The Council




The next meeting of the University Council will be held on Friday 30 March 2007 at 10.15am in the Council Chamber, Administration Building 2. 

Mr J M Town, Registrar



1.       Business of the Agenda

Members are reminded that a starred item is approved at this stage unless notice is given of intention to speak to it.  Any member wishing to speak to a starred item, to raise an item under any other business or to challenge the unconfirmed minutes is asked to give notice to the Registrar by mid-day on Thursday 29 March 2007.

2.       Minutes

To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on 19 December 2006 (COUN06-M7).

3.       Matters arising from the Minutes

3.1       Induction Programme for New members


To receive a verbal update from the Registrar.


SECTION A: Items for Discussion

4.       Finance Matters



4.1              Financial Report 2006-07



To receive an update on the University’s financial position for 2006-07.


4.2              HEFCE Recurrent Grant for 2007-08



To receive a report on the HEFCE recurrent grant for the academic year 2007-08.


4.3       HEFCE Financial Health Indicators


COUN07-P3 (to follow)

To note the summary statistics from the 2006 HEFCE Financial Forecasts and to receive a report from the Director of Finance.

5.       Capital Programme

5.1       Progress Report


To receive a progress report on the Capital Programme.


5.2       Science & Enterprise Park / Sports Park Developments


To receive an update.


5.3       Car Park 7 Development


To receive an update on the development of student residences on Car Park 7, and to approve:

(i) Completion of the proposed transaction.

(ii) Delegated authority to the Chairs of Council and Resources and Planning Committee to progress proposals on the construction of a multi-storey car park on the West Park of campus, should EMG’s review of parking strategy determine this to be the preferred course of action.


6.       Nominating Committee

6.1       Recommendations to Court

To note that on the recommendation of Council, Court has approved that Sir John Gains be appointed as Pro-Chancellor for an initial term of three years from February 2007.


7.       Audit Committee


(i) To consider a report of the meeting of the Audit Committee held on 23 February 2007.

(ii) To note Audit Committee’s satisfaction with the steps being taken to further develop the University’s business continuity planning arrangements, and to further embed risk management awareness (minute 07/2.3 refers).

(iii) To approve the following:

(a)   That a market testing exercise for Internal Audit Provision be undertaken (minute 07/2.2 refers).

(b)   The Anti-Fraud, Corruption and Whistle-Blowing Policy, the Code of Conduct for Employees, Lay Members of Council and Committees, and the Fraud Response Plan, all subject to minor revisions (minute 07/5.1(iv) refers).


8.       Update on University Strategy

8.1       Implementation Plans

To received an update from the Vice-Chancellor.


8.2       Key Performance Indicators


To receive an update from the Deputy Vice-Chancellor. (An outline framework, and examples of the supporting charts will be tabled at the meeting).


8.3       Chief Operating Officer

To note:

(i) The retirements of Michael Pearson at the end of March 2007, and John Town at the end of 2007.

(ii) The creation of the post of Chief Operating Officer, to provide strategic leadership and responsibility for the areas currently covered by Michael and John (noting that the role of Director of Finance has already been taken over by Rachel Wiggans).

(iii) That the Chief Operating Officer will fulfil the responsibilities of the Registrar as indicated in the Charter and Statutes. 


*9.     Matters for Reports

*9.1      Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research)

(i) Research Applications, Grants and Contracts


(ii) RAE 2008


(iii) Recent Research Activity


*9.2      Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching)


Student Recruitment for 2007 Entry


*9.3      Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Enterprise)



10.     Vice-Chancellor's Business

To receive a report from the Vice-Chancellor on the following matters:

(i) National Issues


 (ii) Incident at Loughborough Students’ Union


SECTION B - Items for Approval

*11.    University Statutes

*11.1   Confirmation of Special Resolutions


Further to minute 06/113.2 and paper COUN06-P122, to confirm a Special Resolution to recommend to HM Privy Council an amendment to Statute XIV (The Senate).

*12.    University Ordinances

*12.1    Confirmation of Amendments


Further to minute 06/114.2 and paper COUN06-P123, to confirm amendments to Ordinance XXXVIII (Student Complaints Procedures), with effect from 1 January 2007.


*12.2    New Amendments



On the recommendation of Senate, to approve amendments to Ordinance XV (Study Leave and Leave to Accept and Externally Funded Award).


*13.     University Health and Safety Policy



To approve amendments to the University’s Health and Safety Policy relating to the transfer of responsibilities from the Registrar to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor.


*14.     Amendment to Local Rules for the Protection of Persons Exposed to Ionising Radiation



On the recommendation of the Radiation Protection Committee, to approve amendments to Local Rules for the Protection of Persons Exposed to Ionising Radiation in view of new research being carried out in the Department of Human Sciences, involving the use of a Dual X-ray Absorptiometer.


*15.    Senate



To receive a report from the meeting held on 7 March 2007, and to approve the following recommendations:

(i) Programme Proposals (minute 07/8 refers)

(ii) Establishment of New Prizes, Amendments to Existing Prizes, and the Discontinuation of Prizes (minute 07/11 and Annex A refer)


*16.    Resources and Planning Committee



To receive a report from the meeting held on 9 March 2007.


*17.    Timothy Godfrey Memorial Fund



To approve an amendment to the membership of the Advisory Committee for the Timothy Godfrey Memorial Fund.


*18.    Common Seal



To ratify the action of the Registrar in affixing the University Seal to the documents listed.


SECTION C - Items for Information

*19.    Council Business Cycle (Annual Agenda) 2006-07


To receive an updated Annual Agenda for 2006-07.

*20.    Chair’s Action

BA in English and Sports Science

To note that the Vice-Chancellor, on the recommendation of Learning and Teaching Committee, has taken action on behalf of Senate and Council to approve the reinstatement of BA in English and Sports Science, with immediate effect.

Full details are available from the Assistant Secretary upon request.

*21.    Reports of Committees

To receive reports from the following Committees:


(i) Health, Safety and Environmental Committee – 21 February 2007 [COUN07-P23]

(ii) Performance Monitoring Group – 5 December 2006 [COUN07-P24]


*22.    Any Other Business

*23.    Date of Next Meeting

Tuesday, 24 July 2007 (2.30pm) 


Author – Chris Dunbobbin
Date –March 2007
Copyright (c) Loughborough University.  All rights reserved.