The Council


Minutes of the meeting of the University Council held on Friday 4 April 2008.


Sir Bryan Carsberg (Chair); Dr Memis Acar (ab); John Blackwell; Penny Coates; Dr Sandie Dann (ab); Vivian Dhaliwal (ab); Gifty Edila; Sir John Gains; David Gerty; Marc Gibson; Paul Glover; David Goss (ab); Professor Neil Halliwell; Peter Haslehurst; Norma Honey; Sir John Jennings; Jim Mutton; Professor Ric Parker (ab); Professor Richard Parry-Jones; Professor Shirley Pearce; Graham Picken (ab); Simon Proffitt; Jackie Strong (ab); Professor Rachel Thomson; Professor Yiannis Vardaxoglou; Professor Peter Warwick; Dr Cyril Woodruff; Alan A Woods.

In attendance:

Professor Morag Bell; Sophie Driscoll; Professor Terry Kavanagh; Dr Jennifer Nutkins; Professor Ken Parsons; Paula Powditch; Professor Steve Rothberg; Miranda Routledge; Will Spinks; Jon Walker; Peter Winter.

Fidelma Hannah (for item 08/30-08/32); Andrew Burgess (for item 08/33)

Apologies for absence were received from:

David Goss; Graham Picken


08/30    Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting of Council held on 18 January 2008 [COUN08-M1] were CONFIRMED.


08/31    Strategic Planning

COUN08-P26 and COUN08-P27

Council RECEIVED a progress report on the Strategic Implementation Plans, including a report from the Strategy Implementation Away Day. 

During discussion, it was:

  • CONFIRMED that the Athletics Union (LSU) was included in the list of key stakeholders in terms of progressing the Sport Strategic Implementation Plan.
  • NOTED that all staff would shortly be surveyed on their views of Loughborough University as an employer.  This would provide new data to the University and would form an important part of the HR Strategy.
  • AGREED that EMG would consider canvassing views of employers/businesses in relation to the University.   This could be a valuable addition to the existing portfolio of Key Performance Indicators but there was unlikely to be a simple measure to evaluate this activity.  It was NOTED that Fidelma Hannah was a member of an external group discussing the data that fed into The Times University League Table.  The issue would be reported to that group for consideration.  


08/32    Key Performance Indicators

Council NOTED that there had been no changes since the last meeting.


08/33    Capital Programme

08/33.1 Estates Implementation Plan 2008/09


The Director of Estates presented a progress report on the Estates Strategic Implementation Plan.  It was an ambitious plan and, as such, required constant and careful monitoring.  As outlined in the agenda paper, the key priorities were:

  1. East Park
  2. Central and West Park (combined project)
  3. Sustainability Strategy (incorporating landscaping, transport infrastructure and car parking)

The Chair of Council commented that he was satisfied with the progress that was being made in terms of financial planning and integrating the annual budget with the forecast capital expenditure.  The University continued to develop its 10 year plan for capital expenditure which would be presented to Council in July.   Meeting the requirements of the Capital Plan was expected to be challenging as existing financial surpluses were unlikely to deliver adequate funds. 

A member queried the extent to which the University had quantified its carbon footprint and whether or not appropriate metrics existed to measure performance in this area.  It was confirmed that significant progress had been made in terms of reducing water/energy consumption and carbon emissions, and increasing recycling.  The design of several of the new buildings on campus had also taken sustainability issues into account.  It would be desirable to consider how to incorporate carbon neutral technologies into all new builds in the future.  The Chief Operating Officer confirmed that he had overall accountability for campus sustainability and would be driving it forward as part of the Sustainability Strategic Implementation Plan.  Council CONFIRMED that this should be a priority, especially as the University had been chosen to host the ETI and would be expected to lead by example.  The Chief Operating Office would update Council at its meeting in July.  Action: Chief Operating Officer

08/33.2 Update on Major Building Projects


Council RECEIVED a progress report on Major Building Projects.  A member requested an update on the progress of the new Residential Halls (Car Park 7 Development).  The Director of Estates reported that, whilst tight, the project deadlines were believed to be achievable.  Progress was being continually monitored to ensure that the deadlines were met and there were no concerns about the Halls scheduled to open in September 2008.

08/33.3  Sport Park


Council RECEIVED a progress report from the Chief Operating Officer and NOTED:

·       Planning permission had been granted and tenders issued within the planned timescales. 

·       The University was continuing negotiations with potential tenants which covered a range of sports governing bodies.  The largest of these potential tenants was expected to make a decision by the end of April, the outcome of which would inevitably impact on the negotiations with other potential tenants.

The project was complicated and continued to require significant effort to manage successfully.  

08/34    Finance Matters

08/34.1  Financial Report 2007-08


Council NOTED the latest position for the 2007-08 Budget which showed a slight improvement on January due to student load calculations.  The projected surplus now stood at just under £5.8M which was slightly ahead of the 3% target. 

08/34.2  HEFCE Recurrent Grant for 2008-09


The announcement from HEFCE confirmed that the University’s Recurrent Grant for 2008-09 would increase by 2.5% which was in line with the University’s budget forecast (2.7% increase).  The University had experienced a reduction in its Widening Participation allocation but this was due to the way in which the funding algorithms worked rather than a reflection of a change in University policy.

The Treasurer alerted Council to the fact that the 2.5% increase to the HEFCE Grant would be insufficient to meet the cost of pay increases which were expected to rise by approximately 4%.  This would inevitably result in a challenging internal budget negotiation/allocation process for 2008-09.

08/35    Committee Structure


On the recommendation of Senate, Council CONSIDERED revisions to the Committee Structure.  The proposed structure was intended to illustrate how Council delegated its powers, through the Vice-Chancellor to members of the Executive Leadership Team (ELT, previously EMG), who would chair the operational committees, reporting to Senate and Council.  Three major changes were highlighted as follows:

1.      All operational committees would be chaired by a member of the ELT where previously some had been chaired by lay members of Council.  Lay members of Council would continue to serve on University committees to ensure that the valued input of these individuals was retained.

2.      Health, Safety and Environmental Committee would report to both Senate and Council (previously only reported to Council).

3.      A new committee - the Alumni and Advancement Committee - would be established.  This would not replace the Alumni Board but the Constitution and Terms of Reference of the Alumni Board would need to be reviewed in light of the establishment of the new Committee.

The University and LSU would work together to improve arrangements for communicating the decisions/proposals of committees (to LSU) on which there was no student representation.  It was expected that this would be achieved through the ELT – LSU Executive “buddy” scheme.

Members of Council welcomed the proposals and agreed that it would be useful to communicate them widely to staff to help them to understand how the University governance and operational structure worked. 

Council APPROVED the revisions to the Committee Structure.

08/36    Nominating Committee


Council RECEIVED a report from the Nominating Committee and APPROVED a change to the Committee’s name from 2008/09 to Nominations Committee.

Council NOTED that vacancies for three lay members of Council would arise in the next academic year.  The Chair of Council REPORTED that procedures to fill these vacancies were in progress.  A number of individuals had been identified for further discussions and, following due process, recommendations would be brought forward for consideration by Council in July.  It was intended to introduce a greater element of succession planning into the procedures for identifying new lay members of Council.

08/37    Audit Committee


Council RECEIVED a report of the meeting held on 7th February 2008.  The Chair of the Audit Committee drew Council’s attention to the following issues:

                i.          Value For Money: Audit Committee was obliged to assess value for money activity and had previously expressed concern that the 2007/08 plan was behind schedule.  However, the Finance Office had made significant efforts in this area and the Audit Committee were now reassured that the plan was being progressed satisfactorily.  HEFCE had issued useful guidance in this area and it was hoped that the University’s processes might be strengthened as a result.

              ii.          Effectiveness of the Audit Committee: Following a self assessment exercise, a number of areas for improvement had been identified and were being progressed.

             iii.          Risk Management: The Audit Committee welcomed the work being undertaken by EMG in this area and would be reviewing progress in June.  The Committee had begun the cycle of two-yearly discussions with risk holders which would be conducted on an ongoing basis.

            iv.          Health, Safety and Environmental Committee: Considerable progress had been made in a number of health and safety related activities.  The new HSE Officer had a clear view of what needed to be done and had produced a comprehensive annual plan including strengthening risk assessment activity.  The plan was ambitious and implementation would need to be phased.  The “Environmental” aspects of this area of activity could be enhanced.  This concern was shared by the current Chair of the HSE Committee and it was AGREED that more should be done to strengthen the “Environmental” aspects of the Committee and the HSE Officer role.  It was felt that changes to the line management responsibility of the HSE Officer would enable this issue to be effectively incorporated into the Sustainability Strategic Implementation Plan. 

              v.          Internal Audit – TRAC: The initial report had contained a number of high priority recommendations, all of which had been addressed promptly by the Finance Office.

            vi.          Relations/Communication: The Audit Committee was exploring ways in which to refine and improve the interaction between Internal Audit, External Audit, the Audit Committee and Treasurer’s Committee.

A member queried whether the University considered the predicted demographic downturn, combined with the recent decrease in student applications, as a significant risk to student recruitment.  In response, the PVC(T) reported that the decrease in applications was attributable to the reduction in UCAS choices from 6 to 5 and that the University’s application numbers compared favourably with its competitors.  The University was undertaking a detailed population planning exercise to review recruitment of undergraduates and postgraduates, UK and International, across disciplines, to inform the future shape of the University.  The Schools Liaison Group and the Widening Participation Team worked closely together to provide a variety of targeted outreach activities in communities that met certain demographic criteria.  It was AGREED that a Council Briefing session on the work in this area would be useful at the next available opportunity.  Action: Secretary

08/38    Matters for Reports

08/38.1  Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research)

(i)    Research Grants and Contracts


(ii)   Response to Consultation on the Future of Research Assessment


(iii)   Research Outputs


08/38.2  Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching)

(i)    Undergraduate and Taught Postgraduate Applications 2007/08


(ii)   Institutional Audit and National Student Survey

      COUN08-P40: NOTED

08/38.3  Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Enterprise)


08/39    Vice-Chancellor's Business

08/39.1  Recent Developments at the University

i.      The Vice-Chancellor thanked Professor Morag Bell, Robert Bowyer, LSU and the rest of the team involved in the recent Quality Assurance Agency Audit.  The University had received a positive “Key Findings” Letter which expressed “confidence” in the University’s approach to quality and standards and had identified good practice in a number of areas including the “prioritisation of students in the institutional culture”.  The latter, in particular, was reported to be an unusual finding within the sector and reflected positively on the good relationship between the University and LSU.  More detailed feedback would be provided to the University in due course.

ii.     The University had recently placed an exciting national advertisement for 11 new academic posts in the field of “Energy”.

iii.   The trial of the suspect from the shooting incident at LSU in March 2007 had started and was expected to last for 2-4 weeks.  The student who had been injured was making good progress with his recovery and his studies.  Members of LSU were thanked for the support they had offered to the students affected by the incident.

iv.   Congratulations were extended to Michael Pearson who had recently been appointed as the Deputy Lieutenant of Leicestershire.

v.    Loughborough’s swimmers had performed exceedingly well at the FINA Championship in Manchester.  Liam Tancock, a member of the University Swimming Team pursuing a Foundation Degree at Loughborough College, had recently achieved a new world record for the 50 metres backstroke.  This was believed to be the first time in 18 years that a British swimmer had broken a world record.

08/39.2  Advancement


Council RECEIVED a report on Advancement activity since the last meeting.

08/39.3  Policy Issues


Council RECEIVED a report on policy issues affecting the University as outlined in the agenda paper.  The research into the predicted demographic downturn had been published and findings showed that it was expected to be reversed by 2027.  In the meantime, the University had to provide the best student experience to ensure that it continued to attract students and maintain application levels from a potentially reduced population. 

08/40    Dates of Meetings 2008/09 onwards

The Chair was discussing the timetable of meetings for 2008/09 onwards with the Secretary.  It was expected that there would be a change to the timing of some of the meetings.

08/41    Senior Appointments


On the recommendation of Senate and Human Resources Committee, Council APPROVED revised procedures for the appointment of:

i.         Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Pro Vice-Chancellors and Deans

ii.       Heads of Department

08/42    Appointment of Chancellor


Council NOTED that Court had approved the appointment of Sir Nigel Rudd as the next University Chancellor from 2010 and APPROVED revised Chancellor duties including minor amendments as recommended by the Nominating Committee on 18 January 2008.


08/43    Senate

COUN08-P46 and COUN08-P47

Council RECEIVED the report from the meetings held on 30 January and 5 March 2008, and APPROVED recommendations relating to Programme Proposals.

08/44    Operations Committee

COUN08-P48 and COUN08-P49

This item was unstarred for discussion.

On the recommendation of the Operations Committee, Council APPROVED Tuition Fees for 2008/09 and Changes to the Reassessment Fee.  Following concerns raised by LSU, it was AGREED to defer the implementation of the new Reassessment Fee until September 2009.

08/45    Enterprise Board


Council RECEIVED a report from the meeting held on 7 February 2008 and APPROVED amendments to the Terms of Reference.

08/46    Committee Membership 2007/08


Council NOTED membership of committees for 2007/08..

08/47    Reports of Committees

Council RECEIVED reports from the following Committees:

i)                    Costing and Pricing Committee – 15 January and 20 February 2008 [COUN08-P52]

ii)                   Estates Management Committee – 17 January 2008 [COUN08-P53]

iii)                 Health, Safety and Environmental Committee including the Annual Report from the Radiation Protection Officer – 20 February 2008  [COUN08-P54]

iv)                 Research Performance Monitoring Group – 6 Feb & 4 March 2008 [COUN08-P55]

v)                  Treasurer’s Committee – 22 November 2007 and 6 February 2008 [COUN08-P56]

08/48    Any Other Business

Council APPROVED the appointment of Dr Iain Phillips as Head of Department of Computer Science until 31 July 2011.

08/49    Date of Next Meeting

Tuesday, 22 July 2008 (2.30pm) 


Author – Miranda Routledge
Date – April 2008
Copyright (c) Loughborough University.  All rights reserved.