The Council


Minutes of the meeting of the University Council held on Thursday 9 July 2009.


Sir Bryan Carsberg (Chair); Dr Memis Acar (ab); Dr Jo Aldridge; John Blackwell; Dr Anja Baumhoff; Penny Coates; Brian Dent; Gifty Edila; Sir John Gains; Marc Gibson; David Goss; Professor Neil Halliwell; Norma Honey; Sir John Jennings; Jim Murphy; Jim Mutton (ab); Professor Ric Parker (ab); Professor Richard Parry-Jones; Georgie Payne; Professor Shirley Pearce; Simon Proffitt; Professor Ian Reid; Jackie Strong; Nigel Tamplin; Alan A Woods; Dr Dominic Wring (ab).

In attendance:

Rob Allan; Professor Morag Bell; Peter Davenport; Professor Phill Dickens; Professor Peter Golding; Rob Hulme; Professor Terry Kavanagh; Dr Jennifer Nutkins; Professor Ken Parsons; Miranda Routledge; Will Spinks; Professor Tony Thorpe; Jon Walker; Caroline Walker; Phil Wilkinson-Blake

Ron Gray and Ian Cairns (for item 09/38.4), Andrew Burgess (for item 09/41)

Apologies for absence were received from:

Dr Memis Acar; Jim Mutton; Professor Ric Parker; Dr Dominic Wring


09/34       Chairman’s Introduction

The Chair welcomed Phil Wilkinson-Blake and Rob Hulme to the meeting.  Both would become members from the start of August and were attending as observers. The Chair thanked Tony Westaway for his presentation on International Student Recruitment and Fees immediately prior to the meeting.

09/35       Business of the Agenda

Item 16 was withdrawn from the agenda.  The LSU Annual Report would be considered under Any Other Business and would be a standing item on the July Council agenda in future.


Council considered a proposal to change the deadline for unstarring items and/or raising items under Any Other Business.  The principle behind the change was to prevent items being unstarred/raised too late for an appropriate response to be prepared.  In exceptional circumstances, flexibility on the deadline could be operated at the discretion of the Chair.  Council AGREED that the deadline for unstarring items and/or raising items of Any Other Business should be moved to the end of the third working day before the Council meeting (eg end of Tuesday for a Friday meeting).  This would allow for two full working days to prepare appropriate responses/briefing.  The Secretary and Assistant Secretary were committed to complying with published print deadlines and making papers available on the intranet one week in advance of the meeting.


09/36       Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting of Council held on 27 March 2009 [COUN09-M1] were CONFIRMED.


09/37       Matters Arising from the Minutes

09/37.1     Review of Effectiveness of Council


Council RECEIVED a report on progress against the recommendations arising from the Review of Effectiveness of Council.  In addition to the points noted in the paper, ELT had agreed that a mentoring scheme be introduced for new lay members from 2010/11.  New lay members would be paired with experienced lay members as part of the continually improving induction process.  All lay members were reminded that they had access to the Chair, Secretary- and/or members of the Executive on an ongoing basis should they wish to seek information on a particular issue that affected the University or their role as a member of the governing body.

09/37.2     Other Matters Arising

It was confirmed that a future Pre-Meeting Briefing would cover student finance issues and include information on the cost of living and financial support arrangements.  Action: Asst Secretary

09/38       University Strategy/Planning

09/38.1     Report on Implementation Plans


Council RECEIVED a report on progress against Implementation Plans in 2008/09 and priorities for 2009/10.  Full plans were available on the intranet and would be incorporated into the Corporate Planning Statement submitted to HEFCE in December.

09/38.2     Human Resources Implementation Plan


The Director of Human Resources presented the Human Resources Implementation Plan.  The plan had been developed in support of the University Strategy but also responded to HEFCE’s feedback on the self assessment of people management and the KPMG Audit in 2007 – both of which had identified significant areas for improvement.  The Chief Operating Officer had, previously,  prepared an interim plan which had initiated a number of actions including the appointment of the Director of Human Resources and the Staff Survey 2008.  The Human Resources Director drew Council’s attention to the following key issues within the updated version of the plan:

·         The former Personnel and Staff Development functions had been brought together to form a Human Resources function.

·         Additional resource had been allocated to staff development activity and would be carefully targeted, e.g. on enhancing career development for non academic staff and better preparation of managers and leaders for the future.

·         Human Resources services had been restructured to give more attention to the recruitment and management information functions. 

·         Consideration was being given to the extent to which the Loughborough style of leadership could be identified and developed, whilst recognizing the importance of retaining diversity in leadership styles.  This formed part of the more formal approach to succession planning which was under development.

·         Whilst there was not always an obvious career ladder for non-academic staff, the working group (set up to take forward actions arising from the Staff Survey in this area) had identified that career opportunities were available if staff were willing to broaden their experience by moving across functions rather than simply being promoted within their own departments.  This would also help staff to understand more about the University and recognise how individual roles contributed to the overall strategy and direction of the University. 

·         The University currently met the legislative requirements in relation to equality and diversity issue but more work was needed to fully embed practices across the organisation. 

·         Whilst employee relations were already very good, there was potential for improvement in the arrangements for liaison with the Trade Unions represented on campus.  Particularly in the current economic climate, national pay negotiations created challenges for the sector.

·         The introduction of a comprehensive appraisal system was fundamental to achieving the strategic objectives within the plan.  Pockets of activity existed across the University but these needed to be brought together and implemented across the organisation.  This would then provide a framework for assessing and monitoring performance to better inform reward review outcomes.

Council welcomed the work that had been done to date and supported the comments made by Senate to include more explicit links between the aims of the plan and the relevant KPIs.  Council members also suggested the inclusion of:

·         Reference to the culture, values and expected behaviour of employees.

·         Acknowledgement of the potential financial implications of the plan as meeting the objectives would require significant investment which would need to be prioritized.

On this basis, Council APPROVED the Human Resources Implementation Plan

09/38.3     Sports Strategy and Implementation Plan


The Vice-Chancellor presented the Sports Strategy and Implementation Plan.  It was the University’s aspiration to be recognized as “world leading” in sport-related activities.  Evidence of excellence already existed across a number of dimensions (e.g. sporting performance and governing body relationships, sports science academic achievement as demonstrated via RAE rating and league tables, achievements of the Sports Technology Institute) but, to date, no cohesive approach to coordinating activities and maintaining the University’s position had been adopted.  With the Vice-Chancellor as Chair, a Sports Strategy Group had been established to maximize the synchronization of the various strands of activity. 

The Vice-Chancellor confirmed that the University did not intend to reduce the number of sports that it was involved in but that a tiered system for supporting sport would be introduced to ensure that maximum benefit was gained.  A member queried the impact of the current financial climate on the level of support available to students by way of sports scholarships.  It was confirmed that the number of scholarships (which included a substantial in kind support service element) had increased despite the economic recession but that the level of financial support available had always been modest in the UK, including at Loughborough, in comparison to American-style scholarships.

Council supported the request made by LSU at Senate that the document specifically mention the role of the Athletics Union (AU).  The Vice-Chancellor confirmed that representatives of the AU would be invited to relevant meetings of the Sports Strategy Group.

During discussion, Council members commented that they would like to see the following issues expanded upon in the document:

·         Plans for enhancing links with the local community

·         Mechanisms for raising the University’s profile in sport more widely, in particular in the media

·         Clarification of the impact and relevance of 2012 and other Olympic Games on the Sports Strategy.  This was raised in terms of maximising the opportunities presented by involvement in the Olympic Games for developing new activities/partnerships

On this basis, Council APPROVED the Sports Strategy and Implementation Plan.

09/38.4     Advancement Implementation Plan


The Directors of Marketing and Development and Alumni Relations Office (DARO) presented the Advancement Implementation Plan which was split into sections covering specific activities. 

The Director of Marketing highlighted the following initiatives which were covered in more detail by the Marketing and Communications aspects of the plan:

·         The University was investing in the development of its website and was fairly well advanced in the process of acquiring a Content Management System (CMS).  The CMS was expected to have a major impact on the quality of internal and external communications.  A new design for the University’s web-pages was being introduced and would go live on the home page at the end of July.

·         Excellent feedback had been received on the quality of recent publications including the Annual Report, the Undergraduate Prospectus, “The View” and “At A Glance”.

·         The recently introduced Vice-Chancellor’s e-newsletter was proving very popular with staff across the campus.

·         The key messages from the initial stages of the brand review were in use and further work was ongoing.

The Director of DARO highlighted the following initiatives in relation to the Development and Alumni Relations aspects of the plan:

·         Advancement was becoming more embedded into University activities.  The Advancement Committee had proved a useful mechanism for co-ordination but further projects for fundraising were being sought from departments.

·         Additional staff had been recruited to support this strand of the University’s activities and significant work had been undertaken to build internal and external relations. 

When questioned on the progress towards a Capital Campaign, the Director of DARO confirmed that in order to be successful, the University needed to establish a cohort of individuals who were prepared to give significant contributions prior to formal launch of a wider campaign. Some progress had been made towards achieving this goal but more work was required in this area.

Council APPROVED the Advancement Implementation Plan.

09/38.5     Review of University Strategy


Council RECEIVED information relating to Review of University Strategy and the Joint Meeting of Senate and Council which would take place on 9 October 2009. This would provide Council members with an opportunity to discuss and debate the future direction of the University.  The format of the day was expected to be primarily group-based activities with feed back sessions.  The Joint Meeting would be followed by a short Council meeting at the end of the day. 

09/39    Key Performance Indicators

09/39.1  Update on KPIs


Council RECEIVED an update on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).  The commentary provided an explanation for significant fluctuations in the data.  KPIs were currently under development in the areas of Human Resources, Sport and Advancement.  A full set of KPIs would shortly be available on the University intranet.  Council’s attention was drawn to the following KPIs:

·         Table 2.2: Research Income per Academic Staff FTE: and 2:3 Research Students supervised per Academic Staff FTE: Whilst the average figures in the tables remained steady, there had been a 7% increase in the number of academic staff and so the data represented an increase in real terms of both research income and research students.

·         Tables 4.4: Collaborative Research Income: The increase in collaborative research income was evidence of the “impact” of Loughborough University research.  The University continued to work closely with business and industry and was well above the sector average in terms of collaborative research income as a percentage of overall research income. 

·         Table 10.2: Recycled Waste: The percentage of waste being recycled continued to rise. 

·         Tables 10.4: Academic Property in Condition Class A and B: The data which informed this table in 2007-08 had been reviewed and the figure for the University had dropped from 99% to 74%.  Council were reassured that this drop was due to changes in the methodology rather than a real decline in the quality of the estate.  The University felt that the new methodology gave a more realistic rating and that this was a fair reflection of the properties on campus.

During discussion, Council members raised the following points:

·         It was very helpful to have sector average/benchmark data and targets against individual KPIs.  The Provost confirmed that these were included wherever possible and that further work was underway to provide them in areas where they were currently unavailable.

·         Whilst the University’s campus contributions to reducing carbon emissions and recycling were well represented in the KPI data, it was suggested that more could be done to provide measures of the impact (through research etc) on the worldwide sustainability agenda.  The Vice-Chancellor reminded Council that the Sustainability Implementation Plan had gone a long way to bring together the various activities in this area and make the University’s contributions to this agenda more visible.

·         With regard to the Student Experience, it was confirmed that the University would no longer take part in the Student Barometer surveys.  There would be one more set of results from the surveys in May 2009 following which this KPI would need to be amended.  The University would be working closely with LSU to find a suitable replacement measure.

09/39.2  “Universities that Count”


Council was informed that HEFCE was providing three years of tapered funding to promote and support the use of the Business in the Community (BiTC) Corporate Responsibility (CR) Index. This was branded as “Universities that Count”. The CR index was made up of four elements: environment, workplace, marketplace and community. The University had completed the environment and the community indices last year and this year had completed the full CR index under the HEFCE project. Initial feedback of the results for this year had already been made available and the overall score for the University was 60.7%.  More detailed feedback comparing Loughborough with the HE sector would be made available at a later date.  Council AGREED to adopt the CR Index as the single KPI for this area and APPROVED a target of 70% (Bronze standard) for 2009-10.  Whilst recognising the challenges in this area, members wished to review the target for future years with the aspiration of achieving a higher rating in the longer term.

09/40       University Finance

The Chair introduced the item by reminding Council that whilst the papers showed the University to be in a strong financial position for 2008-09 and 2009-10, this must be considered in the context of a difficult external economic climate and the University’s ambitious plans for capital expenditure.  

09/40.1     University Budget 2008-09


Council NOTED the updated budget forecast for 2008-09, noting the projected surplus of £4.5M.  Council congratulated the University on a very successful year despite the uncertain financial climate.

09/40.2     University Budget 2009-10 and Five-Year Financial Plan

COUN09-P58 and COUN09-P59

The Director of Finance introduced the papers which outlined the proposed budget for 2009-10 and the five year financial plan based on current budgeting assumptions.  Council were reminded of the challenging financial environment in which the University was currently operating.  The 2009-10 budget proposed to Council was the result of several months of detailed planning and incorporated departmental development plans.  The budget had been considered at a number of University committees. HEFCE had not yet confirmed final details of the 2009-10 grant and cuts were expected which could reduce the overall surplus figure.   Whilst members might be surprised at the 4.6% (£9.55M) target surplus, this was possible due to prudent budgeting in a year of exceptional income (mainly driven by the RAE favourable outcome).  This level of surplus was required to support the ambitious capital programme and provide reserves for the future.  Whilst there was support for the target surplus across campus there was scope for better understanding of its importance in delivering the University’s vision for 2016 and it was the responsibility of all Council members to explain this to colleagues with less exposure to the budgeting process.

Looking to the future, income sources for the sector were subject to considerable uncertainty and inflation, pay and pensions issues represented major potential challenges. The five-year financial plan presented to Council showed the University continuing to deliver a surplus until 2011/12 but projected a deficit in the latter years.  This was not acceptable to Council and budgeting assumptions would need to be revisited in order to bring the budget back to a surplus position.  Council recognised that surpluses needed to match the interest rates and repayment costs against capital borrowings which were likely to be in excess of £5M in the latter years of the plan. 

The deficits projected for the end of the planning period signalled that the silver scenario might be too challenging to sustain in the longer term.  Some members questioned whether the productivity targets (1% on pay and 1.5% on non-pay) could be increased.  Whilst the University was aware that the current assumptions would not achieve financial stability in the longer term, increasing the required efficiency gains represented a significant cultural change and would need to be addressed sensitively.  Part of the University’s response was to improve the efficiency of business processes by reducing duplication of effort.  The University would be revisiting the bronze, silver and gold scenarios and working on contingency plans over the next few months.  This work would inform the action required over the next two years to avoid the projected deficits in 2012/13 and 2013/14.  Council was confident that the financial modelling and planning procedures in place meant that the University was in a good position to revise budgeting assumptions and bring the plan back into surplus. 

Council APPROVED the University Budget for 2009-10 and RECEIVED the Five-Year Financial Plan, noting that further work was needed in order to produce acceptable figures for 2012/13 and 2013/14.


09/41       Capital Programme

09/41.1     Progress Report


Council RECEIVED a progress report on current projects and NOTED the revised five year capital plan.

09/41.2     Central Park Masterplan


The Director of Facilities Management (FM) delivered a presentation outlining a broad overview of plans for the re-development of the Central Park. The core objectives of the proposals were to enhance the student experience, achieve the co-location of some academic and service departments that were currently split across campus and improve the efficiency of existing buildings via a modernisation programme.  At this stage, Council was being asked to endorse the overall plan in principle only.  No approvals for expenditure were currently being sought and individual projects would be subject to the usual approval procedures in the context of the overall financial framework.  LSU hoped to be able to engage in discussions regarding the use of some of the “spare” space currently identified in the plan.  The President of the LSU wished to thank the Director of FM for the work that had been done to date.  Council AGREED to give outline APPROVAL for the Central Park Masterplan.

09/42       Risk Management

09/42.1     Council APPROVED a Consolidated Statement on Risk Management 2008/09 and NOTED the Statement of Corporate Governance, subject to minor amendments.


09/42.2     Council APPROVED Audit Committee’s opinion on Risk Management.

09/42.3     Council APPROVED the University Risk Register and Schedule for 2008/09.


09/42.4     Council APPROVED revised procedures for Risk Management.


09/42.5     Council RECEIVED a copy of HEFCE’s Assessment of Institutional Risk.


09/43       Audit Committee

09/43.1     Report of Meetings – 3 March and 25 June 2009

COUN09-P66 and COUN09-P67

Council NOTED that Simon Proffitt was resigning as Chair of the Audit Committee with effect from 1 August 2009 but would remain a member, at least during 2009-10.  The Chair of Council thanked Mr Proffitt for the excellent job he had performed as Chair of the Audit Committee which was a very important role in terms of University governance and accountability.  Nigel Tamplin had agreed to take on the role of Chair of the Audit Committee.

The Chair of the Audit Committee presented the report and drew Council’s attention to the following issues:

  • The most significant risks currently being faced by the University were rising pension costs, international recruitment, financial stability and the flu pandemic.  Audit Committee was closely monitoring all areas. The Chair reassured Council that he scrutinised the Vice-Chancellor’s expenses and confirmed that no allowances were paid.
  • There had been a number of long outstanding audit recommendations relating to internal control functions and good progress was now being made as a consequence of Agresso functionality. 
  • The University had made good progress in implementing business continuity planning although a proper testing schedule would need to be devised.  This was an area where Audit Committee had previously expressed concerns and the Chair was encouraged that steps were now being taken by the University to introduce a coherent and coordinated approach.
  • The Internal Auditors (KPMG) still had some concerns regarding imago purchasing and general goods receipting procedures.  However, progress was being made in this area and the Chair was confident that the issues would be addressed satisfactorily.  KPMG had recognised the financial scenario planning undertaken by the University as an example of good practice within the sector.
  • HEFCE had allocated responsibility to Audit Committees for ensuring the quality of data in University statutory returns.  Processes had been designed to test the robustness of data across the various returns.
  • Good work continued on the Value for Money agenda.  A number of benefits had been achieved through the “Services Working Together” initiative.  However, Audit Committee had not yet seen the full report for 2008-09, nor the plan for 2009-10.

09/43.2     Report on the Audit Committee’s review of its effectiveness


The Audit Committee had commissioned the Internal Auditors to undertake a review of effectiveness of the Committee.  The review had been wide ranging - including interviews with members of the Committee and individuals who regularly engaged it.  The overall findings were favourable although some opportunities for improvement had been identified.  Recommendations included the improved induction of new members and appraisal of existing members.  The latter was under discussion with the Chair of Council. It was also noted that the Committee had, appropriately at the time, spent a long time focussing on risk management over the past few years.  Risk management had now become more fully embedded in the University’s operations and so it was suggested that it might be appropriate for the Audit Committee to step back slightly from this activity.  This would allow more time to be dedicated to the Value for Money agenda.  The Audit Committee would consider the recommendations in detail and agree corresponding actions in September.

09/44       Matters for Report

09/44.1     Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research)

(i)         Research Grants and Contracts


(ii)        Research Outputs


09/44.2     Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching)


Applications for UK/EU undergraduate 2009 entry had increased by more than 18% compared to the previous year.  The challenge for the University was not to over recruit as this could incur financial penalties from HEFCE.  Council were reassured that the University would be carefully managing its admissions process in August and was expected to make less concessionary offers than usual. 

The impact of the new points-based immigration procedures on international recruitment was not yet known though no major problems had arisen to date.  The University was closely monitoring the situation and providing the appropriate assistance and support to international applicants.

09/44.3     Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Enterprise)


09/45       Chairman’s Report

Following the most recent Review of Effectiveness of Council, it had been agreed that the Chairman would make a verbal report at each meeting to pick up on relevant issues discussed by Chairman's Advisory Group (CAG) that had not been covered elsewhere on the agenda. 

Most of the issues discussed by CAG at its latest meeting had already been covered elsewhere on the agenda including:

  • Financial planning
  • Contingency plans for the flu pandemic
  • Student numbers for 2009-10
  • Report from the Chair of Audit Committee.

Additionally, the Chair took the opportunity to report on the appointment of lay members of Council to the Boards of Subsidiary Companies as follows:

  • Sir John Gains as Chairman of imago
  • Brian Dent as Chairman of CASCAiD.  Professor Terry Kavanagh was thanked for Chairing the Board in the interim.

09/46       Vice-Chancellor's Business

09/46.1     Recent Developments at the University

i.           The latest position with regard to pay negotiations was that UCEA had offered a 0.4% increase which had been rejected by the Unions.  The next meeting was scheduled for 15 July at which the Unions were expected to seek further reassurance in relation to job security.  Whilst Loughborough University’s current financial position was robust, there were a number of institutions in a substantially different position and redundancies were already taking place elsewhere in the sector.  Council was reminded that the dispute over pay and job security was at a national, not a local, level.  The working relationship between the Unions and Loughborough University was good, borne out of mutual respect.

ii.         The University had recently undergone a HEFCE Assurance visit.  In general, the visit had gone well and HEFCE had met with a number of colleagues including some members of Council.  The only minor concern which had been raised was in relation to the size of the Council which slightly exceeded the number recommended in the latest CUC guidance.  The Chair of Council re-affirmed his belief that the current membership was entirely appropriate and ensured that relevant constituencies were represented at the meeting.  A formal report on the findings of the visit would be presented to Council in the Autumn.

iii.        The first cohort of students paying full fees were due to graduate this year.  The University was aware of concerns in relation to graduate employment as a result of the economic recession.  The University’s Careers Centre would continue to offer support and advice to students in relation to seeking employment after graduation.

iv.       The Vice-Chancellor wished to formally record her thanks to Peter Davenport who had been serving as Acting Alumni Association President.

v.         The University’s Centenary Celebrations would continue up until Christmas and Council members were encouraged to take part in the programme of events.

vi.       The University would be represented by a team of students on “University Challenge”.  The programme was being screened on 20 July.  Professor Ken Parsons was thanked for his efforts in coordinating the establishment of the team.

09/46.2     Policy Developments for HE in the UK


09/47     University Ordinances

09/47.1     Amendments to the Charter


Council CONSIDERED proposals to amend the Charter to remove the references to Court.  Senate and General Assembly had been consulted on the proposals and no material comments had been received.  Amongst Council members, there were differing opinions on how the role of Chancellor should be reflected in the Charter.  Pending a review of the role of Chancellor, following which further amendments might be proposed, it was AGREED that the amendment to paragraph 5 of the Charter should be re-worded as follows:

“There shall be a Chancellor of the University who shall be the Chief Officer of the University, shall confer Degrees and shall serve as a member of the Council of the University.”

All other amendments to the Charter remained as presented in the agenda paper.

09/47.2     Amendments to Statutes


Council CONSIDERED amendments to University Statutes as follows:

·         Statutes I, II, III, IV, VII, IX, (repeal of XII), XIII, XIV, XV, XX, and XXV to remove references to Court.

  • Statute IX - The Registrar - to remove reference to the Registrar acting as secretary to Council and to allow Council to appoint its secretary from amongst the administrative staff.

·         Statute XIII - Council to make explicit Council’s responsibility for risk management.

Following discussion of papers COUN09-P74 and COUN09-P75, a Special Resolution to amend the Charter and Statutes was supported by ¾ majority (Voting Result: 20 FOR, 2 AGAINST, 1 ABSTENTION).  The amendments would need to be confirmed at the October meeting before being recommended to the Privy Council.  Council therefore APPROVED the Special Resolution to make amendments to the Charter and Statutes, subject to any changes that the Privy Council should require. 

09/48     Membership of Council 2009/10


Council NOTED the membership of Council for 2009/10 thus far determined.

09/49     Council Membership of Committees 2009/10


This item was withdrawn.

09/50       Senate


Council RECEIVED a report of the meeting of Senate held on 1 July 2009 and APPROVED:

09/50.1     Programme Proposals.

09/50.2     Change of Title – Department of Politics, International Relations and European Studies to Department of Politics, History and International Relations

09/50.3     Revisions to the Procedures for Establishment of Research Groups, Centres, Institutes and Research Schools..


09/51       Enterprise Board


Council RECEIVED the report from the Enterprise Board held on 8 April 2009 and APPROVED amendments to the Terms of Reference.

09/52       Treasurer’s Committee


Council RECEIVED reports from the Treasurer’s Committee meetings held on 13 November 2008, 31 March and 16 June 2009 and APPROVED:

09/52.1     Anti-Money Laundering Policy


09/52.2     Ethical Investment Policy


09/53       Widening Participation Strategic Assessment


Council APPROVED the Widening Participation Strategic Assessment submitted to HEFCE.

09/54       Reports of Committees

Council RECEIVED reports from the following Committees:

09/54.1         Advancement Committee – 10 June 2009 [COUN09-P87]

09/54.2         Costing and Pricing Committee – 21 January 2009 [COUN09-P88]

09/54.3         Estates Management Committee – 26 March, 30 April & 4 June 2009 [COUN09-P89]

09/54.4         Health, Safety and Environmental Committee – 10 June 2009 [COUN09-P90]

09/54.5         Performance Monitoring Group – 10 March 2009 [COUN09-P91]

09/54.6         Research Performance Monitoring Group – 3 March and 20 April 2009 [COUN09-P92]

09/54.7         Student Experience Committee – 17 June 2009 [COUN09-P93]

09/55       Dates of Meetings in 2009/10

Council NOTED the dates for meetings in 2009/10 as follows:

·       Friday 9 October 2009 – as part of the Joint Meeting of Senate and Council to review the University Strategy

·      Friday, 27 November 2009 (9.15 am) and including the Treasurer’s Briefing

·      Friday, 19 March 2010 (9.30 am)

·      Thursday, 8 July 2010 (1.30 pm) 

09/56       Any Other Business

The LSU President presented the LSU Annual Report and drew Council’s attention specifically to work being done to maintain and improve the student experience.  The LSU was being greatly supported by the new Board of Trustees and the President wished to thank Michael Pearson for his enormous contribution.  Council also noted that RAG had raised £974K which was, once again, an impressive increase on previous years.

The LSU President recorded his personal thanks to Council, the University and specifically the Vice-Chancellor, the Provost and the Chief Operating Officer.  The good working relationship between the LSU and the University was one of the contributing factors to the unique student experience offered by Loughborough.

Council congratulated the LSU on a successful year and wished all members of the Executive well for the future.

09/57       Date of Next Meeting

Friday 9 October 2009 – as part of the Joint Meeting of Senate and Council to review the University Strategy

09/58    Valedictory

Council recorded its thanks to David Goss and Georgie Payne, from LSU, for their contributions over the past year and wished them both all the best for the future.



Author – Miranda Routledge
Date – July 2009
Copyright (c) Loughborough University.  All rights reserved.