The Council


Minutes of the meeting of the University Council held on Friday 28 November 2008.


Sir Bryan Carsberg (Chair); Dr Memis Acar; Dr Jo Aldridge; John Blackwell; Dr Anja Baumhoff; Penny Coates; Professor Ian Davidson; Brian Dent; Gifty Edila (ab); Sir John Gains; Marc Gibson; Paul Glover (ab); David Goss; Professor Neil Halliwell; Norma Honey; Sir John Jennings; Jim Murphy; Jim Mutton; Professor Ric Parker; Professor Richard Parry-Jones (ab); Georgie Payne; Professor Shirley Pearce; Simon Proffitt; Professor Ian Reid; Jackie Strong; Nigel Tamplin; Alan A Woods; Dr Dominic Wring.

In attendance:

Rob Allan; Professor Morag Bell; Professor Phill Dickens; Professor Terry Kavanagh; Dr Jennifer Nutkins; Professor Ken Parsons; Professor Steve Rothberg; Miranda Routledge; Will Spinks; Jon Walker; Caroline Walker

Anne Mumford (for item 08/123.1), John Whittaker (for item 08/128), Ron Gray (for item 08/132)

Apologies for absence were received from:

Paul Glover, Professor Richard Parry-Jones


08/120    Business of the Agenda

Item 16 on the agenda was unstarred to receive the Minutes of the Senate meeting held on 19 November 2008.  No discussion was expected.

Item 18.1 was withdrawn as the report of the Audit/Treasurer’s Committee was not yet available.

Item 18.3 – Estates Management Committee report was unstarred by the LSU President.


08/121    Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting of Council held on 10 October 2008 [COUN08-M7] were CONFIRMED.


08/122    Chairman’s Introduction

With sadness, the Chair noted the death of Vivian Dhaliwal (elected staff member of Council).


08/123    University Strategy/Planning

08/123.1   Sustainability Implementation Plan


Dr Anne Mumford presented the Sustainability Implementation Plan to Council.  Sustainability had been identified as a cross-cutting theme to the Strategic Plan, relevant to, and evident in, all University activities.   As previously reported, there were many examples of good practice in terms of sustainability in teaching, research and operations but to date there had been no cohesive approach to identify and/or lend strategic direction to the various strands of activity. The Implementation Plan was intended to do just that and was welcomed by Council.

The University had already gained external recognition for its achievements in this area (e.g. hosting ETI and high ranking in the “Green League” compiled by People and Planet).  The Students’ Union had also been ranked 7th in the Sunday Times Green List 2008.  The University’s goal was to become an exemplar campus within the sector and it was in the process of establishing its carbon footprint with the intention of publishing figures by the end of the year.  The proposal, supported by ELT and Senate, was to achieve a reduction in the carbon footprint which was 2% higher than the target set for the sector by the government.  New buildings would also be expected to conform to the BREEAM “Very Good” standard.

During discussion, the following comments were made:

  • The strategy could usefully highlight research activity and proposed developments in into Energy Generation e.g. Wind Turbines and Photovoltaics.
  • Some of the old building stock on campus was energy inefficient and seemed to be at odds with the proposed strategy.  The University was conducting an energy assessment of all buildings and would be targeting the least energy-efficient in more detail to establish what action could be taken to improve matters.
  • Particularly in light of the latter point, Council urged the University to be mindful of the cost of energy improvements to old building stock.  It was important to make energy consumption savings but the work required to achieve this needed to be assessed in the context of the overall budget and plans for future capital expenditure.
  • It was confirmed that the targets set out in the document did not include the Students’ Union (LSU) or University tenants.  Whilst the University encouraged third parties to adopt good practice, it could not control activities.   However, further work would be undertaken to align the priorities of external organisations on campus with that of the University and further discussion would take place with LSU.  Action: AMM
  • It would be important to develop an effective communication strategy to inform all members of staff about the Implementation Plan and how they could contribute to the achievement of the targets.

Council thanked Dr Mumford for the work she had done and APPROVED the Sustainability Implementation Plan.

08/123.2   Human Resources Implementation Plan 

Council NOTED that some progress towards the delivery of the initial Human Resources Implementation Plan had been made.  Actions completed included the appointment of the Director of Human Resources and the completion of the first ever Staff Survey (see Minute 08/130 for detail).  A full Implementation Plan would be presented to Council in March 2009. 

08/123.3   Corporate Planning Statement


Council APPROVED the Corporate Planning Statement for submission to HEFCE.

08/124    Key Performance Indicators

(minor amendments made for web version)


Following suggestions at the last meeting, the Executive had discussed the way in which KPIs might be presented to Council in the future.  There had been mixed feelings regarding the adoption of tools such as “traffic lights” and balanced score cards.  It had therefore been concluded that the current format should continue with the Provost giving a brief update, highlighting exceptions and actions where appropriate.

In relation to the current report, the Provost drew Council’s attention to the following:

·         Tables 3.1.1 – 3.1.4: Student Intakes and Targets: UK/EU undergraduate targets had been revised to compensate for the anticipated shortfall in international recruitment.  The actual intake of international students had been closer to target than expected, resulting in a slightly larger than anticipated intake overall.  The University remained concerned about international recruitment for 2009-10 and was looking closely at mitigating action that could be taken to strengthen the position.

·         Table 5.2: Sports Development Centre: Gross Income and Expenditure: the increase in the difference between income and expenditure in 2007-08 was a result of investment in the 2012 Olympics and had been a considered decision.

A minor amendment to the wording of the Marketing and Communications Strategic Aims was agreed.

08/125    University Finance

08/125.1   University Accounts 2007-08


The Chairman introduced the item by reminding Council members of the importance of their role in approving the accounts, for which they were collectively responsible.  

The Treasurer and Finance Director had given a presentation of the Accounts prior to the meeting where a number of detailed questions had been answered.  Council’s attention was drawn specifically to the Operating and Financial Review which was a new requirement and included a fuller explanation of the factors contributing to the accounts than had been provided in the accounts previously.    The auditors had reviewed the accounts and given their full approval. 

The Chairman thanked the Finance Team and the Treasurer for their work in producing the accounts.  Council agreed to RECEIVE the University Financial Statements for the year ended 31 July 2008 and APPROVED the adoption of the accounts. 

08/125.2   Financial Compliance Review 2007-08


Council RECEIVED the Financial Compliance Review 2007-08.  The report served to reassure Council that the University had performed well against the various financial covenants imposed by Lloyds Bank and HEFCE. 

08/125.3   University Budget 2008-09


Council RECEIVED an update on the current year budget which been revised slightly following clarification on some material risks, including the pay award, which had not been finalised at the time the original budget was prepared.  Despite significant variations on some items, the bottom line remained reasonably stable.  In response to a query, the Finance Director clarified that the increase in Support Services expenditure was due to increased energy costs and included academic departments’ consumption (re-charged through COMA).

Council noted that the current budget would be challenging to deliver in the current financial climate but remained assured that the Executive were monitoring the position closely and responding as appropriate.  Council therefore APPROVED revisions to the budget as detailed in the agenda paper.

08/125.4   Five-year Financial Forecast to HEFCE


Council RECEIVED the five year financial forecast prior to submission to HEFCE.  Essentially, the figures reflected the silver scenario (ie planning for surplus and significant capital expenditure) upon which the existing approved budget had been based.  There had been some adjustments due to slippage in building projects moving capital expenditure into future years.  Council noted that, whilst the forecasts did not take the current financial climate into account, the Executive were working on a number of alternative downturn scenarios so that the University could respond appropriately if the need arose.  Council APPROVED the five year financial forecast for submission to HEFCE

08/125.5   Reporting Arrangements for Subsidiary Companies

Formal responsibility for monitoring the performance of the various subsidiary companies would be discharged by Performance Monitoring Group which reported periodically to Council.  

08/126    Capital Programme

08/126.1   Progress Report


Council RECEIVED the progress report, which was more detailed than previously, and noted that no approvals were required now or before the next Council meeting.  The overall commitment in 2008/09 was lower than originally planned for due to re-phasing of the SportPark and the Design Centre.  Academic colleagues were reassured that the 2011 delivery date for the Design Centre was unaffected.

The LSU President raised an issue in relation to the Hazlerigg/Rutland Hall communal recreation space.  The Executive confirmed that, at this stage, there were no agreed plans for the space. The University had to ensure that it achieved value for money from the building but remained sympathetic to the heritage issues.  LSU would be invited to put their views forward through the formal project procedures at an appropriate time.  The Chief Operating Officer confirmed the process by which decisions on the use of space would be reached: a Project Board would be established which would consult with all stakeholders, including LSU, and make recommendations to Operations Committee and Estates Management Committee. 

08/126.2   Project Proposals Process


On the recommendation of Operations Committee, Council APPROVED minor revisions to Project Proposals Process.

08/127    Audit Committee

08/127.1   Report of Meetings: 30 October and 13 November 2008


Council RECEIVED reports of the meetings of the Audit Committee held on 30 October and 13 November 2008 and:

(a)     RECEIVED the Internal Audit Annual Report 2007-08 and NOTED the Audit Committee’s findings.

(b)     NOTED the Audit Committee’s findings in relation to the VFM Annual Report for 2007-08.

(c)     NOTED Audit Committee’s opinion that the University had satisfactory arrangements in place to provide an assurance to Council concerning the effectiveness and adequacy of the risk management, control and governance processes.

(d)     NOTED a summary of the Internal Audit Strategy and Operational Plan 2008-09.

(e)     NOTED the VFM Annual Plan 2008-09.

(f)      APPROVED the process for the appointment of External Auditors for 2008-09.  HEFCE recommended that External Auditors were appointed for a maximum of seven years after which the University should go out to tender for a replacement.  Deloitte and Touche were currently in their seventh year.  The Finance Director and Chair of the Audit Committee would undertake a performance review of Deloitte and Touche and report back to Audit Committee and Council.  The authority to appoint external auditors rested with Council so specific recommendations would need to be brought forward for approval at a later date.

The Chair of the Audit Committee also drew Council’s attention to the following issues:

·            The internal auditors had expressed an opinion that the University had satisfactory arrangements in order to provide assurance to Council over the effectiveness and adequacy of the risk management, control and governance processes except in relation to the purchasing process within Agresso and purchasing within imago Services.  Satisfactory management responses had been received in relation to both of these issues which were now being addressed.

·            Audit Committee met with Risk Holders on a rolling basis to engage in a dialogue regarding the risk register and schedule and to gage the extent to which risk management was embedded into the operations of the University.  In general, the Audit Committee had noted a very positive trend of deeper engagement with Risk Management in recent years.

·            Audit Committee were encouraged that the Executive Leadership Team (ELT) had increased its engagement Risk Management, Value For Money (VFM) and Internal Audit.  ELT had also contributed to enhanced forward planning and the Audit Committee was very encouraged by the development of the 2008-09 plan which focused on the important activities for the University.

·            2007-08 had been a challenging year for the University due to the implementation of Agresso and the vacancy in the post of Finance Director.  Audit Committee felt that the Finance Team had done a good job in difficult circumstances.  Not all elements of Agresso had been implemented and some business benefits were yet to be realized. 

·            Audit Committee had been generally pleased with the service provided by the internal auditors – KPMG.  The number of high priority recommendations had increased significantly compared to previous years.  The Committee felt that this was a reflection of the difficult year just passed.  However, the University had, in general, responded quickly to the recommendations and so the Committee was satisfied overall that there were adequate internal controls in place.

·            Under the revised Financial Memorandum, HEFCE required Audit Committees to report on data quality assurance and arrangements had now been agreed for this.

·            The University adopted various approaches to VFM activity.  SUMS had been employed to make contributions in some areas including Agresso and marketing/branding.    Additionally, the University had initiated “Services Working Together” aimed at improving collaboration across the University Support Services and to avoid unnecessary duplication of effort.  Audit Committee encouraged the University to focus on assessing the cost-benefits of VFM activities.

·            The Audit Committee was adopting the CUC methodology to undertake periodic reviews to reassure Council that it was operating effectively and would report again on this issue in July 2009.

The Chair of Council expressed his gratitude to the Chair of Audit Committee for his continued hard work.

08/127.2   Audit Committee Annual Report 2007-08


08/128    Review of Effectiveness of Council

08/128.1   Final Report of the 2008 Review of Effectiveness of Council


John Whittaker attended to present his final report on the Function and Operation of Council.  The majority of recommendations were ACCEPTED with or without modification and it was AGREED that the Assistant Secretary to Council would document the detailed response to each recommendation separately (circulated with the minutes).  Progress against each of the recommendations would be kept under review and reported back to Council periodically.  John Whittaker was thanked for an excellent report.

08/128.2   Update on Implementation of 2005 Review of Effectiveness of Council


08/129    Review of Court


Further to Minute 08/102 (10 October 2008), the Advancement Committee had reviewed the proposals put forward by the Court Review Group and now asked Council to consider the following recommendations (summarised below but detailed in full in the agenda paper):

  • That the Court be retained, but that from 2010 onwards, its role and function be changed to provide a vehicle for public relations and communication with key stakeholders which contributed to the University’s capacity to achieve its strategy to 2016. 
  • That the Advancement Committee take an active role in reviewing the format and content of the meetings/activities associated with Court.
  • That the title be retained as “Court”.
  • That the formal membership be reduced but that a wide range of individuals be invited to attend depending on the themes of Court communications and events.  It was noted that the LSU Development Officer would be invited to all meetings.
  • That Ordinance VIII, governing the membership of Court be repealed.  Council noted that, if approved, this would need to be confirmed at a subsequent meeting.
  • That the statutory powers of Court be transferred to Council at the next available opportunity and that reference to Court be removed from the Charter, Statutes and Ordinances.

During discussion, a number of concerns were raised as follows:

  • Transferring the statutory powers of Court to Council could compromise the accountability of Council to a higher body.  In response it was made explicit that Court did not currently have this function and that the University, including the Council, was subject to rigorous external scrutiny from a number of external agencies (eg HEFCE, External Auditors).  The membership of Council had a majority of lay members from diverse backgrounds which ensured that independent views were represented on the governing body.
  • Some members were reluctant to approve the proposals because they felt that they potentially destroyed links with the past and could impact on heritage issues.  In response, it was confirmed that the University had changed dramatically over the years and that the function initially provided by Court was no longer being served.
  • Some members wondered if a process of trying to engage with the current membership to see how the existing forum could be improved would be a better way forward than the radical changes proposed.  In response, it was confirmed that all members of Court had been given an opportunity to comment on the Review and that whilst some had wished the current format to be retained, a large proportion supported a change and many had failed to respond.

In view of the dissenting views of a few members, the Chair requested a vote be taken.   There was a clear majority in favour of the changes and therefore Council APPROVED the recommendations put forward in the agenda paper.


08/130    Staff Survey

Professor Steve Rothberg gave a presentation summarising the results of the Staff Survey completed earlier in the year.  The University had had a high response rate across all job families except operational staff.   Further work was being undertaken to engage this group in the process.  The survey had been coordinated by Capita who, as part of the analysis, had provided benchmark data.  In general, the results had been very positive and the University had performed well compared to other institutions in the sector.  A number of areas where improvements could be made had been identified and the University was undertaking an extensive consultation exercise in order to draw up an appropriate action plan.  Overall, however, the University was pleased with the results which demonstrated a high level of job satisfaction amongst its employees.  

08/131    Health,  Safety and Environmental Matters

(minor amendments made for web version)

08/131.1   Annual Plan for the Health, Safety and Environmental Office


Council NOTED progress against the 2007/08 plan and AGREED the 2008/09 plan.  The Provost drew Council’s attention to the need for policy and governance in the area of Biological Safety.  This covered research activity and biological sampling in some departments. 

08/131.2   New Guidance on Leading Health and Safety at Work


Council RECEIVED the University’s response to new guidance on leading health and safety at work published by the Universities & Colleges Association and University Safety and Health Association.  The Health, Safety and Environment Committee had looked closely at the core actions and good practice suggestions within the report and felt that the University was already complying with most of them.  One exception was the regular attendance of the Health and Safety Manager at meetings of the governing body.  To this end, it was AGREED that the University’s Health, Safety and Environment Officer should attend Council annually to present the Annual Plan for the Health, Safety and Environmental Office.

08/132    Honorary Bachelor Degree awards


Ron Gray - Director of Development and Alumni Relations - attended for this item.   He reported that the initiative to award Honorary Bachelor Degrees to holders of the award of Diploma of Loughborough College (DLC) (approved by Council in July) was gathering momentum and that it was opening up networks with active and involved Alumni.  A number of individuals were very excited and take up of the awards was expected to be high.  Council was asked to consider recommendations from the Honorary Degree Committee to be more inclusive and to broaden the criteria for the awards.  Council remained supportive of the initiative and therefore APPROVED:

·         That Honorary Bachelor Degrees be offered to all former students who studied at the University’s constituent Colleges, received a higher education qualification below the level of a Bachelor degree and who completed their studies in or before 1979.

·         That certificates be issued in absentia.

·         That family members be permitted to accept awards on behalf of candidates that were deceased or too unwell to travel.

·         That individuals who had their DLC converted to Bachelor Degrees under the former academic arrangements be awarded Honorary Bachelor Degrees. 

08/133    Matters for Report

08/133.1   Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research)

(i)         Research Grants and Contracts


(ii)        Research Outputs


(iii)       Review of Research Schools


(iv)       RAE Outcome


08/133.2   Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching)


08/133.3   Acting Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Enterprise)


08/134    Vice-Chancellor's Business

08/134.1   Recent Developments at the University

i.           The University had been represented at the recent memorial service for Sir Denis Rooke which had been a very moving occasion.

ii.         The University had, for the third year running, been awarded the Times Higher Award for Best Student Experience.  The award reflected an excellent partnership with the Students’ Union and a commitment to excellence across the campus.  The Vice-Chancellor wished to place formally on record her thanks to all staff. 

iii.        The Business School had been awarded EQUIS accreditation.

iv.       The University had been invited to put its name forward for consideration for a feasibility study into developing a campus with KLEC (Kuala Lumpur Education City).  At this stage, no decisions were required and if, at some point in the future, the University was minded to pursue the initiative further, full details would be presented to Council for consideration and approval.

v.         The Executive continued to explore options for hosting an international team’s training camp for the 2012 Olympics.  It was anticipated that an announcement would be made in the New Year. 

vi.       A paper outlining the timetable of the Centenary Celebration Events was tabled.  The University was also taking the opportunity to raise Loughborough’s profile by badging existing planned events as Centenary Events.

08/134.2   Report of the Advancement Committee (29 October 2008)


Council RECEIVED the report of the Advancement Committee.  The Vice-Chancellor wanted to bring the Committee’s first meeting to Council’s attention but noted that future reports would usually be starred items in Section C of the agenda.  The Committee covered a broad range of activities and a key objective would be to ensure that all departments integrated advancement into their core activities, evidenced by inclusion in Departmental Development Plans.

08/134.3   Policy Issues


Council NOTED the agenda paper and members commented on the following issues:

·         Some departments did not feel that they had been fully involved in discussions regarding the acceptance of the Advanced Diploma as an entry qualification.  A specific issue was raised concerning land-based studies.  In response, the PVCT confirmed that a number of Admissions Tutors had been involved in early discussions but acknowledged that it would be timely to include HoDs as well.  It was clarified that the first tranche of students entering with the Diploma would not be admitted until 2010/11.  The initial intake only affected departments in the Faculty of Engineering who had been fully consulted.  The number of students expecting to register for the Diploma were very small.  Action: PVC(T)

·         Clarification was sought in relation to the timescale for publishing, disseminating ad analyzing the RAE results.  The Vice-Chancellor confirmed that HEFCE had recently revised its publication timetable and the Executive were reworking a communication strategy - intended to be released to departments two weeks before the release of results to HEIs (17 December 2008).

08/135    Senate


This item was unstarred.  Council RECEIVED a report of the meeting of Senate held on 19 November 2008 and APPROVED:

08/135.1     Programme Proposals.

08/135.2     Amendments to Terms of Reference for Enterprise Board


08/135.3     Amendments to Terms of Reference for Health, Safety and Environmental Committee


08/135.4     Amendments to Terms of Reference for Performance Monitoring Group


08/136    Membership of Council Committees

08/136.1   Council NOTED appointments to vacancies on Council Committees and Joint Committees with Senate since the last meeting.


08/136.2   Council NOTED LSU appointments to Council Committees and Joint Committees with Senate.


08/137    Reports of Committees

Council RECEIVED reports from the following Committees:

01/137.1     Audit/Treasurer’s Committee – 13 November 2008 [COUN08-P174] – Item withdrawn

01/137.2     Enterprise Board – 17 October 2008 [COUN08-P175]

01/137.3     Estates Management Committee – 22 July 2008, 10 September and 6 November  2008 [COUN08-P176]

This item had been unstarred but the LSU president confirmed that his queries had been dealt with under item 08/126.1.

01/137.4     Health, Safety and Environmental Committee – 30 October 2008 [COUN08-P177]

01/137.5     Performance Monitoring Group – 3 October 2008 [COUN08-P178]

01/137.6     Research Performance Monitoring Group – 22 September and 21 October 2008 [COUN08-P179]

01/137.7     Student Experience Committee  – 29 October 2008 [COUN08-P180]

01/137.8     Costing and Pricing Committee – 2 July 2008 [COUN08-P181]

08/138    Date of Next Meeting

Friday, 27 March 2009 (10.15am)


Author – Miranda Routledge
Date – December 2008
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