The Council


Minutes of the (Special) meeting of the Council held on Friday 28 November 2008.


Sir Bryan Carsberg (Chair); Dr Memis Acar; Dr Jo Aldridge; John Blackwell; Dr Anja Baumhoff; Penny Coates; Professor Ian Davidson; Brian Dent; Gifty Edila (ab); Sir John Gains; Marc Gibson; Paul Glover (ab); Professor Neil Halliwell; Norma Honey; Sir John Jennings; Jim Murphy; Jim Mutton; Professor Ric Parker; Professor Richard Parry-Jones (ab); Professor Shirley Pearce (ab); Simon Proffitt; Professor Ian Reid; Jackie Strong; Nigel Tamplin; Alan A Woods; Dr Dominic Wring.

In attendance:

Rob Allan; Professor Morag Bell; Professor Phill Dickens; Professor Terry Kavanagh; Dr Jennifer Nutkins; Professor Ken Parsons; Professor Steve Rothberg; Miranda Routledge; Will Spinks; Jon Walker; Caroline Walker

Apologies for absence were received from:

Paul Glover, Professor Richard Parry-Jones, Professor Shirley Pearce


08/139    Business of the Agenda

Item 7.2 on the agenda was unstarred for clarification.

Item 9 on the agenda was unstarred to receive the Minutes of the Senate meeting held on 19 November 2008.  No discussion was expected.

08/140    Minutes

Minutes of the (Special) Meeting held on 10 October 2008 [COUN08-M8] were CONFIRMED.


08/141    Nominations Committee

08/141.1   Council NOTED that the Chair of Council had, with delegated authority, appointed Nigel Tamplin as a co-opted member of Council for an initial period up to 31 July 2011.  Nigel Tamplin had also been appointed to the Audit Committee.


08/141.2   Council APPROVED a recommendation to Court that Alan A Woods be re-appointed as University Treasurer until February 2012.

08/141.3   Council APPROVED a recommendation to Court that Richard Parry-Jones be re-appointed as Pro-Chancellor until February 2012.

08/141.4   Council NOTED that Arthur Deakin had been co-opted to the Audit Committee.

08/141.5   Other Matters for Report

·      There remained a vacancy for a co-opted lay member.  All members were invited to put forward nominations.  In support of the University’s internationalisation strategy, it might be useful if individuals from local corporations with international/global experience/responsibility could be identified.

·      There were a number of members coming to the end of their term of office in July 2009 and most were eligible for re-appointment.

·      The Chairman’s current term of office came to an end in July 2010, at which point he would have served for nine years.  He had decided not to continue beyond this point and so wished to begin the process of searching for his successor.  Sir John Gains was willing to Chair the Working Group established under Ordinance X to consider the appointment.  The Working Group membership also included the Vice-Chancellor, Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Pro-Chancellors (other than the Chair of Council) and three other members of Council.  It was AGREED to establish the Working Group with Sir John Gains as Chair and DELEGATE authority to Sir John to select the three members of Council, one of whom should be an elected member.  Action: Sir John Gains

08/142    Appointment of Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Enterprise)


Council CONSIDERED a report from the Joint Committee of Senate and Council concerning the appointment of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Enterprise) and APPROVED the appointment of Professor Phill Dickens with effect from 1 December 2008 until 31 July 2011.  Dr Kathryn Walsh was thanked for the work that she had done in her capacity as Acting Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Enterprise).  It was NOTED that she would continue to contribute to this area of the University’s activity as deputy to Professor Dickens. 

Secretary’s Note: In addition to the members listed in the agenda paper, Professor Neil Halliwell, Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor, was a member of the Joint Committee.

08/143    Honorary Degrees: Invitations

08/143.1   Pursuant Statute XVIII, on the recommendation of Senate and with the advice of the Honorary Degrees Committee, Council APPROVED the issuing of invitations to persons to receive Honorary Degrees at Graduation Ceremonies.


08/143.2   A further meeting of the Honorary Degrees Committee would be held before the end of the year and Council AGREED to DELEGATE authority to the Vice-Chancellor to issue invitations to individuals, subject to the Chair of Council’s comments.

08/144    Human Resources Committee


Council RECEIVED a report of the meeting of the Human Resources Committee held on 4 November 2008.

08/144.1   Pay and National Negotiating Reforms


The Chief Operating Officer reported the latest position regarding pay negotiations:

·           The pay settlement reached in 2006 had been a three year agreement until 2009.   The final instalment of the settlement, to be paid from October 2008, had been agreed at 2.5% or RPI, whichever was higher in September 2008.  As reported to Council earlier, the pay rise had been 5% which the University had paid promptly and in full.  Thanks were noted to both the Finance Team and Personnel for achieving this. 

·           Part of the 2006 agreement was that a new National Negotiating Forum, involving all partners be established.  The University had to decide whether or not to be involved in the next round of National Negotiations.  In participating, the University would be obliged to honour whatever agreement was reached.  UCU had held its National Pay Conference on 7 November and was expected to submit a claim before the end of the year.  The University was minded to be involved in National Negotiations and this was supported by the Trade Unions. 

·           The final decision would be made in March 2009, possibly before the next meeting of Council.  If the decision was that the University wished be involved in the National Negotiations, Council was content to DELEGATE authority to the Vice-Chancellor to take this forward before the next meeting of Council.  However, if the University wished not to participate, then the Executive would need to contact the Chair of Council to agree how best to consult Council members for their views. 

08/144.2  Revisions to Death in Service Benefit


This item was unstarred.  A member queried whether the revisions to the Death in Service Benefit were permitted.  The Chief Operating Officer confirmed that the University had received very specific legal advice on the matter.  The advice had confirmed that the current processes could not continue as they indirectly discriminated on the basis of age.  The proposal outlined in the agenda paper had been brought forward by UCU, was supported by UNITE and the University was still in negotiation with UNISON.  The revisions would apply to all payments from the point at which the proposals were agreed.  Council APPROVED the proposals.

08/144.3   Council APPROVED revisions to Harassment and Bullying Policy


08/144.4   Council APPROVED revisions to Equality and Diversity Sub-Committee:  Terms of Reference and Constitution.


08/144.5   Council APPROVED revision to HRC membership to add Director of Human Resource.

08/144.6   Council APPROVED the award of title of Emeritus Professor to the following:

                 Dr Roy Faulkner, formerly Professor of Physical Metallurgy in Technology and Materials Engineering (IPTME)

                 Dr Linda Hantrais, formerly Professor of European Social Policy in the Department of Politics, International Relations and European Studies

                 Dr Phil Roberts, formerly Professor of Design and Technology

                 Dr Richard Wakeman, formerly Professor of Chemical Engineering

                 Dr Clyde Williams, formerly Professor of Sports Science, School of Sport and Exercise Sciences

08/145    Operations Committee


Council RECEIVED a report of the meetings of the Operations Committee held on 13 October and 3 November 2008 and APPROVED increases to Invigilator Payments.

08/146    Senate


This item was unstarred.  Council RECEIVED a report of the meeting of Senate held on 19 November 2008.

08/147    Annual Equality and Diversity Report 2007/08


Council NOTED the Annual Equality and Diversity Report 2007/08.

08/148    Staffing


Council NOTED appointments since the (Special) Meeting of Council held on 22 July 2008.

08/149    Date of Next Meeting

Friday, 27 March 2009


Author – Miranda Routledge
Date – December 2008
Copyright (c) Loughborough University.  All rights reserved.