The Council


Minutes of the meeting of the University Council held on Friday 27 November 2009.


Sir Bryan Carsberg (Chair); Dr Memis Acar; Dr Jo Aldridge (ab); Dr Anja Baumhoff; John Blackwell; Penny Coates; Arthur Deakin; Brian Dent (ab); Gifty Edila (ab); Sir John Gains; Professor Neil Halliwell; Rob Hulme; Sir John Jennings; Jamie Morgado (ab); Jim Murphy; Jim Mutton (ab); Terry Neale; Professor Ric Parker (ab); Professor Richard Parry-Jones; Professor Shirley Pearce; Simon Proffitt; Professor Ian Reid (ab); Mark Sismey-Durrant; Jackie Strong; Nigel Tamplin; Philip Wilkinson-Blake; Alan A Woods; Dr Dominic Wring.

In attendance:

Rob Allen; Professor Morag Bell; Professor Phill Dickens; Fidelma Hannah; Dr Mark Hollingsworth; Professor Terry Kavanagh; Professor Chris Linton; Dr Jennifer Nutkins; Professor Ken Parsons; Miranda Routledge; Will Spinks; Professor Tony Thorpe; Caroline Walker; Jon Walker.

Apologies for absence were received from:

Dr Jo Aldridge; Brian Dent; Gifty Edila; Jim Mutton; Ric Parker, Professor Ian Reid


09/89       Business of the Agenda

Items 09/101 and 09/102 were unstarred. 

09/90       Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting of Council held on 9 October 2009 [COUN09-M5] were CONFIRMED.


09/91       Matters Arising from the Minutes

There were no matters arising that were not covered elsewhere on the agenda.

09/92       University Strategy/Planning

09/92.1     Review of University Strategy


Council CONSIDERED a paper outlining the outcome of the Review of University Strategy following the Joint Senate/Council meeting held on 9 October 2009. HEFCE required the University to review its strategy formally every three years. The joint meeting had been structured to focus on eight cross cutting themes and had initiated some very interesting and useful discussions. In general terms, the strategy was still judged to be relevant and had stood the test of time. However, some modifications were recommended in order to amplify certain areas, particularly in response to a changing external environment. The report presented to Council included a refreshing of priorities which would be incorporated into revised implementation plans to be submitted to Council in July 2010.

The report was an excellent representation of the discussions and Council wished to thank the Planning Team for their efforts both in arranging the joint meeting and compiling the report.

During discussion, it was AGREED that the section of the report on sustainability could usefully be amended to state more explicitly the University’s high-level ambition and direction in this challenging area. Subject to this amendment, Council APPROVED the report.

09/92.2     Corporate Planning Statement


Council APPROVED the Corporate Planning Statement for submission to HEFCE.


09/93       Key Performance Indicators


Council RECEIVED an update on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). The commentary provided an explanation for significant fluctuations in the data. Council’s attention was drawn to the following KPIs:

·         Table 1.2: International Student Satisfaction: The data was collected from two surveys, one completed in the summer and one in the autumn of each year. The graph plotted all results together but the questions of the two surveys were not comparable. In relation to each survey, results were improving year on year.

·         Table 3.1.1: FT Undergraduate UK/EU Student Intakes and Targets: The drop in intake for 2009-10 represented a good result as the University had needed to reduce its population in order to bring it back within the HEFCE contract range despite significant growth in applications.

·         Table 3.1.3: FT Postgraduate UK/EU Student Intakes and Targets: The increase in postgraduate students was thought to be a result of the economic climate.

·         Table 3.5: Graduate Employment: The drop in graduate employment was reflected across the sector. Loughborough remained above its benchmark on this indicator.

·         Table 9.1: Ratio of Public to Private Revenue: For accounting purposes, the revenue from tuition fees was counted as public rather than private. This meant that the graph was misleading as it showed an increasing reliance on public funds when actually the reverse was the case. It was AGREED that an additional line, disaggregating the tuition fees, should be added for future reports.  Action: Planning Office

·         Tables 12.1-12.3: Advancement KPIs: This was a new set of indicators and the definitions needed correcting. These would be updated for the next report.

09/94       HEFCE Assurance Visit Report


Council RECEIVED the HEFCE Assurance Visit Report. A number of minor issues had been raised and these had been addressed by the University. The one area in which the University did not comply with CUC guidance was the size of Council and there were no proposals to reduce its size in view of the possible negative impact on collegiality. HEFCE’s required that the divergence from CUC guidance was acknowledged in the Corporate Governance Statement and this had now been implemented.

09/95       University Finance


09/95.1     University Financial Statements/Accounts

COUN09-P118 and COUN09-P119

Council was reminded of its responsibility to receive and approve the University Accounts prior to their submission to HEFCE. A full briefing on the Accounts had taken place immediately before the meeting.

The Financial Statements presented to Council had been considered by the Audit Committee and the External Auditors. The Audit Committee was satisfied with the Financial Statements and congratulated the Finance Team. The only issue raised by the External Auditors related to over estimate of provision required for bad debt and this area was under review by the Finance Office and Treasurer’s Committee.

Council was also presented with a reconciliation of accounts to explain the differences between the original budget for 2008-09 and the final position reflected in the Financial Statements. The biggest item contributing to the additional surplus was international student recruitment which had been well above expectations. The original budget had included a contingency fund for under-recruitment of international students which had, in the event, not been required and therefore added to the surplus.

On the issue of pensions, Council was reminded that the University participated in two schemes – USS and LGPS. USS was a national scheme and therefore, in accordance with accounting conventions, was off balance sheet. Whilst there was a deficit in the scheme which would have implications in the future, the figures were not therefore represented in the Financial Statements. LGPS was a county scheme, covering multiple employers. However, the University’s contribution was identifiable and it was included in the Financial Statements. The deficit of around £43M was of considerable concern but the Chair of Council commented that there were considerable challenges in estimating the value of pension funds and the overall position was highly sensitive to the assumptions used, for example, for interest rates. In response to a question, it was confirmed that USS had last been valued in 2008 and its value had deteriorated significantly since then. Discussions were underway between UCU and UCEA concerning how to address the situation and consultation with institutions was currently anticipated in April 2010. The LGPS had been valued in 2007, some adjustments had been made, and a further valuation was scheduled for 2010. Universities were represented on the LGPS by De Montfort University and members of the executive were exploring how to work more closely with those directly involved with the scheme to contribute to effective planning for the future. Leicestershire County Council was a major stakeholder and would have a strong interest in adjustments to ensure the sustainability of the scheme.

Council AGREED to RECEIVE the University Financial Statements for the year ended 31 July 2009 and, on the recommendation of Audit Committee and the Treasurer, APPROVED the adoption of the accounts.

09/95.2     Financial Compliance Review 2008-09


Council RECEIVED the Financial Compliance Review for 2008-09 which illustrated the various financial covenants imposed by the Funding Council and Lloyds Bank as a major lender to the University. The covenants were an important control and had all been met in 2008-09. No problems were anticipated in continuing to meet the covenants in the medium term. However, Council’s attention was drawn to the covenant imposed by Lloyds Bank which stipulated there should be no deficit above £2M in any one year. This could be challenging in future years (five-year forecasts referred).

09/95.3     2009-10 Budget


Council RECEIVED an updated budget for 2009-10. The overall surplus remained at £9.5M but the assumptions regarding income and expenditure had been revised. These included a cut to the HEFCE teaching grant which was bigger than anticipated but which was offset by other movements. Council APPROVED the updated budget.

09/95.4     Five Year Financial Forecasts


The Director of Finance presented the five-year forecasts to Council which showed a steeply declining surplus and eventually a deficit in 2012/13. The figures presented to Council were in line with the silver scenario which included savings on pay (1%) and non-pay (1.5%) each year. Assumptions relating to inflation and public sector funding cuts had been amended but other factors remained broadly in line with those previously presented to Council.

The University faced enormous financial uncertainty over the coming years and the assumptions on which the forecasts had been based were likely to vary significantly. Whilst it was expected that the sector would continue to face cuts in funding from HEFCE, the nature and extent of those cuts were unknown. The outcome of the review of tuition fees would also have a significant impact on the financial position of the University. It was hoped that the position would become clearer in the next 12 months when the outcome of various government policy reviews became public. For internal purposes, the forecasts had been extended by an additional year to model the impact of an increase in the tuition fee to £5000 in 2013-14.

The Chair of Council reminded members that the University was required to submit these forecasts to HEFCE and to that end, Council was being asked to endorse the figures in the agenda paper. However, Council was not being asked to approve the deficit position in 2012-13. Council accepted the uncertainties that surrounded the forecasts and APPROVED the forecasts for submission to HEFCE.

During discussion, a number of issues were raised:

·         The current forecasts did not include a significant cash injection to cover additional pension contributions. An additional 2% had been incorporated across the forecast period in relation to increased USS costs implemented in October 2009. Given the current uncertainty regarding the future of the pension schemes, it was felt premature to make assumptions about increased contributions but this possibility could be included in future scenario planning.

·         Other members expressed concern regarding the research income assumption of a 5% increase per annum across the forecast period. Members queried whether this was realistic given the financial pressures that the Research Councils and other funders were likely to be suffering in the next few years. The PVC(R) acknowledged that there would be threats to some income sources but the University was well aware of the situation and was monitoring it closely. Recent increases in academic staff numbers should begin to impact on income during the period. It should be recognised that if grants and contracts were not secured much, though not all, of the related expenditure would not be required. Nevertheless, the University had classified the risk associated with research income as high on the risk register, was taking mitigating actions accordingly and Council was kept informed through the PVC(R)’s report. Partnerships were particularly relevant and work had already commenced on enhancement of the University’s approach to managing its relationships with external organisations.

·         Members felt that it would be useful if further information could be provided to assist Council with its role of monitoring medium and long term financial performance and risk. The Executive would investigate possible approaches to this for future consideration. Action: Provost/Director of Finance

·         It was noted that the forecasts indicated that the current capital plan for 2012/13 and 2013/14 was not fundable from within existing borrowing facilities. Further work would be undertaken in this area when the financial situation became clearer in 2010.

·         One member commented that the productivity gains were insufficient and encouraged the University to be more ambitious in this area. The University was congratulated on its ability to generate income but should aim to improve cost reduction in parallel.

09/96       Capital Programme

09/96.1     Capital Plan


Council RECEIVED a progress report and NOTED the revised Capital Plan as a framework for making decisions on individual major projects.

09/96.2     Estates Strategy


The Director of Facilities Management presented the Estates Strategy which was an updated version of the document approved by Council in 2006. Included was a Landscape Strategy to bring together the East Park and Central Park, both of which were undergoing major development in the coming years. There was still a need to address 1960s legacy buildings and a phased approach to refurbishment was being adopted. The Science and Enterprise Park and the Sustainability agenda had been developed significantly since the last strategy.

On the recommendation of Estates Management Committee, Council APPROVED the updated Estates Strategy.

09/96.3     East Park Design Centre


The Director of Facilities presented a video simulation of the proposed East Park Design Centre. Members were very impressed with the concept and designs and agreed that it was an exciting development for the University. The innovative design of the new building was expected to provide a modern and fit for purpose learning environment for students in the 21st century in one of the University’s areas of strength. Collaboration between the architects, Facilities Management and the academic departments involved had been very good and the project was progressing according to agreed timescales as follows:

·         Planning permission had been granted with some travel plan obligations requiring an s106 agreement.

·         The contract had gone out to tender.

·         Enabling works had started.

·         Building would start in March 2010 and was due to complete in May 2011.

Council AGREED to DELEGATE authority to Chair of Council to approve a Stage 3 application, subject to the approval of Estates Management Committee.

09/96.4     Land Strategy Group

COUN09-P126 (withdrawn)

The Director of Finance gave a verbal report on behalf of the Land Strategy Group which had met the previous day and comprised: Chairman of Council (Chair), Treasurer, Vice-Chancellor, Provost & Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Chief Operating Officer. The item was deemed to be commercially sensitive and members were requested to maintain confidentiality. The University had been given the opportunity to purchase a piece of land and an associated commercial business which was expected to generate significant income. The venture would cost the University approximately £4M and would involve taking on a new loan. This would not affect current borrowing facilities. It was not possible to disclose any additional details of the proposed transaction at this stage and the Land Strategy Group recommended that Council delegate authority to the Chair of Council to approve the expenditure between this meeting and the next.

The Chair of Council regretted the need for confidentiality but reassured members on a number of issues:

·         The project had been under consideration for some time and considerable work had gone into the business case which showed a good financial outcome.

·         There was always a risk associated with purchases of this nature but the financial scenarios had been modelled carefully and would not affect the University’s ability to continue with the existing Capital Plan.

·         The proposed use of the land and building was not core activity but was complementary to existing activity. Ownership would be of strategic value to the University and the purchase was in line with the strategic plan in terms of generating new sources of income.

Following discussion, Council AGREED to DELEGATE authority to the Chair of Council to approve the purchase, subject to support from other members of the Land Strategy Group.

09/97       Audit Committee

09/97.1     Report of Meetings from 18 September, 22 October and 13 November 2009

COUN09-P127 and COUN09-P128

Council RECEIVED reports from the meetings of the Audit Committee held on 18 September, 22 October and 13 November 2009 and:

09/97.2     Audit Committee Annual Report 2008-09


09/95       Matters for Report

09/95.1     Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research)

(i)         Research Grants and Contracts


09/95.2     Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching)

(i)         Student Recruitment: 2009-10


As illustrated by the agenda paper, the University had essentially met its recruitment targets. UK/EU undergraduate recruitment was well within the previous year’s figure and so would not be subject to any financial penalty from the Funding Council. Entry grades across all subjects had increased and 80% of students had achieved or exceeded their offer grades. Very few concessions had been made and no department had entered Clearing in 2009.

Postgraduate taught recruitment had exceeded targets, particularly with respect to UK/EU students. This was believed to be partially due to the economic climate. 40% had already studied as undergraduates at the University and the offer of an Alumni Bursary appeared to have been a successful recruitment strategy.

Initial concerns regarding the effect of the new Points Based System (PBS) for immigration on international recruitment appeared to be unfounded. There was no evidence to suggest that visa delays had worsened and international student recruitment was on target. The next phase of PBS which included attendance monitoring would come into force in 2010 and the area therefore continued to be one of potential risk.

China remained a dominant market for international student recruitment and the University’s dependence on one country was recognised. Loughborough had recently been recognised under the US Federal Loans System and this was expected to have a positive effect on student recruitment from the USA. The University was tightening its English Language requirements for admitting international students as some concerns had been expressed in this area.

(ii)        National Student Survey


As in previous years, the University had performed well in the National Student Survey for 2009. There was some variation across subjects and some departments had been disappointed with their individual results. The University had formal procedures in place for addressing these areas.

09/95.3     Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Enterprise)


09/96       Chairman’s Report

Following the most recent Review of Effectiveness of Council, it had been agreed that the Chairman would make a verbal report at each meeting to pick up on relevant issues discussed by Chairman's Advisory Group (CAG) that had not been covered elsewhere on the agenda.

CAG had focussed discussions at its last meeting on financial forecasting and planning, including detailed discussions on pension funds together with a report on the work of the Audit Committee. These items had already been covered elsewhere on the agenda.

09/97       Vice-Chancellor's Business

09/97.1     Recent Developments at the University

i.       The latest position with regard to pay negotiations was that UCEA had made a final offer of a 0.5% increase which had been rejected by four of the five Trade Unions. ACAS was involved in the negotiations. UCEA had made it clear that there would be no further increase in the pay offer but it was looking at a shared approach based on agreed good practice in relation to redundancy processes to provide reassurance to Union representatives. The University already had similar arrangements in place and therefore did not envisage any problems signing up to an agreement of the nature envisaged.

ii.      The University’s team of students on “University Challenge” had reached the second televised round where they had been narrowly defeated by St John's College, Oxford. Professor Ken Parsons and the LSU were thanked for their efforts in coordinating the establishment of the team. Next year’s team was currently being selected.

iii.     The football for the 2010 World Cup had been developed at the University and was a great example of collaboration between sport and engineering academic disciplines and industrial partnership.

09/97.2     Policy Developments for HE in the UK


The Vice-Chancellor drew Council’s attention to the recently published Government Framework for Higher Education. Many aspects of the report were expected to be retained regardless of which government was in power. As previously mentioned, the sector was facing a great deal of uncertainty with respect to HEFCE funding and tuition fees. The framework referred to “contestability” for public money. It was not clear exactly how this might operate but it could mean, for instance, that teaching funding would be driven by quality of provision.

The framework recognised the need to meet skills in STEM subjects which was good news for the University. Most of the report played to the University’s strengths and the Executive were looking in detail at all the documents and would provide a summary of key issues to Council at a future date.

09/98       Confirmation of Amendments to the University Charter

Further to Minute 09/76, Council CONFIRMED amendments to paragraph 5 of the Charter.  The full set of amendments would go forward to the Privy Council for approval on 9 December.

09/99       Health, Safety and Environment Office – Annual Plan


The Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Office Annual Plan illustrated progress against the previous year’s targets and outlined work for the upcoming year. The University’s Health and Safety policies were set by the HSE Committee. The plan formally assigned accountability for various aspects of the work conducted by the Office. Within the HSE Office, roles were assigned to cover specific areas of legislation such as fire safety and radiation protection. A recent inspection from the Environment Agency had resulted in a good report on radiation protection but had highlighted over-reliance on an individual member of staff as a risk. The University was seeking to address this.

The Staff Survey had highlighted that a large proportion of staff had not been aware of accident reporting procedures and the University had responded with an awareness-raising campaign shortly after the publication of the results. The HSE Office was working with departments across campus to embed health and safety procedures further. Good relations were in place with departmental safety officers and the training matrix attached to the annual plan would help to ensure that staff received appropriate training on an ongoing basis. In response to a question, it was noted that the number of days lost through accidents was now being reported to the HSE Committee and Council. Comparative data with the rest of the sector would be reviewed at the Committee meeting in March 2010.

Council APPROVED the Health, Safety and Environment Office Annual Plan.

09/100    Confirmation of Amendment to Ordinance

Further to Minute 09/77, Council CONFIRMED amendments to Ordinance XXXIII.

09/101    Banking Mandate with Natwest Bank


This item was unstarred.

A member questioned whether a single signature on the Banking Mandate was appropriate. The Treasurer confirmed that in addition to the Banking Mandate, which set out the bank’s own requirements, the University had a Treasury Policy that required multiple signatures. Not withstanding this provision, it was AGREED that the Banking Mandate should be amended to include at least two signatories. Subject to this amendment, Council APPROVED the Banking Mandate with Natwest Bank.

All other Banking Mandates would be reviewed to ensure that they required more than one signature. Action: Director of Finance/Treasurer’s Committee

09/102    Senate


This item was unstarred to receive the report of the meeting of Senate held on 17 November 2009. Council APPROVED:

09/102.1              Programme Proposals

09/102.2              Establishment of the Loughborough Design School


09/102.3             Loughborough University School of Art & Design re-named The School of the Arts at Loughborough University


09/103    Membership of Committees

09/103.1   Council NOTED membership of Council Members on Committees.


09/103.2   Council APPROVED LSU appointments to Council Committees and Joint Committees with Senate.


09/103.3   Council NOTED membership of the Timothy Godfrey Memorial Fund Advisory Committee.


09/104    Research Performance Monitoring Group


Council RECEIVED the reports of the meetings of the Research Performance Monitoring Group held on 7 July, 25 September and 27 October 2009 and APPROVED amendments to the title and Terms of Reference.

09/105    Reports of Committees

Council RECEIVED reports from the following Committees:

09/105.1    Advancement Committee – 4 November 2009 [COUN09-P144]

09/105.2    Costing and Pricing Committee – 23 July and 7 September 2009 [COUN09-P145]

09/105.3    Enterprise Board – 16 October 2009 [COUN09-P146]

09/105.4    Estates Management Committee – 28 July and 22 September 2009 [COUN09-P147]

09/105.5    Health, Safety and Environmental Committee – 29 October 2009 [COUN09-P148]

09/105.6    Performance Monitoring Group – 26 June 2009 [COUN09-P149]

09/106    Date of Next Meeting

Friday, 19 March 2010 (9.30 am for pre-meeting Briefing)

Author – Jennifer Nutkins/Miranda Routledge
Date – December 2009
Copyright (c) Loughborough University.  All rights reserved.