The Council


Minutes of the meeting of the University Council held on Friday 10 October 2008.


Sir Bryan Carsberg (Chair); Dr Memis Acar; Dr Jo Aldridge (ab); John Blackwell; Dr Anja Baumhoff; Penny Coates (ab); Professor Ian Davidson; Brian Dent; Vivian Dhaliwal (ab); Gifty Edila; Sir John Gains; Marc Gibson; Paul Glover; David Goss; Professor Neil Halliwell; Norma Honey; Sir John Jennings; Jim Murphy; Jim Mutton; Professor Ric Parker (ab); Professor Richard Parry-Jones; Georgie Payne; Professor Shirley Pearce; Simon Proffitt; Professor Ian Reid; Jackie Strong; Alan A Woods (ab); Dr Dominic Wring.

In attendance:

Professor Morag Bell; Professor Peter Golding; Professor Terry Kavanagh; Dr Jennifer Nutkins; Professor Ken Parsons; Professor Steve Rothberg; Miranda Routledge; Jon Walker; Kathryn Walsh; Caroline Walker;

Apologies for absence were received from:

Dr Jo Aldridge; Professor Ric Parker; Alan A Woods


08/95      Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting of Council held on 22 July 2008 [COUN08-M5] were CONFIRMED.


08/96      Chairman’s Introduction

The Chair welcomed new members of Council and the new Director of Finance to their first meeting.  The meeting was held in the Sir Denis Rooke Building and imago was thanked for the use of the room. 

With sadness, the Chair noted the deaths of Sir Denis Rooke (former Chancellor) and Sir Richard Morris (former Chair of Council).


08/97       Duties and Responsibilities of Members of Council/Overview of Forthcoming Business

08/97.1     Duties and Responsibilities of Members of Council/Statement of Responsibilities of Council


It was common practice that, at the first meeting of each academic year, Council should note its duties and responsibilities and consider the key issues likely to emerge in the year ahead.  As the governing body, Council was ultimately responsible for approving, and monitoring progress towards achievement of, the Strategic Plan and for ensuring that the University was well-managed.  In particular, Council should ensure that the appropriate financial controls and risk management arrangements were in place.

Council members were reminded that the economy was facing turbulent times and that there was a great deal of financial uncertainty.  In such times, the University must do all it could to guard against adverse consequences but no-one could predict exactly how things would turn out.  The Chair reported that he had been in discussion with the University’s Executive Team and was reassured that appropriate action was being taken in response to the global economic situation (see item 08/100.2 for further detail).

08/97.2     Overview of Year’s Forthcoming Business 



08/98       Key Performance Indicators


KPIs would continue to be provided to Council at every meeting.  There were no updates to the data since the last meeting other than the results of the National Student Survey on which, once again, the University had scored highly (see item 08/99.3 (ii) for more detail).  

Following comments at the last meeting that the KPIs were too “process-focussed”, the format of the report had been amended to align data more closely to the relevant implementation plan.  A lay member suggested that some of the proposed KPIs did not match the strategic objectives they were supposed to be measuring.  It was difficult to align some areas of University activity to objective and measurable KPIs, and a considerable amount of thought had gone into choosing appropriate indicators.  However, the Executive would give this, and the introduction of a “traffic lights” system, further consideration.

08/99       Matters for Report

08/99.1     Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research)

(i)         Research Grants and Contracts


08/99.2     Acting Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Enterprise)


08/99.3     Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching)

(i)         Recruitment for 2008/09 Entry


Council was presented with current data on student recruitment, noting that the position was fluid and changed daily as students continued to arrive and register. 

The University had been very successful at recruiting UK/EU students both at undergraduate and postgraduate level.  The distribution across departments was slightly uneven and there might be requests from some for additional teaching resources.  In response to a query, the PVCT confirmed that the University had not compromised on the quality of student entry qualifications.  All first choice undergraduates had been offered on campus accommodation and other entrants provided with support and advice.  The increase in UK/EU postgraduate students was encouraging as it began to reverse the (national) decline in this market which had occurred in recent years.  It was suggested that the increase in UK/EU postgraduate numbers could be a result of the economic downturn.  The PVCT felt that it was difficult to draw conclusions without a full investigation and that there were likely to be a number of influencing factors including the introduction of Alumni Bursaries.

International recruitment was more disappointing.  Whilst registrations continued to increase daily, the University did not expect to meet recruitment targets.  This had been anticipated early on and the 2008-09 budget included a contingency fund to cover this scenario.  In terms of future planning, the University had launched a review encompassing a number of international and local factors affecting international recruitment including increased competition from the USA and Australia, recruitment agents’ fees and the level of scholarships offered to international students.

(ii)        National Student Survey


The complexity of data collected in the survey meant that a myriad of analyses were carried out by a range of bodies, often showing varying outcomes/scores which fed into different league tables.  The University’s own analysis as presented in the paper concentrated on the answers to one question (Question 22 on overall satisfaction) and showed the University to have scored highly overall (91% respondents rating the University as “four” or “five” on a five point scale) with 22 of the University’s 30 subject areas being ranked in the top ten.   The University was satisfied with this outcome but was not complacent and would continue to work hard to achieve a high response rate.  Both academic departments and LSU were thanked for their efforts in 2008 which had resulted in the University having the best response rate (80%) in the sector.

08/100    University Budget

08/100.1   Outturn for 2007-08


The Director of Finance presented a brief update on the outturn for 2007-08, advising that the projected surplus would be exceeded.  Full details would be contained in the Financial Accounts presented to Council at its next meeting

08/100.2   Budget for 2008-09


The Director of Finance informed Council that material changes to a number of budget assumptions had occurred since July, resulting in a deterioration in the forecast figures in some areas for 2008-09.  Significant changes included international recruitment targets not being met (see item 08/99.3(i)) and a steep rise in utility costs.  The Pay Award for October would be based on the September RPI which was expected to be 4.5%-5% rather than the 4% assumed in the current budget.  The University was taking mitigating actions as appropriate and was stilling aiming for a £3.8M surplus.

The uncertain financial climate was inevitably high on the agenda and the Director of Finance drew Council’s attention to the following points affecting the University in the short-medium term:

  • The University could be confident that 92% of income (primarily through teaching grants, fees and research contracts) was already secure in principle. 
  • Inflation rates remained problematic as they were unpredictable and outside of the University’s control.  However, this had been anticipated in the current financial plans and would continue to be carefully and closely monitored.
  • Commercial activities, such as conferences and catering, could potentially come under threat if third parties reduced discretionary spending in these areas.
  • The University was monitoring cash assets on a daily basis, in accordance with the Treasury policy, and taking proactive measures to redistribute funds in order to minimise risk. 
  • In terms of borrowing, the University had secured a favourable interest rate with Lloyds TSB a number of years ago and this was expected to continue to meet requirements in the medium term (4-5 years).  The terms of the facility were linked to the bank base rate so payments had actually decreased.

It was difficult to predict the medium-long term impact on the University should the economic downturn start to significantly affect consumer behaviour.  It was possible that student numbers could be affected if the downturn continued for a number of years.  Inflation and pay rises were the biggest areas of concern and the Executive was already working on new financial scenarios to assist with future planning should the downturn continue or worsen.

The Chair reiterated that he was assured that appropriate action was being taken in response to the economic downturn.  He also reminded Council that the University had significantly increased its financial controls in recent years and that, through scenario based planning, was in a good position to monitor and model the impact of a range of factors on the budget.  The University was committed to improving the condition of its Estate and the current budget, agreed by Council, included an ambitious capital plan, financed through the generation of surpluses and some external borrowing.  If, at some point in the future, inflation rises could not be covered by income, the University may have to consider modifications to its capital expenditure plans.  At this stage, however, this was not considered a necessary course of action and the current “silver scenario” budget remained in place.

Rising utility costs were particularly concerning and it was important that all staff were encouraged to make energy savings as this was an area in which the behaviour of each member of staff could make a difference.

Council acknowledged that the University was operating in a difficult financial climate but was reassured that the financial controls in place were robust and that the information available to the Executive enabled good quality decisions to be taken in a timely fashion.


08/101    Capital Programme

08/101.1   SportPark

Council NOTED that the Chair, acting with delegated authority, had given final stage approval to the project

08/101.2   Multi-Storey Car Park

The Chair reported that, acting with delegated authority, he had given final stage approval to the project and that the revised budget was of an acceptable level.

08/101.3   Car Park 7 Halls of Residence Project


The Director of Finance presented a positive progress report on the project.   The first phase had been completed on time and rooms had been ready for occupation at the start of term.  The next phase was due for completion in November with students expected to move in, in January.  The LSU President reported that he had raised an issue with imago regarding the actual occupation date in January in order to minimise disruption to students’ revision for Semester 1 examinations.

08/102    Review of Court


The paper outlined the findings of the recent Review of Court and made recommendations regarding its future purpose and membership.  It was widely accepted that the current format was no longer appropriate in terms of either governance or public relations.  However it did present opportunities as part of the Advancement function and, if utilised effectively, could be a good mechanism for engaging local stakeholders and raising the profile of various University activities to the right audience.  The Review Group had also concluded that a shift in purpose to a public relations and communication function necessitated a change to the membership of Court to focus on relevant external parties.  Therefore, the recommendations of the Review Group were that the formal statutory powers of Court be transferred to Council and the membership be significantly amended.  The former would require changes to the Charter and Statutes which would need to be approved by Privy Council and the latter required a change to Ordinance VIII and needed to be approved by a three quarters majority of Council and confirmed at a subsequent meeting.

Council was broadly supportive of the recommendation to modernise the Court by transferring its statutory powers to Council and using the annual meeting as a “showcase” event.  Some members suggested that further thought be given to changing the name from “Court”. 

During discussion, the following issues were raised in relation to the proposed membership:

  • The Alumni President sought, and received, assurance that the Alumni membership would not be reduced from 15.
  • A staff member queried the reduction in staff membership.  The Review Group felt that a change in the focus of Court from a statutory body to a public relations function meant that it was no longer necessary to have the same level of staff representation.  Furthermore, attendance by staff members at Court meetings was traditionally poor.  Staff would still be represented on Court as all members of Council (of which there were elected or appointed staff members) would continue to be ex-officio members of Court.
  • The membership should be influenced by the purpose and the proposed public relations and communication function would not be served unless there were significant changes to the current membership.  Furthermore, the intention was to engage members and so it was important that those selected were interested in, and committed to attending the meetings and engaging in any other related activities.

Unfortunately, not all members had received the paper before the meeting and the Chair was reluctant to take a final decision if there had not been adequate notice given to all members.  Therefore it was AGREED to DEFER a decision to the next meeting where further consideration would be given to both membership and title.


08/103    Health,  Safety and Environmental Matters


Council NOTED new guidance on leading health and safety at work published by the Universities & Colleges Employer’s Association and Universities Safety and Health Association. 

08/104    Vice-Chancellor's Business

08/104.1   Recent Developments at the University

i.      Over 50 Loughborough athletes had competed in the Beijing Olympics with many receiving medals and setting personal bests.  The University was proud of all its athletes.

ii.     Earlier in the day the “turf cutting” for the SportPark had taken place.  This was an important building for the University and a lot of work had gone into making the project a success including securing the ASA as tenants.  In particular, the Vice-Chancellor wished to thank Sir John Gains and Alan A Woods for their valued contributions.  Thanks were also expressed to various staff across campus who had been involved.

iii.   The University had been named “University of the Year” by the Sunday Times.  Local publicity was in hand via the website, press releases and the community newsletter.

iv.   The University had, once again, been shortlisted for the Times Higher Awards – Best Student Experience and Outstanding Support for Overseas Students.

v.    Responses to the recent Staff Survey, conducted independently by Capita, had been analysed and initial results had been published on the University website.  Capita reported that the University had had one of the highest response rates of any staff survey they had conducted and 95% of respondents rated the University as a good or great place to work.  There were some messages about what the University needed to do to improve and a group of staff were looking at how best to take them forward. The Vice-Chancellor thanked Professor Steve Rothberg for co-ordinating the survey.

vi.   The University did not score as well in international league tables as it did in national league tables.  Encouragingly scores on peer review had increased significantly.

08/104.2   Advancement


08/104.3   Policy Issues


08/105    Amendment of Access Agreement


On the recommendation of Operations Committee, Council APPROVED proposals for amendments to the bursary scheme for undergraduate students entering the University in 2009/10.

08/106    Tuition Fees

On the recommendation of Operations Committee, Council APPROVED tuition fees of £8,100 for international students registered on the Science and Engineering Foundation programme in 2009/10. The percentage increase was in line with that applied in other laboratory based programmes.

08/107    University Ordinances

Further to minute 08/7 and papers COUN08-P90 to COUN08-P92, Council CONFIRMED amendments to Ordinances XVII, XXXVII and XXIII.

08/108    Membership of Council Committees


Council NOTED appointments to Council Committees/Joint Committees with Senate.

08/109    Delegation of Authority

Council APPROVED delegation of authority to the Chair of Council in respect of approval of Hall Fees for 2009/10.

08/110    University Court

Council NOTED that the 2009 Meeting would be held on Friday 13 February 2009.

08/111    Graduation Ceremonies 2008/09

Council NOTED dates of Graduation Ceremonies to be held in 2008/09 as follows:

Monday 15 December 2008

Thursday 16 July, Friday 17 July, Monday 20 July and Tuesday 21 July 2009

08/112    Academic Officers, Directors and Heads of Department


08/113    Any Other Business

John Whittaker was expected to report on the Review of Effectiveness at the next meeting.

08/114    Date of Next Meeting

Friday 28 November 2008 (10.15am) – preceded by Treasurer’s Briefing on the Accounts


Author – Miranda Routledge
Date – October 2008
Copyright (c) Loughborough University.  All rights reserved.