

Minutes of the 276th Meeting of the University Council held on 6 April 2001.


Dr J K Green (Chair); Dr C J Backhouse; Mr H Barber (ab); Mr J B C Blood;
Mr R H Boissier; P Boydon; Dr T G M Brooks; Dr S Campbell; Professor L M Cantor;
Sir Bryan Carsberg; Dr M J Catton; Mr M Crowhurst (ab); Professor J V Dawkins;
Ms V Dhupa; Dr A N Fairbairn; Mr D Gough (ab); Professor C Hanson; Mr P Harrisson (ab); Mr P J K Haslehurst; Dr T Higgins; Ms N Honey (ab); Mrs J E Hull (ab); Professor
T J Kavanagh; Dr G Mason; Mr E O Maxwell; Professor R McCaffer; Mr M Moghal (ab); Professor I C Morison; Mr W M Moss; Dr P N Murgatroyd; Dr L R Mustoe; Mr J Mutton;
Dr A Osbaldestin; Mrs W M Pilkington; Sir Denis Rooke (ab); Dr J F Rowland;
Ven I Stanes; Mrs J A M Strong; Mrs M C Tomlinson; Mr D R F Walker; Professor
D J Wallace; Ms E Wallace (ab); Mr J B White; Mr C S Woodruff

In attendance:

Professor J L Alty; Professor J V Dawkins; Professor N A Halliwell; Mrs F M Hannah;
Mr R A Hill for items 6 and 7; Mr H M Pearson; Professor H Thomason; Mr J M Town;
Miss M T Whyte

Apologies for absence were received from:

Mr M Crowhurst, Mr P Harrisson, Ms N Honey; Mrs J E Hull; Mr M Moghal,
Sir Denis Rooke

01/19 Minutes

It was RESOLVED to confirm, subject to the recording of Professor Thomason's attendance and the removal of Professor Bowman from the membership list, the Minutes of the 274th Meeting of Council held on 16 February 2001 [COUN01-M1].

01/20 Matters Arising from the Minutes

.1 Minute 1/2.3 - Statute XVII


It was RESOLVED (by 28 votes to 0 with 2 abstentions) to confirm the Special Resolution to create an additional Statute XVII subject to such amendments as Privy Council may require.

.2 Further to Minute 01/2.1. – Special Resolution: Amendments to Charter


Council considered a Special Resolution to recommend an amendment to paragraph 11 of the Charter as detailed in the paper. It was RESOLVED (by 31 votes to 0 with 1 abstention) to approve the Special Resolution to amend paragraph 11 of the Charter, to read as follows:

"There shall be a Court of the University (in this Our Charter called "the Court") which shall, subject to this Our Charter and the Statutes, appoint the Chancellor, the Pro-Chancellors (other than the Senior Pro-Chancellor) and the Treasurer and receive reports on the working of the University."

Council was reminded that the special resolution would be re-submitted to the next meeting of Council at which it must be confirmed by a similar level of support before submission to the Privy Council.

01/21 Vice-Chancellor's Business

Tabled paper

(i) The Vice-Chancellor presented a table produced by the Times Higher Education Supplement (THES) on graduate employability rates 1999/2000. Council was asked to note that the data had been collected by a self administered process and had not been audited. Loughborough University was joint fifteenth with a number of other Higher Education Institutions. The Vice-Chancellor explained to Council members that each institution had been given a benchmark against which performance was measured. The benchmarks were conditional targets for employability based on factors including number of admissions and subjects studied. Loughborough University's benchmark was high, as sandwich placements had been factored into it. Despite this, the table showed that the University had performed significantly better than its high benchmark.

The Vice-Chancellor also reported that in a recent survey of employers, Loughborough University had been rated fourth out of the universities included. This further illustrated that students from Loughborough University were well regarded by employers.

(ii) Undergraduate home student applications had dropped. However, Council was reminded that undergraduate home student applications had increased over the last three years. The Vice-Chancellor indicated that the position was not a cause for concern at this point and the figures represented a challenge which the University should be able to meet successfully. PGCE applications were also down on 1999/2000 figures. The drop in student numbers had ameliorated since the last Council meeting.

Meanwhile overseas postgraduate taught student applications had continued to increase and figures were up by 94.4% in comparison with 1999/2000 figures. The University would be working hard to convert applications into admissions. Members were informed that the University had adopted a strategy of using approved agents to aid the recruitment of overseas postgraduate taught students.

The value of new research grants and contracts gained for the first eight months of 2000/01 was £18.5M and had already exceeded the annual total for any other year except 1998/99 and 1999/2000. In addition, Construction Management and Manufacturing Engineering expected to be awarded the largest New Platform Grant from EPSRC in excess of £11M over the next five years.

The Chair congratulated the University on an encouraging set of figures, in particular the overseas postgraduate taught students applications.

(iii) Council was informed that the Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) was close to completion. There had been a significant team effort in preparing the submissions and the Vice-Chancellor wished to record his thanks to the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research) and his colleagues for all their hard work. Heads of Departments had been required to make tough decisions regarding which members of staff to include in their submissions and it was recognised that, as such, the RAE was a poor Human Resource Management tool.

(iv) The University's excellent record in External Subject Reviews had been maintained by the Departments of PE, SS & RM and Economics who had both achieved 23 out of 24. Loughborough University was one of only four universities not to have scored lower than 21 in any subject in the last six years.

(v) Universities and Colleges Employers Association (UCEA) had met with the Unions regarding pay settlements and the last release had an optimistic tone. A pay offer was expected shortly.

(vi) Council noted various student achievements including outstanding performances in the University Choir Concert and in BUSA competition. There had also been successes at swimming with James Gibson breaking the Commonwealth record for 50m Breaststroke.

01/22 HEFCE Recurrent Grant for 2001/02


The Vice-Chancellor reported on the HEFCE recurrent grant for the academic year 2001/02. In summary, the settlement for the sector was significantly better than last year. Council was also informed that the outlook for Loughborough University was better, having received more than the sector average. The major factor behind this had been the success of additional student numbers bids without which the University would have been significantly below the sector average. Whilst the amount of funding per student was slightly higher than last year, Council was reminded that over the last 20 years the amount of money per student had halved.

On the recurrent side, extra money would be made available to help recruit and retain staff, with a further £840k available if an acceptable human resource strategy was submitted.

On the capital side, the Science Research Infrastructure Fund would provide £7.8M over the two years 2002/03 and 2003/04 to support areas of research strength at Loughborough University, provided sensible bids were put forward.

In addition, the University could expect to receive about £500k for disability-related works.

01/23 Capital Programme

.1 Progress Report


The Bursar gave a progress report on the Capital Programme as summarised in the Agenda paper. Council's attention was drawn to the following new projects which were currently at stage A (possible project - no expenditure authorised):

A member commented that his understanding of the £7.8M from the Science Research Infrastructure Fund was that the University could only spend the money if it also raised 33%. The Bursar replied that, the University had been successful in the past in raising external funding towards the cost of capital projects and he was confident that the University could raise the funding required under the proposals for the Science Research Infrastructure Fund.

The Treasurer voiced his concern that the spreadsheet detailing Capital Projects which was presented to Council showed the financial strategy was being breached and that net current assets would fall below 10% of income. The Vice-Chancellor reminded Council that members were being presented with a summary of all potential projects which may or may not come to fruition and that permission to proceed with these projects was not being sought at this stage. The Bursar stated that if all the projects detailed were realised the University would be £4M short of its liquidity target. However, it was unlikely that there would be 100% success rate on the realisation of proposed projects and therefore the financial strategy would not be breached. The Bursar reiterated the five stages of approval for capital projects and reminded members that several of the projects detailed in the spreadsheet were at stage A and therefore no expenditure had been approved. It was AGREED that Council would continue to receive figures in this format and that close attention would be given if a breach of the financial strategy was likely to occur.

.2 Hockey Pavilion and Pitch


Council was asked to delegate authority for the Chair to approve the Hockey Pavilion and Pitch to move to Stage E (final approval) subject to:

  1. tenders being received within the project budget
  2. agreement of Resources and Planning Committee
  3. a signed contract from the Sport England for the lottery support

Council was informed that the project was running close to budget and that work would be needed to bring the project back within the scope of the budget. As a result Council was asked to approve a 5% tolerance limit to Resources and Planning Committee for this project.

A member expressed concern at the request as they felt Council was increasingly being asked to approve additional sums of money for Capital Projects. A particular issue raised was that the project would not contribute directly to the teaching or research activities of the University. The member felt unable to support the proposal at this time.

Another member questioned the revenue costs of the project, which amounted to over £100,000 in its first year. The Director of Estates responded that a large proportion of these costs were due to the utilities bill and as such unavoidable. Members were reminded that the revenue implications of the English Institute of Sport had been fully considered by Council in December 2000 and that although the Hockey Pavilion and Pitch would not be self financing in its own right it formed part of this overall project.

It was RESOLVED (by 28 votes to 3 with 4 abstentions) to APPROVE delegation of authority for the Chair to approve the Hockey Pavilion and Pitch to move to Stage E subject to the cost coming within budget with a 5% tolerance limit, a signed contract from Sport England for the lottery support and the agreement of the Resources and Planning Committee.

.3 Student Village Refurbishment


Council was asked to delegate authority to the Chair to give Stage E approval (final approval) to Phase 4 of the Student Village Refurbishment subject to tenders being received within the project budget and subject to a recommendation from Resources and Planning Committee. Council was reminded that this was the fourth and penultimate phase of the student village refurbishment project and would include fire precaution works, improved quality of accommodation and the installation of en-suite bathrooms to meet student demand. One member suggested that the University should consider appealing to ex-students to contribute towards the cost of hall refurbishment. It was noted that past students already contributed to the Loughborough University Development Trust and that this was a potential source of funding for projects of this nature which should be explored.

It was RESOLVED to APPROVE delegation of authority to the Chair to give Stage E approval to Phase 4 of the Student Village Refurbishment subject to tenders being received within the project budget and a recommendation from the Resources and Planning Committee.

.4 Off Campus Halls Refurbishment Scheme

Tabled paper

At its last meeting, Council agreed to approve the recommendation of Resources and Planning Committee that the project be moved to Stage E (final approval) subject to financial and legal agreements being approved by the Treasurer’s Committee on behalf of Council.

Since Council’s last meeting, a substantial campaign had taken place by local residents to persuade the University to change its plans regarding the Off Campus Halls Refurbishment Scheme, and in particular not to proceed with the demolition of three Victorian properties on the Ashby Road site. Local residents had expressed anger at the University’s proposals and lack of consultation. Progress had been made following a number of meetings between local residents and members of the University.

As a result, the University had agreed to a number of changes to the original scheme including the withdrawal of its proposal to demolish the three Victorian properties on the Ashby Road site. Council noted that if the University kept the three Victorian properties on the Ashby Road site, £400,000 might be required for essential work to bring the properties up to statutory requirements. The President of the Students' Union was concerned that the cost of the renovations would be passed on to the students by way of an increase in rent. The Bursar responded that it was not clear how the funds would be raised and that a number of options needed to be re-examined.

A lay member expressed the view that the University had been very flexible and as a result had successfully taken some of the heat out of the argument.

A recent letter from the Residents Representatives Group was tabled at the meeting and it was felt that despite the anger that still existed amongst local residents, there was genuine recognition that the University had been trying to respond to their concerns. At the heart of the issue lay the impact of increased student numbers on town-gown relations and the feeling that Council was not maintaining its governance role. Council recognised that every effort needed to be made to include local residents' interests amongst those of other stakeholders.

The Treasurer reported that the reduction in the scale of the project had caused UNITE to reduce its proposed capital sum payment to the University from £2.75M to £2.25M, of which £1.7M would be required for the redemption of the loan.

The Treasurer's Committee had discussed the project at its last meeting and was of the opinion that the amended scheme was still viable subject to:

  1. a detailed review of the documentation
  2. the University's Solicitors providing a document setting out the risks to the University and how those risks are catered for in the documentation
  3. a note of the assessment of the capital and revenue values against which the scheme had been judged by the Estates and Residential Organisation be placed on record

It was AGREED to delegate authority to the Chair to confirm Stage E approval (final approval) to the amended proposals subject to the above clauses and a recommendation from the Treasurer's Committee.

01/24 Estates Strategy


The Estates Strategy 2000-2005 was introduced to Council by the Chair of Estates Management Committee. Members were informed that the document had taken cognisance of the Loughborough University 1999-2004 Strategic Plan, particularly the emphasis on strengthening the research profile of the University. Estate specific objectives from the 1999-2004 Strategic Plan included addressing the existing problems of poor quality accommodation and ensuring a balanced development of the campus by retaining green areas. Council was reminded that the previous Estates Strategy produced in 1995 included the construction of the Business School and Economics Building and a building dedicated to creating an integrated Engineering Faculty. The first was in successful operation and the second was in the final stages of completion. The objectives of the Estate had changed given the emergence of new challenges.

In summary, the University must continue to provide accommodation in which:

Council was informed of the need for intelligent information on the demand for and use of space across the campus, which could be achieved by a Space Need Assessment Model. This would be a complex process requiring significant input from the University. Regarding campus capacity, an assessment was necessary which brought together all the necessary information related to campus space. Comprehensive information on space utilisation was not currently available and therefore it was recommended that current space management methods be reviewed. The strategy also recommended that the University proactively explore options for a medium to long term off-site expansion. It was reported that Council would receive an annual progress report on the strategy.

Council received a presentation from the Director of Estates which outlined the processes leading to the development of the Estates Strategy and highlighted the major implications – namely a demand for academic floor space for research and teaching and a demand for space for future partnerships.

The Director of Estates brought to Council’s attention the principal characteristics of the estate as detailed below:

A number of opportunities on campus including the development of four greenfield sites and the redevelopment of existing plots were identified and presented to Council.

Council was asked to consider three options emerging from the Estates Strategy review.

  1. Base Case
  2. Maintain existing buildings and rely on open space for development, as a result losing further green areas on campus. This option was constrained by the number of open spaces available and failed to support the Strategic Plan 1999-2004 as it would neither retain the green characteristics of the campus nor improve the quality of the stock. It would not address the space management issues.

  3. Maximise the Campus within Existing Landholding
  4. Redevelopment of existing plots plus some controlled greenfield development. This option would control development within a landscape strategy, and would permit planned development. It also met the objective of providing space for research and teaching and improving the quality of the stock whilst maintaining the green balance of campus. It did not provide space for partnerships with large land needs.

  5. Campus Enlargement through Investment in Additional Property

The third option subsumed option 2 but in addition, sought further investigation of opportunities for acquisition or partnership in land and or property. The development of space needed to be proactive rather than reactive and concurrent with embarking on this option was the need to understand more fully and accurately the University’s space usage.

On the recommendation of Estates Management Committee, Council AGREED to adopt option three and to support the proposal that a more rigorous utilisation survey be undertaken.

The Chair congratulated all those involved in the production of the Estates Strategy.

01/25 Nominating Committee

.1 Constitution and Terms of Reference


Council considered extending the terms of reference of the Nominating Committee to include advising Council on membership issues. One member suggested that the Nominating Committee should also look at amendments to Charter and Statutes. Whilst it was acknowledged that this was a useful suggestion it was agreed that it would be inappropriate for the Nominating Committee to undertake this role.

It was AGREED to extend the terms of reference of the Nominating Committee with immediate effect.

.2 Membership

It was RESOLVED to appoint Ms Norma Honey and Professor T Kavanagh as the lay member and elected staff member respectively of the Nominating Committee for the period 1 August 2001 - 31 July 2002.

Council also gave its approval for Deputy Vice-Chancellor to replace Senior Pro-Vice-Chancellor on the membership document when the office of Deputy-Vice-Chancellor had been approved by the Privy Council.

01/26 Audit Committee


In line with Higher Education Funding Council requirements, Council received a report of the 36th meeting the of Audit Committee held on 15 February 2001. The Chair of the Audit Committee reported on the following issues:

The Vice-Chancellor thanked the Chair and members of the Audit Committee for bringing the issues to Council’s attention.

01/27 Review of Disciplinary Procedures


It was RESOLVED to approve a proposal from the Registrar for the establishment of a working group to review the University's disciplinary procedures and to delegate authority to the Chair to approve membership.

01/28 Council Appointments to Committees

Council RESOLVED to approve the following appointments to outstanding vacancies on Council Committees and Joint Committees of Senate and Council

.1 Health, Safety and Environmental Committee
Mr JBC Blood (Chair)
Mr M Catton

.2 Technical Staff Review Committee
Mrs MJ Tomlinson

01/29 Resources and Planning Committee

.1 Tuition Fees


It was RESOLVED to approve recommendations from the Chair of Resources and Planning Committee relating to tuition fees for 2001/02.

.2 Brockington Building Refurbishment

Council noted the action of the Chair of Resources and Planning in moving the Brockington Building Refurbishment to Stage D.

01/30 Senate

.1 Recommendations referred by Senate at its 340th meeting on 7 March 2001


It was RESOLVED to approve the following recommendations referred by Senate at its 340th meeting on 7 March 2001.

i. Programme Proposals

a) New Programmes for introduction in the 2001/2002 session:

MEng (DIS) Electronic Engineering with French
MEng (DIS) Electronic Engineering with German
MEng (DIS) Chemical Engineering with Management
MSc Electronic Publishing
MSc Marketing and Management
MSc Finance and Management

b) New Programme Title in 2001/2002:

MSc Recreation Management, change in title to Sport and Leisure Management

c) Discontinuation of the following programmes:

BEng (DIS)/MEng (DIS) Electromechanical Power Engineering (last intake 1999/2000)
BEng (DIS)/MEng (DIS) Transportation Electronics Engineering (no recruitment)
BEng (DIS)/MEng (DIS) Electrical Power Engineering (no recruitment)
BEng (DIS) Communications Engineering (no recruitment)
BEng (DIS) Computer Network and Internet Engineering (no recruitment)
BEng (DIS) Electronics and Software Engineering (no recruitment)
BSc Mathematics with Education (last intake 2000/2001)

ii. The establishment of new prizes, altered conditions of existing prizes and discontinuation of prizes.

.2 Recommendations referred by the Chair of Senate


It was RESOLVED to recommend the establishment of new prizes referred by the Chair of Senate.

00/31 Common Seal


Council RESOLVED to ratify the action of the Registrar in affixing the University Seal to the documents listed.

00/32 Degree Congregations - 2001

Council noted the dates of degree congregations in 2001.

Summer - Thursday 12 July 2001 (am & pm)
Friday 13 July 2001 (am & pm)
Monday 16 July 2001 (am & pm)
Tuesday 17 July 2001 (am & pm)

Singapore - Sunday 26 August 2001 (pm)
Malaysia - Sunday 2 September 2001 (pm)

Winter - Monday 17 December 2001 (am & pm).

01/33 Performance Monitoring Group


Council received a report from Performance Monitoring Group.

01/34 Reports of Committees


Council received reports from the following Committees.

i) Research Committee of 8 February 2001
ii) Health, Safety and Environmental Committee of 28 March 2001
iii) Student Services Committee of 7 March 2001
iv) Senate of 7 March 2001
v) Treasurer's Committee of 28 March 2001

01/35 Date of Next Meeting

Wednesday 18 July 2001.

Author – Miranda Whyte
Date - April 2001
Copyright (c) Loughborough University. All rights reserved.