hodgson’s appointment as Acting Head of Department to 31 July 2005 and his appointment as Head of Department from 1 August 2005 to 31 July 2008

English & Drama:          The re-appointment of Professor Nigel Wood as Head of Department for one year from 1 August 2005 to 31 July 2006

LUSAD:                           The re-appointment of Professor Colin Rhodes as Head of Department for three years from 1 August 2005 to 31 July 2008

PIRES:                            The re-appointment of Professor David Allen as Head of Department for three years from 1 August 2005 to 31 July 2008

(ii)      Council NOTED that the Vice-Chancellor, on behalf of Senate, and the Chair of Council, on behalf of Council, had approved the following appointment:

Social Sciences:           The appointment of Professor Ruth Lister as Acting Head of Department from 1 February 2005 to 31 July 2005 (during Professor Golding’s study leave)

(iii)     On the recommendation of Senate, Council APPROVED:

IPTME:                            The appointment of Professor Jon Binner, for a period of three years, from 1 August 2005 to 31 July 2008

LUSAD:                           The appointment of Dr Marsha Meskimmon as Acting Head of Department from 1 September 2005 to 1 February 2006 (during Professor Rhodes’ study leave)

05/36     Senate


Council RECEIVED a report of the (Special) Meeting of Senate held on 2 March 2005 and APPROVED the following recommendations:

·       Personal Titles (minute 05/29 of the report refers)

·       Honorary Titles (minute 05/29 of the report refers)

·           Assessors for Prizes (minute 05/33 of the report refers)

05/37     Extensions of Appointment

Council NOTED that, on the recommendation of the Chair of Senate, the Registrar (with delegated authority) had APPROVED, in accordance with Statute XXII and Ordinance XII, the extension of appointment beyond retirement date for Professor Russ Bowman, Chemistry, until 31 December 2007.

05/38     Staffing


This item was unstarred by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor.

Council NOTED appointments since the meeting of Council held on 29 October 2004.

The Deputy Vice-Chancellor queried why three of the Honorary Titles expired at the end of September 2007, thereby missing the census date for the 2008 RAE.  Council AGREED to delegate authority to the Deans to approve extensions to the period for which the titles had been awarded, subject to the agreement of the Heads of Departments.  ACTION: Deans

05/39     Student Grievance Committee


Council NOTED that the Student Grievance Committee had met to consider a grievance raised by a research student.  The Committee had not upheld the grievance.

05/40     Date of Next Meeting

Tuesday 19 July (pm)

Author - M T Whyte
Date – April 2005
Copyright (c) Loughborough University.  All rights reserved.