13 July 1994

Those Present:

Sir Richard Morris

Mr. R.H. Boissier

Mr. S. Carr

Mr. M. Daubney (ab)

Professor J.V. Dawkins

Dr. J.A.W. Deboo

Mr. S. Dorrell (ab)

Dr. A.S. Durward

Dr. A.N. Fairbairn

Mr. L. Faleiro

Mr. D.J. Farrer

Mr. K. Foreman (ab)

Mr. G.P. Fothergill

Sir Frank Gibb (ab)

Professor S.A. Glyptis (ab)

Mr. J. K. Green

Mrs. V. Green

Professor N.A. Halliwell (ab)

Mr. P.W. Harrisson

Miss J.E.L. Harvatt

Dr. R.A. Haskins

Professor H. Heaney

Dr. T. Higgins

Mr. J.R. Hinds

Professor J.A Horne (ab)

Professor N.S. Kirk

Mr. E. Lodge

Mr. B.W. Manley

Professor A.J. Meadows (ab)

Professor B. Mellitt (ab)

Professor J.N. Miller

Dr. S.C. Miller (ab)

Dr. L.R. Mustoe (ab)

Mr. D'A.T.N. Payne

Mr. E.G. Payne (ab)

Mr. W.M.M. Petrie

Mr. R. Redden

Sir Denis Rooke

Mr. M. Shuker

Mr. J.S. Smith (ab)

Mrs. C. Stephens (ab)

Professor M. Streat

Dr. A.Thorpe (ab)

Dr. J. Valentine

Professor D.J. Wallace

Professor R.H. Weston (ab)

Professor C. Williams (ab)

Mr. C.S. Woodruff

By invitation: Professor E.A. Edmonds

Mr. S. Gorton (for Minute 93/33)

Professor R. McCaffer

In attendance: Dr. J.E.M. Elliott

Dr. D.E. Fletcher

Mr. N.A. McHard

Mr. H.M. Pearson

Apologies for absence were received from Mr Daubney, Professor Horne,

Professor Meadows, Professor Mellitt, Dr. Miller, Dr. Mustoe, Mr Payne, Mr Smith,

Dr Thorpe, Professor Weston and Professor Williams.

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