

Minutes of the 252nd Meeting of the University Council held on 15 July 1998.


Dr. S.C. Miller (Chair); Mr. H. Barber (ab); Mr. G. Barfield (ab); Mr. J.B.C. Blood; Mr. R.H. Boissier; Dr. W.R. Bowman (ab); Dr. T.G.M. Brooks; Professor L.M. Cantor; Professor S.J. Cox; Professor J.V. Dawkins; Dr. A.M. Duncan (ab); Dr. D.W. Edwards; Dr. A.N. Fairbairn (ab); Professor J.P. Feather; Mr. G.P. Fothergill; Dr. M. Gilbert; Mr. S.J. Gorton; Dr. J.K. Green; Professsor N.A. Halliwell; Mr. P.W. Harrisson; Miss J.E.L. Harvatt; Dr. R.A. Haskins (ab); Dr. T. Higgins; Professor J.R. Hough (ab); Professor D.J. Hourston (ab); Professor M. Hutchinson; Mr. M. Joyce; Mr. E.O. Maxwell; Professor R. McCaffer; Mr. A. Milne; Mr. M. Moghal; Professor I.C. Morison; Mr. W.M. Moss; Mr. D'A.T.N. Payne; Dr. A.C. Pugh (ab); Professor P.H. Roberts; Sir Denis Rooke; Dr. A.W. Rudge (ab); Professor M. Shaw; Mr. M. Shuker; Ven. I. Stanes; Mrs. C. Stephens (ab); Mrs. J.A.M. Strong (ab); Mr. E. Waite (ab); Professor D.J. Wallace; Professor C. Williams; Ms. J. Willmott.

By invitation: Mr. W. Moore

In attendance: Dr. D.E. Fletcher; Ms. E.A. Howarth; Mr. H.M. Pearson; Professor H. Thomason; Ms. S.K. Wheelans.

Apologies for absence were received from: Mr. Barfield; Dr. Fairbairn; Professor Hourston; Dr. Rudge and Mrs. Strong.

98/28 Business of the Meeting

Agenda item 20 'Operational Plan 1997-98' was unstarred for discussion.

98/29 Minutes

It was RESOLVED to confirm the Minutes of the 250th Meeting of the Council held on 25 March 1998 [COUN98-M2].

98/30 Matters Arising

.1 Chair of Council (Minute 98/11 refers)

Dr Miller thanked Council for its confidence in his chairmanship expressed through his reappointment as Chair of Council for a further three years.

.2 Council welcomed Will Moore who was in attendance at the meeting in his capacity as incoming Chair of Loughborough Students' Union.

.3 The Chair complimented the Vice-Chancellor and staff on the recent graduation ceremonies and expressed Council's pleasure in a further cohort of successful graduates.

98/31 Vice-Chancellor's Business

The Vice-Chancellor REPORTED that:

.1 In the Queen's Birthday Honours List Dr John Ollerhead (a former member of staff) had received an OBE for his contribution to noise abatement and Dr Mel Richardson had received an MBE for humanitarian aid to China and Tibet. Council offered its warmest congratulations to these colleagues on their recognition.

.2 Under the recently announced outcome of the Government's Comprehensive Spending Review there were indications that the Dearing Report's recommendation that cuts in HE funding should be limited to 1% would be taken on board. Restriction to a 1% cut in HEFCE funding was the most favourable outcome that could be expected but this news needed to be treated with some caution as the detailed settlement was not likely to be clear until November. It had been announced that £1.1bn input was to be made into research but this included £400m already committed by the Wellcome Foundation and targetted towards the biological sciences. It was anticipated that Loughborough University would have more chance of success if it aimed for a share of the £700m research funds that were earmarked for improving the infrastructure in priority areas. Again, more detail was needed before a full assessment could be made of the funding implications.

.3 The Education Bill was travelling between the Houses of Lords and the Commons and it seemed that a compromise had been reached over the issue of English, Welsh and Northern Ireland students paying more towards tuition fees for studying in Scotland than would be paid by Scottish students. It now looked as if the Bill would be passed in time for the 1998/99 academic year.

.4 The new Business School and Economics Building had received extensive coverage in the Architects' Journal and the University would be seeking to continue the publicity campaign.

.5 The Annual Report of the Careers Service Advisory Board reported the commendable results of the 1997 degree awards. Within six months of graduation 63 out of 96 programmes of study had seen 0% unemployment of their 1997 graduates. This reflected the opportunities for development at the University, including the sandwich year, which added value to students during their studies.

.6 The Students' Union was to be congratulated having yet again broken its record for Rag by raising £227K this year. The amounts raised over the previous three years were £204K, £212K and £226K which meant that over the last five years Rag had raised in total over £1m for charity. In the BUSA sports championships the University's men's and women's teams had triumphed again with their 18th and 20th successive victories respectively.

.7 The Daily Telegraph had run articles on 9 and 13 July claiming that standards at universities were in decline citing the increase in first and upper second class honours degrees and a survey of employers as evidence. Loughborough University was referred to by the articles and an extract from paragraph 32 of the TQA report on Electrical Engineering was quoted. The Vice-Chancellor expressed the University's disquiet at this mis-representation and informed Council that not only had a TQA score of 22 out of 24 been awarded but the assessors had stated in paragraph 33 of their report that "Scrutiny of examination scripts and other assessed work, including projects, leads the assessors to support the views of the external examiners that the quality and achievement of the graduates is appropriate." Furthermore the report went on to state "Discussions with employers showed that they had a high opinion of the Department's graduates and that they have been highly satisfied with those they have employed." Council was reassured that Sir Richard Evans, Chairman of British Aerospace, had sent a letter to The Telegraph (copies of which were tabled) correcting the inaccuracy and the matter was being taken up with the CVCP.

Council was informed that a similar theme had been taken up by a recent broadcast of the television programme 'Here and Now' which included an interview with a former member of staff. Whilst it was acknowledged that the individual concerned was well placed to comment on the re-scaling of marks that had been referred to by the programme, the broadcast had omitted the fact that the module in question had been taught by the individual concerned.

The Chair advised Council to keep these items in perspective and that the University would conduct a longer term positive publicity campaign when these specific matters had been addressed. It was clarified that the University was given the opportunity to respond to the allegations prior to appearance of the news articles and broadcast and that full responses had been made which were used only selectively. Council welcomed the suggestion of a member that the Annual Report of the Careers Advisory Board could be made more user-friendly so that it could be used to give greater prominence to the University's success. The Chair reaffirmed the Service importance of a longer term publicity campaign of which the Annual Report could be an important part and that the opinion of employers was of most significance.
ACTION: Director of Careers Service

.8 Following the awards to the Engineering Project of £0.5m and £0.8M from the Garfield Weston Foundation and the HEFCE Research Laboratory Refurbishment initiative respectively. The Vice-Chancellor was now delighted to announce that the Wolfson Foundation had made an award of up to £2.5m to be paid over four years to the Project subject to certain conditions. This award was seen as recognition of the standing of Engineering at the University and would allow the Project to proceed with great confidence. The Chair commended the teamwork that had underpinned the success of the visit of Lord Wolfson to the University and noted the work of Roy Hill (Deputy Estates Director) as Project Officer. The Dean of Engineering expressed his thanks to senior colleagues and to the External Relations Office for their input and gave credit to the enthusiasm and work of Engineering staff.

98/32 Operational Plan 1998-99 [COUN98-P15]

Council received for approval the Operational Plan for 1998-99 which represented the second stage of implementation of the four year Strategic Plan for 1997/98 to 2000/01. The Vice-Chancellor advised Council that a new heading of 'Business in the Community' had been included as a core business that would be built up.

A member queried the methodology that would be used to review deficit departments and produce plans for the removal of deficits (page 7 of Agenda paper). In response the Senior Pro-Vice Chancellor reported that although all three faculties had balanced budgets under their three year business plans there were deficit departments within faculties that were being sustained by surplus departments. It was considered that this position could not continue and that work would have to be carried out with deficit departments to reduce their deficits. Progress had already been made with the Department of Physics and a review of the Department of Chemistry had begun. A member queried whether Council recognised that such a review could lower staff morale and that in some cases there were operational reasons for deficits that could not easily be addressed. It was emphasised that a sensitive approach had been taken to the reviews already underway and that trends of improvement rather than step changes would be sought. It was commented that even though the financial situation of the sector had eased through less than expected cuts in funding, each faculty in the University had still experienced budgetary damage that had impacted even on successful departments.

It was suggested that the University could consider the removal of some modules and the introduction of two year degrees when it conducted its review of deficit departments. It was confirmed that continual programme reviews were conducted. The Pro-Vice Chancellor (Teaching) commented that he would not be in favour of the introduction of two-year programmes within the University.

In response to a query regarding the review of the shortfall in recruitment of research students, the Pro-Vice Chancellor (Research) clarified that there had been a 17% reduction in recruitment this year compared with the previous two years although the reference years did include an initiative in scholarships in preparation for the RAE. It was thought that prospective candidates for scholarships were now finding more lucrative employment elsewhere. With regard to the aim of improving research income, it was recognised that although staff time for generating income needed to be protected there would remain the need to generate audit information although efforts would be made to keep bureaucracy to a minimum.

Council APPROVED the Operational Plan for 1998-99.

98/33 University Budget 1998/99 [COUN98-P16]

Council received a summary budget for the University for 1998/99 as approved by Resources and Planning Committee. The Bursar and Finance Officer reported that all three faculties had agreed balanced business plans and, whilst budgetary damage had been experienced by all three, staff appointments were being made. Nearly all the support services had agreed budgets under which spending of brought forward balances had been severely restricted. The Treasurer expressed his satisfaction with the budget for 1998/99.

It was clarified that depreciation did not include maintenance but this item was included elsewhere in the budget. Members were informed that the reduction in fee income in 1998/99 caused by the introduction of the £1000 fee to replace the banded fees was offset by a corresponding increase in Funding Council grant. It was reported that the budget for LUSAD was not included in the summary although the School had been integrated financially from 1 August and a three year transitional arrangement had not been necessary.

Council ENDORSED the budget for 1998/99 as approved by Resources and Planning Committee.

98/34 Strategic Planning Process [COUN98-P17, COUN98-P18]

.1 Strategy for a New Millenium

The Chair reported that an extra-ordinary meeting of Council had been arranged for 30-31 October that would take the form of a residential conference for Council to make an input to the strategic planning process at an early stage. Council received proposals for the initial stage of the planning process in the Agenda paper 'Strategy for a New Millenium'. A member voiced concern over the difference in salaries paid by industry in comparison with universities and its effect on the ability of the University to recruit 'premier league' staff. The Chair noted the issue raised and observed that Human Resources was an Agenda item for the residential conference.

.2 Planning context

The Registrar presented a paper on the planning context and highlighted increased access, regional developments and life-long learning as important issues for the University. Council's attention was also drawn to the need to improve research income significantly by the year 2001 in order to protect the University's position with respect to public funding.

Two lay members of Council were invited to present to Council their perspective on the planning context. Council was prompted to identify future customers' needs in the context of five markets; global, European, national, regional and local. An objective assessment was needed of the University's current position and what departments could realistically achieve and what their markets might be. All members were encouraged to take an active role in this discussion so that a unique strategy was created for Loughborough University. The Senior Pro-Vice Chancellor invited members to offer views prior to the conference on what themes should be included. It was proposed by a member that Council's consideration of the breadth of activity and culture necessary in a university would be appreciated.

The Chair strongly COMMENDED the residential conference to members.

98/35 Capital Programme [COUN98-P19, P20, P21 and P22]

.1 Progress report

Council received a progress report on the capital programme. It was noted that Forest Court was an off-campus hall of residence that could not be brought to the required standard even with significant investment and that there were concerns also about the facilities at Butler Court. Members were informed that the EHB refurbishment project was on hold pending a decision on how the University would use the Great Hall acquired with the merger of LCAD.

.2 Engineering Project

(a) Progress report

Council received a report from the Deputy Estates Director and noted that following the award from the Wolfson Foundation further work on the design was needed and so a firm cost estimate was not yet available. Concern was raised over whether re-specification of the design would increase the cost of the Engineering Project and have implications for Phase II of the Centre Site Project particularly as it was thought that the estimate for Phase II was too low. The Senior Pro-Vice Chancellor reported that costs of Phase II were likely to be greater than the budget estimate of £1.5m and that information from departments would soon enable proposals for the allocation of space and preliminary costings to be formulated.

The Chair assured members that final approval of Council for the Engineering Project would not be sought before rigorous costings had been completed that took into account fully the requirements of the Wolfson Foundation award and tender information. On this basis Council AUTHORISED the sum of £296K to be released for enabling works to take place on the West Site as specified in the Agenda paper.

(b) Advice on re-building the reserves

In response to Council's request, advice was presented from the Treasurer's Committee on re-building the reserves in the light of anticipated expenditure on the Engineering Project. The Treasurer advised Council that the Committee had looked at the matter in some depth and, following Council's earlier resolution that reserves should not fall below £11.15m (as at July 1998 prices), recommended that:

      1. not less than £2m per annum be allocated out of current income to the Building Fund
      2. the HEFCE's recommended borrowing limits be not exceeded
      3. the ratio of current assets to current liabilities be maintained at least at 1.5:1.0, and not less than the English average
      4. the ratio of long-term borrowing to reserves (both capital and revenue, that is the gearing ratio, be kept below 1:1 and below the English average.

It was confirmed to Council that the plans of the Engineering Faculty for additional revenue generation were feasible, that the University was well placed to meet the requirements of SARTOR in terms of academic standards and that there were increasing expressions of interest in partnerships similar to the British Aerospace model being received from commercial companies.

Accordingly, Council APPROVED the financial strategy recommended by the Treasurer's Committee for re-building the reserves.

.3 Sports Facilities Developments

Council NOTED the progress report of the Registrar on the development of sports facilities. Council was advised that the submission to the Lottery of the swimming pool bid had been delayed pending decisions by the Sports Council on the regional network. However, if this decision was not made in the near future the Lottery bid would be submitted so as not to incur any further delay which could increase building costs. It was CONFIRMED that this pool development would not proceed if the Lottery bid was unsuccessful.

98/36 Loughborough Students' Union Community Action Programme [COUN98-P23]

A report on the Community Action Programme was presented by the outgoing Sabbatical Officer Nick Howes. 1997/98 was the first year that the Programme had its own Sabbatical Officer enabling the Programme to be extended both in its activities and in its recruitment of student volunteers. The Programme included youth work, children's clubs, elderly befriending and the Headway tutoring scheme in local schools. This year the Programme had received a 3M/Loughborough Echo award for a second time. Involvement in the local community was seen to contribute to the development and employability of students and to enhance the reputation of the University. Over the next two years it was hoped that the number of student volunteers would be increased from 200 to 500. Council warmly COMMENDED the Programme for its aims and in wishing it much success hoped that its activities would be extended across the region.

98/37 Corporate Governance [COUN98-P24]

Council received a paper from the Registrar on changes incorporated in the revised Guide for Members of Governing Bodies produced by the Committee of University Chairmen (CUC). Council noted the main revisions in the guidance and AGREED that two matters should be referred for further consideration with recommendations to be brought to the December meeting of Council. Firstly, the Nominating Committee should be asked to review the size of Council and, secondly, the Committee be asked to consider the mechanism for reviewing effectiveness and institutional performance.
ACTION: Dr S C Miller/P W Harrisson

98/38 Co-opted Membership of Council [COUN98-P25 (tabled)]

The Registrar tabled recommendations from the Nominating Committee on membership of Council for the period 1 August 1998 to 31 July 2001 (Minute 98/10 refers). Council APPROVED the following co-options to membership:

Furthermore, on the recommendation of the Nominating Committee endorsement was given to the continued membership of Council by Dr AN Fairbairn for a further one year as an elected member from Court.

98/39 Chair of Council [COUN98-P26]

In accordance with the recommendation of the Registrar detailed in the Agenda paper, Council APPOINTED a Working Group to advise on the appointment of the next Senior Pro-Chancellor to serve from 1 August 2001.
ACTION: Dr J K Green

98/40 LCAD

Council NOTED with great satisfaction that all actions were in place for Loughborough College of Art and Design to become part of the University on 1 August 1998 and looked forward to the future with considerable confidence.

98/41 The Visitor

Pursuant Article 4(ii) of the Charter, it was RESOLVED to petition Her Majesty in Council to re-appoint the Right Honourable Sir Frank Cooper, PC, GCB, CMG, as Visitor of the University for a further five years from 1 August 1998.

98/42 Resources and Planning Committee [COUN98-P27]

.1 It was RESOLVED to approve the following recommendations referred by the Resources and Planning Committee at its 102nd meeting on 5 June 1998:

  1. Estates Management Committee/Security Review Group
  2. Full-time Overseas Tuition Fees 1999/2000

.2 It was RESOLVED to approve the following recommendations referred by the Vice-Chancellor taking Chair’s action on behalf of the Resources and Planning Committee with the advice of the Operations Sub-Committee:

Part-time Overseas Tuition Fees 1998/99 and 1999/2000

98/43 Senate [COUN98-P28]

It was RESOLVED approve the following recommendations referred by Senate at its 320th meeting on 24 June 1998:

.1 Programme Proposals

a. New programmes for introduction in 1998/99 session:

BSc in Business Studies (Peterborough)
MEng in Electronic and Computer Systems Engineering
LPC in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Project Management
MSc in Manufacturing Management

b. New programmes for introduction in the 1999/2000 session:

BSc in Geography and Recreation Management, subject to approval by Operations Sub-Committee
MSc in Exercise Physiology

c. The incorporation of existing validated programmes at Loughborough College of Art & Design into the University’s portfolio, on the merger of LCAD and the University, and revised versions of these programmes for new entrants in the 1998/99 sessions.

BA in Printing
BA in Sculpture
BA in Multi-media Textiles
BA in Printed Textiles
BA in Woven Textiles
BA in Ceramics
BA in Furniture
BA in Silversmithing and Jewellery
BA in Graphic Communication
BA in Illustration
BA in History of Art and Design with Studio Practice

d. The conversion of the following programme from full-time to part-time with immediate effect:

BSC in Retail Automotive Management (Ford)

e. The discontinuation of the following programmes with no further student intake:

MSc in Research for Health Care Professionals
MSc in Human Factors in Information Technology Systems

.2 Research Institutes

a. The establishment of the Institute of Youth Sport.

b. The disbanding of the International Electronics Reliability Institute.

c. The retitling of the Institute of Sports Planning and Recreation Management as the Institute of Sport and Leisure Policy.

.3 An Information Policy for the University

98/44 Staff Review Committee [COUN98-P29]

It was RESOLVED to approve the recommendation referred by the Staff Review Committee that the Procedure Agreement between the University and UNISON be amended (as shown in the Agenda paper) to reflect the agreement reached last year to link future pay awards to those negotiated by UCEA instead of local government.

98/45 Membership of Council and Appointments to Committee Chairs and Standing Committees [COUN98-P30]

.1 Council noted the membership of Council for 1998-99 as thus far determined.

.2 It was RESOLVED to appoint the Chairs of certain Committees for 1998-99.

.3 It was RESOLVED to authorise the Chair to take action on behalf
of Council to make appointments to vacancies on Council Committees, Joint Committees with Senate and other bodies to which Council appoints.
ACTION: Dr S C Miller

98/46 Common Seal [COUN98-P31]

It was RESOLVED to ratify the action of the Registrar in affixing the University Seal to the documents listed.

98/47 Operational Plan 1997-98 [COUN98-P32]

Council NOTED a summary of action taken on the Operational Plan for 1997-98 subject to an amendment to item 4.3 (page 5 of Agenda paper) to show that although the development plan for the Department of Student Guidance and Welfare had been prepared it would not be considered by the Student Services Committee until the Autumn.

98/48 Equal Opportunities Committee [COUN98-P33]

Council received the Annual Report of the Equal Opportunities Committee for 1997-98.

98/49 Careers Service Advisory Board [COUN98-P34]

Council received the Annual Report of the Careers Service Advisory Board for 1996-97.

98/50 Loughborough Students’ Union Annual Report [COUN98-P35]

Council received the Annual Report of Loughborough Students’ Union for 1997.

98/51 Reports of Committees [COUN98-P36]

Council received reports of the following committees:

.1 Audit Committee of 4 June 1998
[A copy of the Annual Internal Audit Report 1997/98 is available from the Secretary on request.]
.2 Health, Safety and Environmental Committee of 12 March and 10 June 1998.
[Copies of the Annual Reports 1997 of the Health and Safety Officer and the Radiological Protection Sub-Committee are available from the Secretary on request.]
.3 Information Services Committee of 29 May 1998
.4 Research Committee of 27 March and 21 May 1998
.5 Residential and Catering Services Committee of 2 June 1998
.6 Resources and Planning Committee of 5 June 1998
.7 Senate of 24 June 1998
.8 Student Services Committee of 3 June 1998

 98/52 Dates of Meetings in 1998/99

Council noted the dates proposed for meetings of Council in 1998-99 as follows:

The starred meeting will take place only if notice is given by a date two weeks prior to the date scheduled for the meeting.

98/53 Valedictory

On behalf of Council, the Chair thanked Jo Willmott, Mark Joyce and Gavin Barfield, for their highly professional representation of the student body on Council over the last year and wished them much success in their future careers.

98/54 Date of Next Meeting

The meeting is intended for the discussion of strategic issues and routine business will not be transacted.

Next Ordinary Meeting:


Author - S K Wheelans

Date - July 1998

Copyright (c) Loughborough University. All rights reserved.